

单词 doleful
释义 dole·ful 英ˈdəʊlfəl美ˈdolfəlAHDdōlʹfəl ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA⁵⁷³⁸⁸BNC³⁵⁶⁹³iWeb⁴⁸²²⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

filled with or evoking sadness;

the child's doleful expression

stared with mournful eyes

mournful news

来自拉丁语dolus, 伤心,词源同condole. 可能与dole在词源上是远亲,原义为砍,切,引申义悲伤。钱博士dol悲伤+e词尾,在此可视为连接字母+ful形容词后缀⇒悲伤的,愁苦的
GRE红宝书来自dole;idol 有了崇拜偶像就不忧郁了,找个喜欢的人来崇拜吧;dollar 金钱和 doll 漂亮女人洋娃娃是令人伤心悲痛的根源dol悲伤+e词尾,在此可视为连接字母+ful形容词后缀⇒悲伤的,愁苦的。词根记忆dole悲哀+ ful ⇒忧愁的词根记忆dole+ful充满…的近义词 down向下sad悲哀的blue蓝色的gloomy阴暗的dreary沉闷的dismal阴沉的rueful悲伤的woeful悲伤的forlorn孤独的mournful悲恸的dolorous忧伤的melancholy忧郁wretched可怜的dejected沮丧的downcast气馁的glum闷闷不乐的sorrowful悲伤的plaintive哀伤的unhappy不快乐的miserable痛苦的lugubrious悲哀的despondent失望的funereal适合葬礼的afflictive给人痛苦的down in the dumps气馁

同义词 afflicted,cast down,cheerless,crestfallen,dejected,depressed,dirgeful,dismal,dispirited,distressing,dolent,dolorous,down,down in the mouth,downcast,downhearted,dreary,forlorn,funereal,gloomy,grieving,lamentable,lugubrious,melancholy,mournful,painful,piteous,pitiful,plaintive,rueful,sad,somber,sorrowful,woebegone,woeful,wretched
反义词 cheerful,elated,glad,gleeful,happy,joyful
afflictedadjective distressed
blackadjective gloomy;dismal
darkadjective grim, hopeless
darkeradjective grim, hopeless
darkestadjective grim, hopeless
dejectedadjective depressed, blue
abject,all torn up,atrabilious,black,bleak,broody,bummed out,cast down,cheerless,clouded,crestfallen,dampened,dashed,despondent,disconsolate,discouraged,disheartened,dismal,dispirited,doleful,down,down in the dumps,down in the mouth,downcast,downhearted,dragged,drooping,droopy,gloomy,glum,heavy-hearted,hurting,in the pits,low,low-spirited,melancholy,miserable,moody,mopey,mopish,morose,sad,sagging,shot down,spiritless,woebegone,wretched A great clamor ensued, followed by the doleful screams of a manatee done wrong.
甚嚣尘上随后,由悲伤遵循做错了一海牛的尖叫声。 bbs.lol.131.com

I was doleful yesterday, I am doleful today, who can forecast tomorrow?
昨日孤独今日寂寞明日谁能预测? xici

Some Indian friend of hers had composed a doleful poem in English in memory of her husband.
她的一位印度朋友用英文写了一篇哀悼的诗来纪念她的丈夫。 yeeyan

The companions quickly fight off the nim, but once again the dark images of Elspeth's past loom in her mind, and with a doleful sigh, she tells the arguing walkers that she cannot go any further.
他们迅速的击退了泞族,但是艾紫培脑海中关于过去的黑色回忆再一次困扰了她,她深深的叹息并告诉争论的同伴们,她不能再向前走了。 iplaymtg

The withering of ancient skills was a doleful theme in Shahabpur.
在沙哈普尔,一些古老技能的毁灭是个悲哀的主题。 ecocn

After a long time, she told the doleful story to her friend and said she felt bemused why he would leave suddenly.
很久以后,她把这件痛心的往事讲给朋友听,仍然不明白为什么他会忽然离去。 ebigear

But the doleful tale dies away.
然后这个悲哀的故事逐渐消失。 blog.sina.com.cn

Having read the mail you sent me yesterday, I felt more than affected as well as doleful.
看了你昨天发给我的长长的邮件,我感到无比的感动,同时也感到很忧伤。 ebigear

His doleful expression showed that he had failed in the examination.
从他悲哀的表情就可以看出他考试没通过。 blog.sina.com.cn

I once thought, in a doleful night.
我曾经想过在寂寞的夜里; yinghanhuyi.org

She’s the one in those doleful portraits of a beautiful, big- eyed, tousle- haired blonde.
她也是路西安众多阴郁肖像中的一个:美丽、硕大的眼睛、凌乱的金发。 yeeyan

The doleful silence was broken at length by the sound of the kitchen latch: Heathcliff had returned from his watch earlier than usual; owing, I suppose, to the sudden storm.
终于这场阴惨惨的沉寂被厨房门闩的响声打破了:希刺克厉夫守夜回来了,比平时早一点;我猜,是由于这场突来的风雪的缘故。 putclub

Then with a doleful sigh, he gave Michael a thorough frisk for a weapon.
然后他悲叹了一声,彻底搜了迈克尔的身,看他是否带有武器。 jukuu

These doleful prophecies, coupled with his very public loathing of monetarism, earned him no friends in government and the grant for his forecasting group at Cambridge was abruptly stopped in1982.
上述令人沮丧的预测,连同他对货币主义的公开反感,使得戈德利在政府没有朋友,其剑桥预判小组的政府拨款也于1982年突然停止了。 ecocn




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