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词汇 recur
释义 re·cur 英rɪˈkɜː美rɪˈkɝAHDrĭ-kûrʹ ★☆☆☆☆高六研IMST6八COCA²⁰⁰¹¹BNC²⁴⁸³²iWeb¹³⁶⁷⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

vi. 再发生

happen again

vi. 重回到

go back in words or thought

happen or occur again;

This is a recurring story

return in thought or speech to somethinghave recourse to;

The government resorted to rationing meat

re-,再,重新,-cur,跑,词源同 course,current.引申诸相关词义。
用作动词 v.
~+副词recur constantly经常浮现recur frequently经常想起recur successively接连再次出现~+介词recur to重现
recur tov.+prep.

借助于 make use of sth helpful

故事记忆超女成名是 Spur激励泪水把眼睛 Blur弄模糊好办法脑中 Occur出现卖了房子买来 Fur毛皮大家都窃笑 Murmur低语说她老毛病 Recur重现re回,复+cur跑→跑回→返回→重来⇒再发生,疾病复发,往事重新浮现非常记忆re再〖词缀〗+cur粗人〖拼音〗⇒再次词根记忆re重新+cur发生→再发生,重现词根记忆re再次+cur=再次跑来近义词 come来again再return返回repeat重复persist坚持relapse复发go back回去come back回来fall back后退reappear再出现resort度假胜地come again再说一遍
S+~+AIf the pain recurs, take this medicine.如果再疼就吃这药。
Leap year recurs every four years.闰年每四年出现一次。
Certain fevers recur at regular intervals.有些发烧症状会周期性反复出现。
It was a phrase that was to recur again and again.这是一个会反复出现的短语。Precure再硫化Phepatorecurrence肝梅毒复发Pneurorecurrence神经梅毒复发Pnonrecurringa.不是一再发生的Precurrencen.再现再发生反复循环Pmeningorecurrence梅毒脑膜再发Precurrenta.再发生的定期重复的循环的Precurring循环的复发的再发的经常的续生的再发生的





用作不及物动词What do you want to make itrecur?如果你能选择的话,你希望让什么重现?
The best way to ensure quality is to write tests that validate data and algorithms and verify that prior mistakes do notrecur.确保质量的最佳方法是编写验证数据和算法并确认以前的错误不再重现的测试。
Our patient was successfully treated with diuretics, and the chylothorax did notrecurduring the following 12 months under a sodium-restricted diet.此病患成功地以利尿剂治疗且合并低钠饮食的控制下,经一年的追踪,乳糜胸并未再发生。verb.happen again;repeat in one's mind
同义词 persist,reappeariterate,recrudesce,reiterate,repeat,return,revertbe remembered,be repeated,come again,come and go,come back,crop up again,haunt thoughts,return to mind,run through one's mind,turn back
反义词 halt,stop
appearverb come into sight
arise,arrive,attend,be present,be within view,blow in,bob up,break through,breeze in,check in,clock in,come,come forth,come into view,come out,come to light,crop up,develop,drop in,emerge,expose,issue,loom,make the scene,materialize,occur,pop in,pop up,present,punch in,punch the clock,ring in,rise,roll in,show,show up,spring,surface,time in,turn out,turn up
appearsverb come into sight
arises,arrives,attends,blows in,bob up,breaks through,breezes in,checks in,clocks in,comes,comes forth,comes into view,comes out,comes to light,crop up,develops,drops in,emerges,exposes,is present,is within view,issues,looms,makes the scene,materializes,occurs,pops in,pops up,presents,punches in,punches the clock,recurs,rings in,rises,rolls in,shows,shows up,springs,surfaces,time in,turns out,turns up
came backverb return
came again,did better,re-entered,reappeared,recovered,recurred,remigrated,resumed,triumphed
come backverb return
come again,do better,re-enter,reappear,recover,recur,remigrate,resume,triumph
comes backverb return
comes again,does better,re-enters,reappears,recovers,recurs,remigrates,resumes,triumphs
coming backverb return
coming again,doing better,re-entering,reappearing,recovering,recurring,remigrating,resuming,triumphing So far, it's all been quite civil, but one of the flashpoints of discontent around the country, especially in the last two years, is about to recur.
抗议活动到目前为止还相当文明,但令美国民众大为不满尤其是在过去两年中的一个热点问题有可能会再次露头。 fortunechina

The same exact circumstances may not recur any time soon, but more heatwaves are inevitable, even without climate change.
也许短期内不会发生完全一样的情况,但是即使没有气候变化,出现更多热浪也是不可避免的。 yeeyan

An alarm has an initial time, a setting for how often it should recur only counts in minutes are possible, and a number of times to recur.
警报有一个初始时间、一个警报重发频率的设置只能以分钟计算和重发次数。 ibm

Archetypes are universal concepts and patterns that recur within a domain or across domains.
原型是在某个域或多个域中重复出现的通用概念和模式。 ibm

Both think that, issued now, Eurobonds would kill what little zeal for reform exists. Both hope stricter rules would not only resolve the crisis but ensure it does not recur.
二者都认为现在发行的欧洲债券会打消改革的热情,希望法律条例的加强不仅可以淡化危机而且确保其不会卷土重来。 ecocn

Emerging- market crises have been too quickly forgotten, which only makes them more likely to recur.
而新兴市场过去的危机被过快的忘记了,这只会让它们更加可能重演历史。 ecocn

Empires decline for many different reasons but certain factors recur.
帝国的衰落有许许多多的原因,但某些因素反复出现。 yeeyan

Episodes of mania and depression typically recur across the life span.
阶段性的躁狂和抑郁通常在一生中反复发作。 yeeyan

If multiple projects employ the same architectural style, the assumption that issues recur will likely hold.
如果多个项目采用相同的架构风格,那么问题发生的假设很有可能成立。 infoq

Issues of discrimination and proportionality recur in every war.
歧视和适度的问题,出现在每一场战争中。 yeeyan

It is the most common form of bladder cancer and, although reasonably easy to treat, it has a tendency to recur.
这是一种最常见的膀胱癌,尽管相对容易治愈,其复发的几率也很大。 ecocn

Let us recur to the subject later on.
让我们稍后再重回到我们的主题。 hjenglish

Ms Peacock also weaves herself into the pages, periodically stepping away from Delany to describe her own alcoholic father, a late, happy marriage, her terror that her husband’s cancer will recur.
皮科克女士还把自己写进了本书,时不时从写德拉尼转移到写自己酗酒的父亲,自己很晚才来临却幸福的婚姻,自己对丈夫癌症复发的恐惧。 ecocn

Once the drugs are stopped, however, symptoms typically recur.
但是一旦停止用药,症状就会复发。 yeeyan

Once this disease is contracted, one can never be really carefree again, for the fever, without an instant's warning, can recur at any moment.
某个人一旦染上了这种病就别想再痊愈,因为这种没有任何征兆就发作的高烧在任何时候都有复发的可能。 hjenglish

Researchers from the University of Oxford announced on Thursday that they have developed the first genetic test for predicting the likelihood that a patient's colon cancer will recur.
牛津大学的研究人员周四声称他们已经开发出第一种基因检测疗法,可以用来预测结肠癌患者复发的概率。 yeeyan

That screen, known as Oncotype Dx, is used widely today and relies on a21- gene assay to tell patients how likely their cancer is to recur and whether their tumors will respond to chemotherapy.
该名为 Oncotype Dx的检测技术今天已得到广泛应用,它通过测试21个基因来判断患者癌症复发的概率,并能告诉患者化疗对其是否有效。 yeeyan

The case studies confirmed that many issues recur.
这些案例研究确定了很多重现的问题。 infoq

There, a dedicated technician tests the drive to see whether a detected fault is likely to recur.
还有一个专门的技术人员对硬盘进行测试,看检测到的故障会不会再次上演。 ecocn

There is not much agreement on the answers, but two themes recur in many explanations.
尽管人们尚未就这两个问题达成一致,但在争论中反复出现了两种论调。 yeeyan

With the debate about US financial reform finally, it appears, about to end, should we all feel safer and more confident that a crisis will not recur?
随着关于美国金融改革的讨论似乎告一段落,我们是否应该感觉安全些自信些,认为这种危机不会重演呢? yeeyan

You can create tests to verify that fixes to problems are permanent and that the same problems don't recur.
您可以创建测试来验证问题修复是永久性的,并且同样的问题不会重现。 ibm

Recur at a specified time interval.
按指定时间间隔重复发生。 ibm




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