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Su·fi 英ˈsuːfiː美ˈsufiAHDs›“fē ☆☆☆☆☆高Economist¹³⁸⁷⁴ 基本英英词源例句例句 n.伊斯兰苏菲派⁵⁰adj.苏菲派的⁵⁰形容词Sufic Noun: a Muslim who represents the mystical dimension of Islam; a Muslim who seeks direct experience of Allah; mainly in Iran Adjective: of or relating to the Sufis or to Sufism穆斯林神秘主义教派成员,来自阿拉伯语 sufi,穿粗羊毛的人,来自 suf,羊毛。因其成员身着 粗羊毛织衣,以示其虔诚的信仰和生活上的安贫而得名。参照百度百科。Once it happened that aSufiwas brought to me.有一次一个苏非教徒被带到我这里。 As students of Sufism, we welcome you to M.T.O.SufiAssociation.作为苏菲主义的学生,我们欢迎你来到Maktab Tarighat Oveyssi苏菲组织。 One of them from IndianSufimysticism goes like this.一个是来自印度苏菲派的故事,它是这样的 A shaykh once visited aSuficenter, known as a khaniqah.一次,有个谢赫去拜访一个著名的苏菲道堂。 First of all: It cannot be a 2000 year oldSufisystem.首先:它不可能是一个二千年的古老苏菲体系。 Because it is aSufimeditation, it is free and non-serious.事实上,它是如此不严肃,你甚至在做的同时可以微笑。 A militant spokesman, Muslim Khan, said the ceasefire was a “ goodwill gesture to the ongoing talks between Sufi Mohammad and the government”. 民兵组织发言人穆斯里·汗宣称,此次停火是“对苏菲·穆罕默德与政府谈判而表现出的善意姿态。” yeeyan A visit to a Sufi mosque that had been bombed by Sunni extremists, for example, sent a powerful message to Pakistan's moderate Islamic majority. 例如,造访被逊尼派极端份子炸毁的苏菲派清真寺就向巴基斯坦温和派的伊斯兰大众传递了一条有力的信息。 yeeyan All the while, money has been flowing into Pakistan from the Arabian Gulf to support a hardline version of Islam, pushing back Pakistan’s more tolerant Sufi-based form. 此后,资金便不断从阿拉伯湾流入巴基斯坦,支持更为强硬的伊斯兰组织,并排挤较温和的伊斯兰苏菲派。 ecocn Fighters of Ahla Sunna Waljama, a Sufi group which has been fighting the Shabab in central Somalia, say they have taken control of several towns close to the border with Kenya and Ethiopia. Ahla Sunna Waljama的斗士们索马里中部一直与青年党抗争的伊斯兰苏菲派团体称他们已经控制了肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚边境附近的几个城镇。 ecocn Interludes of spoken Sufi poetry interrupt the music, typically beginning at a low register and gradually ascending to a climax before calming back down to the beginning tone. 包括苏菲 Sufi诗中的音乐间隔,从低音域开始逐步攀升至高音,然后降到初始调。 ebigear The agreement was signed by Taleban cleric Sufi Mohammad after talks with the North West Frontier Province's government. 在与西北边境省政府谈判后,塔利班长老苏菲·穆罕默德签署了一项协议。 yeeyan The Transcendentalists were especially interested in what they called“ ethical scriptures” and they read widely among the world's religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sufi poetry. 先验论者特别对被他们称作“伦理经文”的书籍感兴趣,他们广泛的阅读印度教、佛教、苏非派等世界各种宗教的诗歌。 yeeyan A bomb recently destroyed the walls of Sinai’s main Sufi shrine, but the dome miraculously dropped intact over the tomb. 最近一枚炸弹炸毁了西奈半岛上主要的苏菲庙的一堵墙,但是整个穹顶确奇迹般的在爆炸中完好无损。 ecocn But Mr Weiss's arrival in Istanbul coincided with the burgeoning of Turkish curiosity about their Ottoman and Sufi roots. 不过,韦斯来到伊斯坦布尔时,土耳其人恰好对过去的奥斯曼时代和苏菲派音乐充满好奇。 ecocn Ecstatic quests for transcendence— and the Cult of Ecstasy itself— have a long history, from the Bacchantes' dances and the Sufi Muslims' whirling to aboriginal vision quests. 狂喜教团追寻超脱已经有很久的历史了,从酒神巴克斯的欢宴和苏非派穆斯林的狂舞到现代土著人的跳大神。 jukuu He say the government plans to file a court case against Sufi Mohammad after conducting a detailed investigation into his extremist activities. 部长说,政府计划在对穆罕默德的极端主义活动进行详细调查之后,向法院提出起诉。 iciba He studied Sufi mysticism in his youth and brought some of its ideas to the West. 他在年轻时研究苏菲神秘主义,并在某种程度上将这种思想传播到西方。 ecocn However, we have already had some interventions, which shows the militants have as yet not accepted the authority of Sufi Muhammed completely. 不过,我们已经看到了一些干预,这表明激进分子还没有完全接受穆罕默德的权威。 ebigear In exchange, Sufi Mohammad promised to persuade Taliban militants, led by his son-in-law Maulana Fazlullah, to lay down their arms. 作为条件交换,穆罕默德答应说服他女婿大毛拉法兹卢拉领导的塔利班激进份子放下武器。 www.voanews.com.cn It has released a senior pro- Taliban Pakistani militant, Sufi Mohammad, whose banned faction has pledged to renounce violence. 他们释放了一名前塔利班高级军事人员巴基斯坦人 Sufi Mohammad。 他的被取缔的派系已经保证放弃暴力。 ecocn It is more radical than the traditional form of Sufi Islam that has existed in the region since the8th century. 它比传统的苏非伊斯兰教更激进,苏非伊斯兰教从8世纪开始,就已经在该地区存在。 yeeyan Many Muslims would be surprised to learn that Rabia al-Adawiyya, a beloved female Sufi saint, was a vegetarian. 许多穆斯林会惊讶地得知,拉比雅·阿德维娅,这位受人爱戴的苏菲女圣人,就是素食者。 blog.sina.com.cn Mr Allawi, himself a Shia Muslim, believes the mysticalor Sufi tradition must be an integral part of the revival of Islamic civilisation. 身为什叶派穆斯林的阿拉维认为复兴能够伊斯兰文明,其宗教的神秘传统苏菲派必不可少。 ecocn Mr Sufi said the talks involved Yemen's vice- president, the US ambassador and tribal and military leaders who have defected to the opposition, Reuters news agency said. 苏菲先生说参加此次会谈有也门副总统,美国大使和已经投靠反对派的军队领导人和部落首领,路透社新闻报道。 yeeyan Mr Sufi says large national banks have customers everywhere. 苏非表示,大的全国性银行在四处都有顾客。 ecocn Pakistani liberals have always taken comfort from the fundamentalists’ poor showing in elections and the tolerant, Sufi version of Islam traditionally prevalent in rural Pakistan. 巴基斯坦自由主义者一直为原教旨主义者们在选举和对宗教宽容的态度方面的糟糕表现而暗自庆幸,这种态度源自巴基斯坦农村地区传统盛行的伊斯兰 Sufi教派。 ecocn Presidential spokesman Ahmed al- Sufi said opposition demands for an immediate transfer of power were unacceptable. 总统发言人艾哈迈德说反对派要求权利立即转移是不可接受的。 yeeyan The Sufi mystics of Yemen were the first to roast and brew the seeds into a drink. 也门的苏菲神秘主义者是第一批将咖啡豆烘烤,并将其酿造成饮品。 hjenglish Yet the Arab canon extends far wider, linking the tribal bards of pre- Islamic Arabia to Sufi mystics, bawdy medieval jesters and angst- ridden modernists. 然而阿拉伯诗歌流传却更为深远,它将前伊斯兰阿拉伯国家的部落诗人与苏菲神秘派、淫秽的中世纪小丑以及饱受焦虑摧残的现代主义者串联在一起。 ecocn Sufi Muhammad has long advocated implementing strict Islamic codes, called Sharia, in Pakistan. 穆罕默德长期以来一直呼吁在巴基斯坦实施严格的伊斯兰法典。 ebigear Sufi holy men from India to Turkey sought to find Allah by gazing upon the beauty of beardless youths. 苏非派的圣人走遍印度和土耳其,在还未蓄须的美少年中间找寻真主阿拉。 yeeyan Sufi music good? 苏非音乐好听吗? yeeyan |