

单词 rectifies
释义 rec·ti·fy 英'rektɪfaɪ美'rektɪfaɪ COCA¹⁷⁰⁸³⁶BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
vt. 改正,矫正

put right

vt. 精馏

make pure

math: determine the length of;

rectify a curve

reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities;

refine sugar

bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one;

The Church reformed me

reform your conduct

set straight or right;

remedy these deficiencies

rectify the inequities in salaries

repair an oversight

make right or correct;

Correct the mistakes

rectify the calculation

convert into direct current;

rectify alternating current

rectify, correct, remedy


1.correct意为“改正”,是普通用语,指改正缺点、毛病、错误,使之符合正确的标准; remedy意为“改善”,多指医治,也可指补救缺点、改进条件等; rectify意为“矫正; 整顿”,是正式用语,多用于正式场合,书面语言中较常用。例如:

Please correct my pronunciation.请纠正我的发音。
It is necessary that we should rectify the style of writing.我们有必要整顿文风。

2.correct解决的是简单的是非问题; remedy是在多种方案中寻找最佳方案,有时也指局部的改进; rectify语气更强烈,表示彻底地变革。例如:

Has your homework been corrected?你的作业批改了吗?
We are prepared to do whatever is necessary to remedy the situation.我们准备采取一切措施来改变局面。
The Party's style must be rectified now.现在必须整顿党风。correct,rectify,remedy,revise,amend







用作动词 v.
~+名词rectify alcohol精馏酒精rectify the mistake纠正错误
近义词 set放置mend修理cure治疗amend修正adjust调整repair修理reform改革refine精炼revise校订right正确的redress赔偿resolve解决reclaim收回remedy治疗法fix使 … 固定regulate调整correct正确的put right改正straighten弄直regenerate再生remediate 治疗的…set right改正健康
S+ ~+n./pron.Please rectify the mistakes in my bill.请改正我账单上的错误。
用作及物动词Pleaserectifythe mistake in my bill.请改正我帐单上的错误。
The captain had torectifythe compass reading.船长不得不校正罗盘读数。
He cleaned the bottle withrectifiedspirit.他用精馏酒精清洗瓶子。
Diodes are electronic devices whichrectifyalternating current to direct current.二极管是将交流电整流成直流电的电子装置。 A Party member who during that time truly rectifies his or her mistake shall have his or her rights as a Party member restored.
党员经过留党察看,确已改正错误的,应当恢复其党员的权利; blog.sina.com.cn

Also humanistic culture rectifies the spiritual crisis caused by scientific culture.
人文文化则使科学文化造成的“精神危机”得以校正。 cnki

Firstly, this article rectifies the widespread fallacies on the relationship between futures trading and practical delivery, points out the limitations of classical study methods.
首先纠正了国内业界对期货交易与实物交割关系的普遍误识,指出传统研究方法的缺陷所在; cnki

If he rectifies his mistakes as soon as he discovers them, he will exercise better command and his soldiers will have greater fighting capacity.
连长发现错误就改,这样就能更好地指挥,部队的战斗力更强。 hotdic

The community rectifies is the China judicial reform new action, the minor criminal is the main community which the community rectifies, simultaneously also is quite special crime community.
社区矫正是中国司法改革的新举措,未成年人罪犯是社区矫正的主要群体,同时也是一个比较特殊的犯罪群体。 dictall

The retrial system is a kind of special remedial procedure which sets for a retrial of the final judgements and rectifies the judicial errors thus to maintain the judicial justice and authority.
再审制度是为纠正司法错误以及维护司法公正与权威而对终审裁判进行再次审理的一种特殊救济程序。 cnki

The second part: The Shandong Province community rectifies the experiment site carrying out condition investigation.

The third part: The Sino-US community rectifies the judicial practice comparison.

At last, the thesis rectifies the concept and the basic principle of administrative law.
最后,文章对行政法的概念及其基本原则进行了确正。 cnki

He departed laden with years, laden with works, laden with the most illustrious and the most fearful or responsibilities, the responsibility of the human conscience informed and rectifies.
他离开人世间时已是古稀之年,但其著作丰富。他肩负着的责任既是世界上最感光荣的,也是最令人畏惧的。 www.zk168.com.cn

However, with the help of the movement capture technology, athlete's achievement also has the possibility of a big promotion through rectifies the posture.
不过,在运动捕捉技术的帮助下,通过矫正姿势,运动员的成绩则有可能大幅提升。 cnki

Seam rectifies many of these problems by naturally integrating with JSF while at the same time weaving in new functionality that the JSF specification committee either renounced or simply overlooked.
通过与 JSF自然地集成,同时加入 JSF规范委员会放弃的或者忽略掉的新功能, Seam解决了很多这样的问题。 ibm

The fourth part: Our country community rectifies system's construction and the consummation.

The firmware also rectifies several minor issues to enhance operation.
该固件亦纠正几个小问题,以加强合作。 morphosis.cc

This article altogether divides into three parts besides the introduction and the conclusion part: The first part of community rectifies the system the evolution.

This article divides into four major parts: The first part: The community rectifies elementary theory.

This installment rectifies the lack of material about agile architecture.
这一期填补了敏捷构架材料缺失的空白。 ibm

Rectifies of various guide vane angles which is used in vortex tube had been designed and fabricated.
设计加工了不同叶片角度的导流叶片形涡流管整流器。 搭建了涡流管性能研究实验台。 cnki




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