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词汇 according to plan
释义 according to plan əˈkɔ:diŋtu:plæn 短语¹⁷⁷⁰⁵
China’s big year as host of the summer Olympics didn’t go quite according to plan.
中国作为东道主举办奥运会的重要年份没有完全按计划度过。 ecocn

The trouble is that minding means sometimes feeling furious when things don't go according to plan.
问题是,专心意味着有时当事情没有按计划进行时,你会感觉愤怒。 neworiental

At Chrysler, everything seems to be going according to plan.

BP aims to have the new, tighter cap in place as early as Monday and said that, as of Saturday night, the work was going according to plan.
英国石油公司在上星期一说他们计划采取新的措施,在漏油处安置一个新的更合适的防漏帽,从周六晚上开始,这项工作正在按计划进行。 yeeyan

But if all goes according to plan, and the new turbine does not need such ministrations, it would put wind in the sails of far- offshore power generation.
但如果一切按计划进行,新型风轮机又不需要这般服侍的话,这项工程可以为远洋发电借来东风。 ecocn

But if all goes according to plan, and the turbine does not need such ministrations, it would put wind in the sails of far- offshore power generation.
当然,如果一切按计划进行,风轮机不需要这样的维护,那么毫无疑问该计划将会使我们进入一个依赖远洋海面风能发电的时代。 ecocn

Even if all goes according to plan, Fed officials said, Mr. Bernanke’s current popularity could sink if the recovery proves slower than many people expect.
即使一切都按计划进行,联储官员表示,如果经济复苏速度比人们预期的慢,伯南克目前的支持率可能会下降很多。 yeeyan

Everything was going according to plan until the night before the embryos were to be implanted.
一切都按计划顺利进行着,但是到了准备植入胚胎的前夜,兰迪犹豫了。 ecocn

From next spring, if all goes according to plan, ICANN will accept bids from anyone who wants to create a new generic suffix.
明年开春,若一切按计划进行, ICANN就会受理任何想要创建新通用后缀名的竞标。 ecocn

I know how things go in F1 and if you look into the detail of the two races, I think everything is still going according to plan.
我知道 F1中事情怎样发展,如果你仔细看两场比赛的详细过程,我觉得一切仍然按计划进行。 yeeyan

If the Porsche merger goes according to plan, a resurgent VW could soon be challenging Toyota for the title of the world’s biggest carmaker.
如果保时捷的收购能按计划进行,一个全新的大众将就“世界最大得汽车制造商”称号挑战丰田。 ecocn

If all goes according to plan, Shenoy expects implants for lab animals within four years.
如果所有的项目都按计划进行的话,谢诺伊希望在四年之内能够在实验室动物身上进行成功植入。 yeeyan

If all goes according to plan, access should be available by the summer of2012, in time for the London Olympics.
如果一切按计划进行,网络应在伦敦奥林匹克,暨2012年夏天前就位。 ecocn

If all goes according to plan, Fed officials will pull the extra money during a recovery, pushing interest rates higher before inflation gets out of hand.
如果一切都按计划的一样进行,美联储官员将在复苏期间把额外的钱收回,在通货膨胀失控之前上调利率。 yeeyan

If all goes according to plan, the Dreamliner will eventually land30 miles south at Boeing Field in south Seattle, where the787 test planes will be based.
如果一切按计划实施,787梦想飞机将着陆在30英里以南的西雅图南部波音机场,测试的787飞机将停驻在该机场。 iciba

If all goes according to plan, the microscope could be generating images by the end of this year.
如果一切都按计划顺利进行的话,这个显微镜能够在今年年底生成首幅影像。 yeeyan

If all goes according to plan, they will soon be joined by a fourth.
如果一切按计划进行,将要有第四个火星探索器加入它们。 ecocn

Like it or not, we need to be willing to embrace it and work on being agile to go with the flow and change with the tides when something doesn’t go according to plan.
不管喜欢与否,当事情没有按计划发展时,我们都得愿意接受改变,敏捷地顺应改变的潮流,继续工作前进。 yeeyan

Now they threaten a deadly blow to Barack Obama’s proudest achievementthe saving of the economy not having gone quite according to plan.
如今,他们给了奥巴马最为自豪的成就重重一击拯救经济没有完全按计划行事。 ecocn

The Barcelona- based company plans to open the first space hotel if all goes according to plan.
这家位于巴塞罗那的公司打算让第一座太空宾馆开张,如果一切能按计划进行的话。 yeeyan




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