

单词 rea
释义 rea
abbr. 农村电气化管理局=Rural Electrification Administration
The change of community knowledge outlook in teachers education is the fundamental rea.
教师教育共同体知识观的转变是教师教育范式转换的根本原因。 dictall

The some small area cuts over success rate low, we then need to be statistics should small rea each item cut over progress, and to result analytical.
某小区切换成功率低,我们则需统计该小区各项切换进程,并对结果分析。 iciba

Those who treat politics and morality as though they were separate rea lms fail to understand either the one or the other.
认为政治和道德是两码事的人既不懂政治又不懂道德。 eol

Thus, The REA accounting mode built on E- R model can be used to build a modern corporate accounting information system.
基于 E- R模式的 REA会计模式适用于构建符合现代企业需求的企业会计信息系统。 fabiao

REA provides financial incentives to investors through its Fund called Rural Energy Fund REF.
农村能源机构通过农村能源资金 REF为投资者提供财政鼓励。 yeeyan

Conclusion Clear and definite diagnosis, quick organization, rea sonable division of work, early treatment and careful nursing are the key points of successful salvage.
结论明确诊断,迅速组织人员,合理分工,及早治疗和细心护理是抢救成功的关键。 cnki

How do I rea-- replace the expression FOR t of n minus 1? Substitute it in again.
我们怎么来代替 t这个表达式呢?,再来替换掉它, t等于。163

How do I get my wife to rea-lize that I work as hard as she does?
我怎么才能让我妻子意识到,其实我和她一样也在辛苦工作呢? ebigear

In this paper, a REA model was used to achieve the alignment of business planning and accounting information system planning.
本文分析了利用 REA模式进行公司规划与会计信息系统规划一致性的可行性。 fabiao

In many criminal cases, the common- law requirement that a defendant must have a mens rea ie, he must or should know that he is doing wrong has been weakened or erased.
在许多刑事案件中,惯例法所要求的被告人应该有犯罪动机如,他必须或者应该知道自己现在所做的事是不正确的的规定已经在逐步地弱化或移除。 ecocn

Increase of ATP flux stimulated cell growth but decreased/span> REA-11 production.
ATP通量的增加可以促进菌体生长,而与 REA-11的合成呈负相关。 cnki

Of course, society sometimes cares about motives— mens rea and scienter are common considerations in legal matters.
当然,社会有时需要关注动机——犯罪意图和主观故意是法律问题常见的考虑。 yeeyan

Radiation energy absorbability REA is a quantity similar to Linear Energy Transfer LET to study the safety of spacecraft in the radiation environment of space.
辐射能量吸收率 REA是一个与线性能量传输 LET类似的物理量,可用于研究航天器在空间辐射环境中的安全问题。 zidian8

Since consciousness and willing are characterized by subjectivity, it is hard for the prosecution to prove mens rea in criminal proceedings.
由于意识与意志的主观性,在刑事诉讼中,犯意的证明一直是困扰控方的难题。 dictall

Some of ecological environmental changes rea conducive to control or elimination of schistosomiasis, but some ecological environment may lead to the spread of snails and schistosomiasis.
有些生态环境变化有利于控制或消除血吸虫病,而有些生态环境变化可能导致钉螺扩散和血吸虫病蔓延。 zgxfzz

The paper utilize the more advanced data collection method of GIS to develop a set of electric maps which can show the simulated GPS information in rea.
在车辆导航系统中,通常采用 GPS来获得车辆的位置信息,并准确地在电子地图上显示和定位。 dictall

The principle and process for the alignment of accounting information system planning and business planning, base on REA model, were discussed.
最后,本文通过一个轮胎分销商的案例详细阐释了基于 REA的公司规划——会计信息系统规划一致性实现过程。 fabiao

Thirdly, because of his teachers and friends encouragement, Ruan Yuan has come into being not keeping to one teacher and being practical and rea.
其三,在师友的砥砺中,阮元形成了不固守一家、博大精深、实事求是的治学宗旨。 dictall

To carry out satisfactory REA, the mine warfare community and oceanographic researchers are carrying out extensive studies into the use of AUVs in this role.
去进行满意的 REA,水雷战团体和海洋学研究人员正在对 AUV在这一个任务的使用进行广泛的研究。 armsky

Tuesday rea is started to rebound.
周二雷亚尔开始反弹。 blog.sina.com.cn

Undoubtedly the mens reaguilty mind principle that has been established by modern criminal law is a grandeur contribution to humane civilization and it is a monument of criminal law's history.
近现代刑法中确立的罪过原则无疑是近现代刑法对人类文明所做出的一大贡献,它是刑法史上的一座丰碑; cnki




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