

单词 raving
释义 rav·ing 英ˈreɪvɪŋ美ˈrevɪŋAHDrāʹvĭng ★☆☆☆☆高GCOCA³⁴¹⁹⁶BNC³¹⁸⁶⁷iWeb³⁴⁶⁸⁰Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
declaiming wildly;

the raving of maniacs

in a raving manner;

raving mad

来自 rave,发狂,发疯。rave极力赞扬stark raving mad完全疯了的; 傻透了…
rav-ing动名词⇒adj.胡说的¹⁴;疯狂的³⁴;非凡的n.胡说¹⁷;疯话动词rave的现在分词形式.近义词 wild野生的angry生气的ablaze着火的crazed疯狂的raging狂暴的violent猛烈的rampant猖獗的frantic疯狂的furious狂怒的stormy暴风雨的frenzied疯狂的irrational无理数delirious神志昏迷的uncontrollable无法管束的distracted注意力不集中的…ravinglyraving的副词形式…gibbering动词gibber的现在进…

用作形容词The man is aravinglunatic.这个人是一个胡说八道的疯子。
You're starkravingbonkers!你完全疯了!
His latest novel is already aravingsuccess.他最近出版的小说已经是一个了不起的成功。用作名词adj.maniacal
同义词 berserk,fuming,irrational,ranting,wilddelirious,frenzied,mad,phrenetic,violent
beside oneselfadjective in a panic
agitated,anxious,berserk,bothered,carried away,crazed,delirious,demented,distraught,distressed,frantic,frenetic,hysterical,insane,mad,out of one's mind,out of one's wit,overwrought,rattled,shook-up,unbalanced,unhinged,upset,very upset,worked-up
crazedadjective insane
berserk,certifiable,crazy,demented,deranged,frenzied,hysterical,lunatic,mad,maniac,manic,mental,out of one's mind,psychopathic,raving
deliriousadjective mentally imbalanced
aberrant,bewildered,confused,crazed,crazy,demented,deranged,deviant,deviate,disarranged,disordered,distracted,disturbed,flipped,flipped-out,hallucinatory,incoherent,insane,irrational,lightheaded,lunatic,mad,maniac,maniacal,manic,off one's head,out of one's head,out of one's skull,rambling,raving,unhinged,unreasonable,unsettled,wandering
deliriumnoun wild emotion
distraughtadjective very upset, worked-up
addled,agitated,anxious,beside oneself,bothered,concerned,confused,crazed,crazy,discomposed,distracted,distrait,distressed,flustered,frantic,harassed,hysterical,in a panic,like a chicken with its head cut off,mad,muddled,nonplussed,nuts,out of one's mind,overwrought,perturbed,rattled,raving,shook-up,thrown,tormented,troubled,unglued,unscrewed,unzipped,wild,worried
fanaticaladjective overenthusiastic
biased,bigoted,bugged,burning,contumacious,credulous,devoted,dogmatic,domineering,enthusiastic,erratic,extreme,fervent,feverish,fiery,frenzied,headstrong,high on,immoderate,impassioned,impulsive,incorrigible,infatuated,mad,monomaniacal,narrow-minded,nuts for,obsessed,obsessive,obstinate,opinionated,partial,partisan,passionate,possessed,prejudiced,rabid,radical,raving,single-minded,stubborn,turned on,unruly,violent,visionary,wild,willful,zealous All I have to say to that is that if I am slightly mad, there are a large number of people I could name who are raving lunatics!
在这方面,我要说的是,如果说我有一点疯了,我倒可以连名带姓指出许许多多的人是语无伦次的疯子! tdict

And it was very popular—it got literally hundreds of rave reviews, and no negative reviews: the Washington Post, the New York Times, everybody was just raving about it.
当时,它非常受欢迎,而且得到了数百条好评,没有一条负面评论。 在《华盛顿邮报》、《纽约时报》上,大家都在热烈谈论它。 yeeyan

It wasn’t an easy brief for an illustrator, but when the results landed on his desk in January, our art director, Graham Black, was raving about their subtlety.
对于插图画家来说,给自己的图画做一个好的说明并不是很容易,不过一月份当最终作品摆上我们的艺术指导格雷厄姆·布莱克的桌面时,他对于其中的微妙欣喜若狂。 ecocn

The critics were raving about the new movie.
影评家都为这部新电影倾倒。 huixue

The newspaper reporters are all raving about the young singer's performance, which has given the whole city such pleasure.
新闻记者对年轻歌手的演唱都在大加赞扬。这次演唱给整个城市带来了极大的欢乐。 hotdic

Before you know it well, in24 hours, actually, the whole Rational community will be raving about your epic masterpiece.
在您知道之前实际上,24小时内整个 Rational社区将为您伟大的杰作而赞叹。 ibm

But for me, the alternative— going stark raving mad at my desk— isn't worth it.
但是对我来说,选择完全疯狂的趴在办公桌前是不值得的。 yeeyan

But for me, the alternative— going stark raving mad at my desk— isn’t worth it.
但是对于我来说,这种交替—在办公桌前疯掉——是不值得的。 yeeyan

He was raving like a lunatic. We all heard him, didn't we?
他像个疯子一样胡言乱语。我们都听到了,是吗? douban

I just heard about it from a friend and he was just raving about it.
我从一个朋友那里听说的,他对那里赞不绝口。 ebigear

I had run it twice, and I began raving about the excitement in Hopkinton, the screaming crowds at Wellesley, and the challenge of Heartbreak.
我已经跑了两次波士顿马拉松,我开始为Hopkinton的刺激、 Wellesley那些欢呼的人群,还有 Heartbreak山的挑战而倾倒。 yeeyan

Jean Valjean stared him straight in the eye and thought that he was raving.
冉阿让直着双眼,老望他,以为他在说胡话。 ebigear

She passed a part of the night in delirium and raving. At length, however, she fell asleep.
她在昏迷中大声叫喊,胡言乱语,闹了大半夜,到后来却睡着了。 ebigear

Sheep and deer have also been reported as being raving opium fiends.
据相关报道,绵羊和鹿也是吸食鸦片“上瘾”的动物。 yeeyan

The guests had been raving about it.
客人们都为它倾倒了。 yeeyan

The initial team of four had huge fun learning Scala: often one of us would come in raving about this new Scala feature we'd discovered and sharing it with the rest of the team.
最开始的四人小组学 Scala学的很开心:经常是一个人发现了一个 Scala的新特性,然后就激动不已,跟整个团队分享。 infoq

THOUGH Bagehot is a hand- wringing liberal on many subjects, when it comes to dodgy public art taxpayer funded or no he is a raving conservative.
尽管白芝浩在很多主题上是一个绝望的自由主义者,但谈到那些不太靠谱的公共艺术用的是纳税人的钱,或者不是时,绝对是一位保守主义者。 ecocn

Yet, despite all her raving and ranting, they always arrived late, surrounded by an angry cloud of silence.
然而,无论她怎么大喊大叫,他们总是迟到,于是最后全家人被气愤的沉默笼罩着。 yeeyan

Raving of the reason was likeness to God, and doubt was sin.
胡编乱造出道理是取悦神,而怀疑则是罪过。 yeeyan




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