

单词 pillar
释义 pil·lar 英ˈpɪlə美ˈpɪlɚAHDpĭlʹər ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝4八COCA⁹¹⁹⁴BNC¹⁰⁷⁴⁷iWeb⁶⁰⁹¹Economist⁹⁴²⁹


a tall upright round post used as a support for a roof


an important member and active support

a fundamental principle or practice;

science eroded the pillars of superstition

anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower;

the test tube held a column of white powder

a tower of dust rose above the horizon

a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite

a prominent supporter;

he is a pillar of the community

a vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything such as a monumentarchitecture a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structure它和单词pile堆;大量同源,且二者的拉丁原词pila就表示“柱子”;同源的还有pilaster壁柱;半露柱。“堆”和“柱”的关系不难理解,形态上都向上隆起。
用作名词 n.
动词+~plane a pillar刨削柱子形容词+~gigantic〔huge, massive〕 pillar大柱子mighty〔staunch〕 pillar坚强的柱石介词+~from pillar to post从一处到另一处,走投无路groove in a pillar柱子上的槽~+介词pillar of fire火柱
用作名词n.from pillar to post

四处奔走,到处碰壁from one place or difficulty to another

pill=pil,垒,堆积+ar=-ary,形容词和名词后缀→堆积而成之物→柱子,墩⇒栋梁,台柱。非常记忆pill药片〖熟词〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗⇒吃了药片的矮人撞到了柱子发音记忆“劈了”→他一生气把那柱子给劈了→柱子谐音记忆音“劈了”⇒劈了柱子当材烧GRE红宝书源自pile 桩子 + er东西近义词 postcolumnsupportupright
用作名词n.I fell asleep against a pillar.我靠在一根柱子上睡着了。
He was a pillar of the club for over thirty years.30多年来他一直是这个俱乐部的顶梁柱。Ppillarbox邮筒Ppillaretn.小柱Ppillar-boxn.邮筒信筒Ppillareda.有柱的成柱状的

用作名词The robber tied him to apillar.强盗把他捆在柱子上。
A creeper was entwined round thepillar.一根攀缘植物缠绕在柱子上。
The enemy was hurried frompillarto post.敌人被赶得东逃西窜走投无路。
The textile industry is a traditionalpillarindustry in China.纺织工业是中国传统的支柱产业。
State-owned enterprises are thepillarof the national economy.国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱。
Fanny is apillarof the chess club.范妮是象棋俱乐部的核心人物。
He had been thepillarof the club all his life.他一生都是这个俱乐部的台柱。
He has been apillarof the Church all his life.他一生都是教会的热心支持者。noun.column of building, or freestanding column
同义词 pedestalcolonnade,mast,obelisk,pier,pilaster,piling,post,prop,shaft,stanchion,support,tower,uprightnoun.mainstay;source of strength
同义词 backboneleader,light,rock,sinew,supporter,upholder,worthyguider,tower of strength
anchornoun something used to hold another thing securely
ballast,bower,comfort,defense,fastener,foothold,grapnel,grappling iron,grip,hold,hook,kedge,mainstay,mooring,mud hook,protection,safeguard,security,staff,stay,support
beamnoun length of material used as support
cornerstonenoun vital element
anchor,base,essential,foundation,key element,keystone,linchpin,main ingredient,mainspring,mainstay,pillar
mainstaynoun chief support
anchor,backbone,brace,bulwark,buttress,crutch,good right arm,linchpin,maintainer,pillar,prop,right-hand person,sinew,staff,standby,stay,strength,supporter,sustainer,upholder
mainstaysnoun chief support
anchors,backbones,braces,bulwarks,buttresses,crutches,good right arms,linchpins,maintainers,pillars,props,right-hand persons,sinews,staffs,standbys,stays,strengths,supporters,sustainers,upholders
memorialnoun monument, testimonial in honor, praise
cairn,ceremony,column,headstone,inscription,keepsake,mausoleum,memento,monolith,obelisk,pillar,plaque,record,relic,remembrance,reminder,shaft,slab,souvenir,statue,stele,tablet,token,tombstone,trophy The ill man had a pill and sat on the pillar in stillness until now.
那个坏人吃了一颗药丸后静止不动地坐在柱子上直到现在。 hjenglish

When a venerable Saudi cleric in the holy city of Mecca challenges a central pillar of Saudi society, it is big news.
一位来自圣城麦加,受人尊敬的修士,向沙特阿拉伯社会最重要的支柱发起挑战,这可是一条大新闻。 yeeyan

And gold, once the pillar of South Africa's mining wealth, has been in decline.
而且黄金曾经是南非矿业财富的支柱,现在产量也在呈下降趋势。 ecocn

Another suggested that they put a giant pillar in the middle.
另一方案建议在教堂中竖立一根巨型支柱。 yeeyan

Building on the mother language, the learning of multiple languages must be a pillar of21st century education.
在母语的基础上进一步学习多种语言必须成为21世纪教育的一个支柱。 hjenglish

But news is not just a product: the press is the fourth estate, a pillar of the polity.
然而,新闻却不是一件产品,新闻产业作为一个政体的支柱,乃社会的第四权。 topsage

For me I think that the open internet is not only an important business thing, I think it’s the pillar for an open society in the21st century.
对我来说,我认为开放型网络不仅仅是一个重要的商业因素,我认为它是21世纪开放型社会的支柱。 yeeyan

If the Higgs boson does show up, physicists will breathe a sigh of relief, because it is a central pillar of particle physics.
如果希格斯玻色子最终露面,那么物理学家将如释重负,因为它是粒子物理学中的关键支柱。 yeeyan

Jobs's immersion in Zen and passion for design almost certainly exposed him to the concept of ma, a central pillar of traditional Japanese aesthetics.
以乔布斯对禅的沉浸和对设计的热爱,他几乎肯定钻研过“无”这一日本传统美学的中心支柱观念。 lailook.net

Mother had always been just as she was, a pillar of strength, a fount of wisdom, the one person who knew the answers to everything.
母亲从来就是现在这个模样,是一根力量的支柱,一个智慧的源泉,一位对任何问题都能够解答的人。 kekenet

One girl hides behind a pillar; another, the one sitting atop the fountain, seems to flinch and cower.
另一个女孩躲在了柱子的后面。坐在喷泉台子上的仙女因惊恐畏畏缩缩。 yeeyan

The other pillar, with its network, was similar.
那一根柱子,照此一样,也有网子。 ebigear

They are experimenting with funding the second pillar.
它们正在试验为第二支柱建立基金。 worldbank

This pillar aligns enterprise services to enterprise functions where the service becomes an entity or representation of a “ unit of work” that the business performs.
这个支柱将企业服务映射为企业的业务功能,它将企业服务变为企业业务的一个实体单元和展示。 infoq

With the aid of a tracking motor, the CPV cells, which are attached to a pillar, follow the sun precisely to achieve an optimized yield of solar light.
通过一组追踪器的辅助,安装在一个柱子上的 CPV电池可以精确的追踪太阳从而达到产生最佳太阳光线的效果。 blog.sina.com.cn

Working with examples as specifications of features and automating tests based on those examples is a key pillar of BDD, but it might not be all of it.
使用实例作为功能的需求说明,并基于那些实例进行自动化测试是 BDD的核心支柱,但是它可能不止这些。 infoq




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