

单词 ravages
释义 rav·age·s 美'rævɪdʒɪz ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁸⁵³⁴BNC²⁰²⁸³iWeb²⁴⁸⁷²Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
usually plural a destructive action;

the ravages of time

the depredations of age and disease

make a pillaging or destructive raid on a place, as in wartimescause extensive destruction or ruin utterly;

The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion

ravage-s复数⇒v.毁坏¹²;破坏⁴¹;掠夺n.蹂躏³⁵近义词 ruin毁灭sack袋子waste废物damage损害prey牺牲者pirate海盗destroy破坏despoil夺取pillage掠夺plunder掠夺havoc大破坏scourge灾难wreck使…失事raze夷为平地mischief淘气devastate毁坏harry不断骚扰desolate荒凉的desolation荒芜ransack彻底搜索depredation掠夺lay waste to糟蹋lay waste荒芜尚未开垦…反义词 preserve保护

用作动词The forests wereravagedby fire.森林毁于火灾。
Is it for you toravageseas and land?你认为海洋和陆地将被破坏吗?
Bands of soldiersravagedthe village.成群的士兵洗劫了村庄。用作名词The rape of the countryside had a profoundravageon them.对乡村的掠夺给他们造成严重创伤。
I will gain strange powers in thisravage.于是我在这毁灭中获得诡异的力量。
As the disease begins toravagethe self-network, people may undergo strange changes in personality.等到这个疾病开始蹂躏自我的神经网络时,病人的个性就可能出现奇怪的转变。
Soldiersravagethe land in search of another Dragon Ball, destroying anything that gets in their way.士兵们肆意蹂躏着这片土地,以横扫一切的势头搜寻着另一颗龙珠。as in.devastation
同义词 confusion,desolation,havoc,ruindefoliation,demolition,depredation,loss,pillage,plunder,ruination,spoliation,waste
反义词 constructionbuilding,creationas in.havoc
同义词 calamity,cataclysm,catastrophe,chaos,confusion,destruction,devastation,disruption,mayhemdamage,desolation,dilapidation,disorder,loss,plunder,ruination,shambles,vandalism,waste,wreck,wreckagedespoiling,rack and ruin
反义词 blessing,boon,building,calm,construction,creation,good fortune,good luck,happiness,harmony,miracle,order,organization,system,wonderpeace
devastationnoun destruction
havocnoun chaotic situation
calamity,cataclysm,catastrophe,chaos,confusion,damage,desolation,despoiling,destruction,devastation,dilapidation,disorder,disruption,loss,mayhem,plunder,rack and ruin,ravages,ruination,shambles,vandalism,waste,wreck,wreckage A war that ravages our planet until it was consumed by death.
战争在我们的星球横行,直到彻底毁灭了这个世界。 ebigear

It was already too late though for Iraq's southern Shia, who despite western support for their uprising, were left to the ravages of the Iraqi Republican Guard, and killed in their thousands.
尽管西方支持伊拉克南部什叶派的起义,上述措施还是来得太迟了,其已饱受伊拉克共和国卫队的蹂躏,有数千人惨遭杀害。 ecocn

Let's be frank: Neither of us profits from a growing dependence on foreign oil, nor can we spare our people from the ravages of climate change unless we cooperate.
坦率地说,我们必须展开合作,否则我们两国将受制于对外国石油的更大依赖,我们的人民将饱受气候变化之苦。 hjenglish

The daffodils which challenge so proudly and splendidly the boisterous March winds are soon shriveled and defeated, limply wrinkling to remind us of the inevitable ravages of time.
曾经那么骄傲而辉煌地迎战三月狂暴寒风的水仙,不久就会凋零衰败,无力而皱巴巴地提醒我们由时间造成的不可避免的损害和创伤。 yeeyan

Africa has yet to recover from the ravages of the slave trade or the subsequent era of colonization.
非洲尚未从奴隶贸易的破坏中,或从其后的殖民时代恢复元气。 hjenglish

But it is not just the shortage of skilled manpower that is to blame, or even the ravages of HIV/AIDS.
但究其原因,并不只是缺少高水平人员,甚至不是因为艾滋病毒的肆虐。 ecocn

Despite the ravages of AIDS and a plethora of other diseases Africa’s populations continue to outstrip the carry capacity of the continental resource base.
尽管饱受艾滋病和诸多其它疾病的蹂躏,但是非洲人口仍在继续增长并超过这块大陆生态环境的承载能力。 yeeyan

Having a big head may help protect against the worst ravages of dementia, say researchers.
研究人员说,拥有一个大脑袋可以防止痴呆造成的最严重的破伤害。 yeeyan

Magnetic tape is claimed to be the best, with a shelf life of up to30 years in optimal conditions, but even it eventually succumbs to the ravages of time.
磁带宣称是最好的媒介,在最优情况下其保质期能够达到30年,但是即使是磁带,最后也会遭受由于时间带来的毁坏。 yeeyan

Negotiators have released a draft version of a new global agreement on climate change, which is widely billed as the last chance to save the planet from the ravages of global warming.
谈判人员发布了一份新的全球气候变化协议草案,这已经被广泛标榜为把地球从全球变暖的蹂躏中拯救出来的最后机会。 yeeyan

Only this kind of fundamental reform will cure the ravages of inflation.
唯有这样的根本性变革才会治愈通货膨胀之害。 yeeyan

Rescue my life from their ravages, my precious life from these lions.
求你救我的灵魂,脱离他们的残害,救我的生命,脱离少壮狮子。 ebigear

Researchers are exploring the use of such biological tools as stem cells and gene triggers to prevent— and even reverse—the ravages of time.
研究人员正在探索,使用干细胞及基因触发等生物手段,来防止——甚至逆转——时间对皮肤的摧残。 blog.sina.com.cn

Scientists say the findings, published in the journal Molecular Neurodegeneration, suggest the ravages of dementia“ might be slowed or avoided through healthy eating”.
在期刊的分子神经变性一文中,科学家指出,痴呆症对脑部的破坏“或许可以通过健康饮食来调理,甚至是清除。” yeeyan

This work, peculiar to the whole of Europe, effected more ravages in Germany than anywhere else.
这部著作,风行于整个欧洲,在德国比在任何地方为害更烈。 ebigear

We must address the fundamental aspects of computer games to achieve a conclusion that will withstand the ravages of time and change.
我们必须从电脑游戏的各方各面去考虑。结论是,它一定能在岁月的变迁中经受住考验。 yeeyan

While the West still worries about the ravages of deflation, emerging markets in Asia are beginning to contemplate what to do about the opposite problem: inflation.
欧美仍在担心通货紧缩之时,亚洲新兴市场正开始考虑如何应对截然相反的问题:通货膨胀。 iciba




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