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词汇 Raley
释义 RaleyEconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Acting on impulse, Raley peeled a cold can of beer from the plastic webbing and tossed it to the old man, who, revealing excellent reflexes, caught it in one hand.
雷利一时冲动,从塑料网袋中拿出一罐冰凉啤酒抛给他。 老头反应神速,只手接住。 yeeyan

Scandalized, wronged by the people he trusted most, Raley was forced to surrender the woman he loved and the work to which he’d dedicated his life.
由于受到最信任之人的诽谤中伤,雷利被迫放弃所爱的女人和投入了毕生心血的工作。 yeeyan

The area surrounding the cabin was also littered with junk that was never utilized so far as Raley could tell.
小屋周围的空地,也堆满了在雷利看来永远不会有用的杂七杂八的东西。 yeeyan

With the carcass dangling from his hand, the old man looked Raley over, from his baseball cap and bearded face to the toes of his hiking boots.
他手里晃动着负鼠尸体,眼睛上下打量着雷利,从头戴的棒球帽和胡须巴扎的脸一直看至穿着登山鞋的足尖。 yeeyan

Raley’s heart hitched, automatically thinking disaster.
雷利心里咯噔一下,不由自主地想到了灾难。 yeeyan

A curl of faded red paint flaked off when the wood frame slapped closed behind Raley as he stepped into the one- room cabin.
雷利走进那个单间小屋,身后木门框“啪”地关上时,一团褪色的红漆应声而落。 yeeyan

And then one evening at sunset, Delno showed up at Raley’s cabin, bringing with him two Mason jars filled with a murky liquid that he’d fermented himself.
后来的一个日落黄昏,德尔诺来到雷利的小屋,手里拿着两个金属螺盖玻璃瓶,那两个瓶子装满了令德尔诺自己兴奋不已的浑浊液体。 yeeyan

And this morning when he raised his head from staring into his coffee mug and looked up at Raley, he was wearing that same expression of despair.
而这个早上,当老头把盯着咖啡杯看的头抬起来看雷利时,仍然满脸是同样绝望的表情。 yeeyan

As Raley and Britt discover more about what happened that fateful day, the more perilous their situation becomes, until they’re not only chasing after the truth but running for their lives.
随着雷利和布丽特对那悲惨的一天所发生的事情了解越多,他们的处境就越危险。 于是,他们一边追查真相,一边逃命。 yeeyan

At least to Raley these were chance meetings.
至少对雷利而言,是偶然相遇。 yeeyan

But Raley never forgot the bleakness with which Delno had looked at him that morning.
而且那天早上德尔诺看着他的忧郁眼神,雷利永远不会忘记。 yeeyan

By then, Delno had drained both jars. Raley was simply drained— emotionally, mentally, physically.
到那时,德尔诺已喝干了两瓶酒,雷利简直是精疲力竭——感情上、精神上和肉体上。 yeeyan

Firefighter Raley Gannon, Jay’s lifelong friend, was off-duty that day.
消防员雷利•甘农,杰伊的终生好友,那天不当班。 yeeyan

He uncapped one of the jars and passed it to Raley, who sniffed the contents, then shook his head and passed it back.
他打开其中一瓶的瓶盖,递给雷利。 雷利用鼻子闻了闻,摇摇头,递回给他。 yeeyan

His eyes were naked and unguarded for the first time since Raley had known him, and Raley knew he was looking straight into the soul of a man who’d experienced indescribable heartache.
自雷利认识他以来,老头的眼睛头一回毫无掩饰,毫无防备。雷利明白,老头正在直视经历了难以言说的心痛之人的灵魂。 yeeyan

It was a miracle to Raley that he ever got the contraption started, but as Delno said, “ It ain’t pretty, but it gets me anywhere I want to go.”
雷利觉得,老头可以让那个奇妙装置跑起来,真是个奇迹,但正如德尔诺所说:“虽然不中看,但我想去哪里,它就可以把我带到哪里。” yeeyan

It was an investigation he never got to complete. Because on one calamitous night, Raley’s world was shattered.
那是一个他永远无法完成的调查工作,因为在一个不幸的晚上,雷利的世界坍塌了。 yeeyan

Later, when Raley left with several sacks of groceries, he noticed the old man sitting in a chair on the shaded porch of the store, fanning himself with his straw hat.
后来雷利提着几袋东西离开时,注意到老头坐在商店遮荫门廊的椅子上,用草帽给他自己扇风。 yeeyan

Shortly after Raley had moved into the vicinity, the two had come upon each other in the woods.
此前,雷利搬到那个地方不久,他俩就在林中相遇。 yeeyan

The old man was there, holding a chipped ceramic bowl containing a heap of some raw animal flesh that Raley couldn’t identify.
那老头站在门口,手里拿着一只破损的陶瓷碗,碗里装着一团生肉。 yeeyan

They never again referred to anything Raley had told him that night.
此后,他们再也没有提起那天晚上雷利告诉他的事情。 yeeyan

Raley came to suspect that his hillbilly accent and vocabulary were affected.
雷利怀疑,他的乡巴佬口音和用语都是故意伪装的。 yeeyan

Raley took the bowl thrust at him. “ Thanks.”
雷利将碗塞回给他:“谢谢。” yeeyan

Raley wasn’t aware that anyone lived within miles of the cabin he’d recently purchased.
雷利并未意识到,在他最近购买的小屋数英里范围内,还住有其他人。 yeeyan

Raley could hear his laughter long after he disappeared into the dense foliage.
雷利还在听着他吃吃的笑声,他的人影却早已消失在浓密的树林中了。 yeeyan

Raley pulled open the rusty screen door, its hinges squealing.
雷利拉开锈迹斑斑的纱门时,门铰发出咯吱咯吱的声音。 yeeyan

Raley set the newspaper bundle on one of the rusty wire shelves, then quickly shut the door against the mingled odors of cream gone bad and general spoilage.
雷利把一卷包着鲶鱼的报纸放在其中一个锈迹斑斑的冰箱格子上后,迅速关上冰箱门,以阻挡已经变质的乳酪和完全腐烂的食物发出的混合异味。 yeeyan

Raley was staring down into the beady eyes of a dead opossum when the old man came crashing through the underbrush and said, “Don’t even think about it.”
雷利当时低头在看一只死负鼠圆鼓鼓的双眼,那位老头从灌木丛中冲过来,说:“休想拿走。” yeeyan




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