

单词 cardinal sin
释义 cardinal sin ˌkɑːdɪnlˈsɪn ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁵⁵⁹⁸⁰
In August2007, an Air Force unit mistakenly flew six nuclear warheads across the US on a B-52—a cardinal sin to an old Cold Warrior like Gates.
2007年8月,空军某部一架载有6个核弹头的 B-52轰炸机错误地飞越美国——对于像盖茨一样的冷战老勇士来说,这是一桩蠢事。 yeeyan

Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin: impatience. Because of impatience they were expelled, because of impatience they do not return.
也许唯一的原罪就是:缺少耐心。因为缺少耐心我们被驱逐,因为缺少耐心我们不能返回。 blog.sina.com.cn

That's cardinal sin number one.
这是罪加一等。 hicoo

The English were in no mood to spare the feelings of an upstart people who had committed the cardinal sin of ingratitude.
英国人决不愿饶恕那些不知情道谢的自命不凡的家伙们的感受。 iciba




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