

单词 pursuing
释义 pur·sue 英pə'sjuː美pər'suː 高COCA⁶⁵⁵⁹BNC⁶⁸⁶¹iWeb³⁶²⁹⁴Economist⁵⁷⁹⁰
vt. 追捕,追击

follow, especially in order to catch, kill, or defeat.

vt. 继续,从事,经营

continue with; be busy with

carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in;

She pursued many activities

They engaged in a discussion

follow in or as if in pursuit;

The police car pursued the suspected attacker

Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life

go in search of or hunt for;

pursue a hobby

carry further or advance;

Can you act on this matter soon?

pursue, chase, follow, tag, tail, trail


1.follow指跟随起引导作用的人或物或遵循他人的计划; 而pursue指为达到某个目的而坚持不懈地紧跟、追赶或追求某人、某物或某种事业。跟随他人的计划时用follow,追随自己的计划时用pursue。例如:

She has pursued the goal of perfection in her art.在艺术中,她追求完美。
She pursued the study of French for four years.她坚持学了四年法语。
The country has always pursued a policy of peace.该国一直奉行和平政策。

2.chase指迅速追赶在逃的目标以便将其抓获或赶走,而follow则指继之而来或去。tag指不断地纠缠或恼人的尾随某人; tail指紧密尾随并监视; trail指跟踪追击。例如:

The dog chased a mouse, but could not catch it.这狗追赶老鼠,但没有捉住。
The policeman chased the thief.警察追赶小偷。
What are you tagging along for?You aren't invited.你怎么跟着我?又没邀请你。
The detective tailed the thief through the crowd.侦探在人群中跟踪小偷。
The hunter trailed the wounded buffalo through the bush.猎人穿过灌木林追猎受伤的水牛。

3.chase较follow, pursue更具感情色彩,除常表示不友好之外,其行动也可能是出于嬉戏或高兴。还可表示一种热切的,为满足情欲而进行的搜寻。例如:

The boy chased his playmate around the block.那个男孩绕着街区追逐他的玩伴。
He is the man who chased after woman all his life.他就是那个一生都在追求女人的男子。pursue,follow,chase,hunt,trace,track,trail









13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自盎格鲁法语的pursuer,意为追捕;最初源自拉丁语的prosequi:pro 前) +sequi (追随),意为跟上,追随。
用作动词 (v.
~+名词pursue bear追捕熊pursue the enemy追踪敌人pursue fox追赶狐狸pursue the path沿着道路前进pursue robber追捕抢劫犯pursue one's ends达到目的pursue one's hobby从事业余活动pursue knowledge寻求知识pursue a plan执行计划pursue a policy遵循政策pursue one's studies进行学习~+副词pursue closely紧紧追踪pursue consistently一贯奉行pursue doggedly顽强地追,穷追不舍pursue energetically积极地执行pursue relentlessly毫不留情地追pursue resolutely坚定地寻求~+介词pursue after追击
近义词 go去tag标签stalk茎hunt狩猎tail后部seek寻求wage工资chase追捕trail踪迹track轨道quest探索court法院after以后trace痕迹follow跟随shadow影子heel脚后跟engage雇佣work at从事take up拿起woo寻求支持practice练习practise练习go after追逐engage in从事go in for赞成carry out施行prosecute起诉undertake承担act on对…起作用quest for设法找到, 追求…follow up on追踪, 进一步了解…反义词 flee逃走
S+~+ n./pron.The policemen pursued the bank robbers.警察追捕银行抢劫犯。
The militiamen pursued him a good distance before they caught him.民兵们追了他好一阵才抓住他。
The hounds pursued the fox.猎犬们追赶那只狐狸。
He was pursuing the bear.他在追捕熊。
Foxes, wild cats and other animals pursue the hare.狐狸、野猫及其他一些动物都捕食野兔。
Bad luck pursued us all through the year.一年来我们的坏运气连续不断。
His record as a criminal pursued him wherever he went.无论他走到哪里,他的犯罪记录即随之而至。
The boy pursued his father with questions.那孩子纠缠父亲问问题。
I don't want to pursue that question now.我现在不想继续讨论那个问题。
He pursued his studies after leaving school.他离开学校后仍继续研究。
I will not pursue the subject.我将不继续学这门学科。
He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life.他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。
She has pursued the goal of perfection in her art.在艺术中,她追求完善的目标。
He prudently pursued his plan.他谨慎地实行他那计划。
She pursued the study of French for four years.她坚持学了四年法语。
The country has always pursued a policy of peace.该国一直奉行和平政策。
Daphne was pursued by Apollo and was at last changed into a laurel tree.达夫尼被阿波罗穷追不舍,最后被变成一棵桂树。
The travellers were pursued by beggars.旅游者后面跟了许多乞丐。
He has been pursued by misfortune.不幸一直尾随着他。
His doctorate has been pursued in Oxford University.他的博士学位是在牛津大学完成的。




用作动词Everyone has the freedom topursuetheir dreams.每个人都有追求各自梦想的自由。
The police arepursuingan escaped prisoner.警方正在追捕一名越狱的逃犯。
Let's notpursuethis argument.让我们别再继续这个争论了。
She wishes topursuea medical career.她希望从事医学工作。adj.out for
同义词 ensuing,followingcoming after,in pursuance of,on the lookout for,out to
反义词 preceding
comingadjective approaching, promising
about to happen,advancing,almost on one,anticipated,aspiring,at hand,certain,close,converging,deserving,docking,drawing near,due,en route,eventual,expected,fated,foreseen,forthcoming,future,gaining upon,getting near,immediate,imminent,impending,in prospect,in store,in the offing,in the wind,in view,instant,marked,near,nearing,next,nigh,oncoming,ordained,predestined,preparing,progressing,prospective,running after,subsequent,to-be,up-and-coming
continuingadjective ongoing
engagedadjective operating;busy
absorbed,at work,committed,connected with,dealing in,deep,doing,employed,engrossed,immersed,in place,in use,intent,interested,involved,occupied,performing,practicing,preoccupied,pursuing,rapt,signed,tied-up,unavailable,working,wrapped-up
followingadjective happening, being next or after
a while later,after a while,afterward,attendant,back,coming,coming after,coming next,consecutive,consequent,consequential,directly after,ensuing,henceforth,hinder,in pursuit,in search of,in the wake of,later,later on,latter,next,next off,on the scent,posterior,presently,proximate,pursuing,rear,resulting,sequent,sequential,serial,seriate,specified,subsequent,succeeding,successive,supervenient,then,trailing,when
gettingnoun the act of procuring
huntnoun search, chase
coursing,exploration,field sport,following,frisking,game,hounding,hunting,inquest,inquiry,inquisition,interrogation,investigation,look-see,meddling,probe,prosecution,prying,pursuance,pursuing,pursuit,quest,race,raid,reconnaissance,research,rummage,scrutiny,seeking,sifting,snooping,sporting,steeplechase,study,tracing,trailing On the other hand, if you're passionately pursuing improvement and have an open mind to change, you're almost guaranteed to succeed.
另一方面,如果你是充满激情去追求改善并抱着开放的心态去改变,那就几乎可以保证你的成功了。 yeeyan

The AK party has been in government since2002, pursuing an agenda of broadly democratic reform and market liberalisation.
正义党自2002年入主政府以来,一直追求广泛的民主改革和市场自由化的议程。 ecocn

The blonde one came to Dublin with the snow, passion pursuing Jim all grown up and knowing.
金发女孩在下雪的时候来到都柏林,热情地追逐着长大了变世故的吉姆。 yeeyan

The risk we run is that pursuing an ambitious goal will detract us from something that is more desirable and more easily attained.
我们所冒的风险是追求一个具有野心的目标将会有损于更加理想以及更简单得到的东西。 ecocn

This includes safe and responsible production of oil at home, which we are pursuing.
包括安全、负责任地增加国内石油产量,当然,这也是我们追求的。 yeeyan

“ But what Chinese are pursuing is no longer at the material level, but at the spiritual level. They are not satisfied with their current knowledge and entertainment,” said Sheng.
“但是现在中国人民所追求的不再是只停留在物质层面上,而是在精神文明上。他们并不满足于现有的知识和娱乐,”盛邦和如是说。 yeeyan

A critical element to pursuing an asset management strategy is to have top- down management support.
从事资产管理策略的一个关键要素,是具备自顶向下的管理支持。 ibm

And pursuing your dreams is what life is all about.
而追求你的梦想是你的生命意义所在。 kekenet

At the same time, support your partner in pursuing and fulfilling their own desires and dreams.
在同一时间,支持你的伴侣在追求和实现自己的愿望和梦想。 yeeyan

Because he knew what he is pursuing in this life.
因为他知道他追求的就是这种生活。 yeeyan

But I am convinced that if we come into pursuing the promise of this participation age and unleashing and harnessing the economic potential of women, we will see a new and better future.
但是我相信,如果我们都来追求这个参与的时代所展现的希望,释放和调动妇女的经济潜力,我们将看到一个新的更好的未来。 putclub

But if progress is defined by pursuing a vision of a desirable future, then the Japanese never progressed.
但如果进步定义为对理想未来这一愿景的追求的话,那么日本从来没有进步过。 yeeyan

But modularity is always worth pursuing, so I go over what I did here.
但是,模块化总是值得追求的东西,因此在这里我说说我曾经的做法。 ibm

But what Chinese are pursuing is no longer at the material level, but at the spiritual level.
但是现在中国人民所追求的不再是只停留在物质层面上,而是在精神文明上。 yeeyan

For example, the snake might have simply been seeking shelter or pursuing some other animal, he said.
他说,比如这条蛇可能仅仅是在寻找庇护所或是追逐其他动物。 yeeyan

I feel no enthusiasm for the seemingly doomed project of pursuing women.
追求女性显然注定要失败,对之我没有狂热的感觉。 yeeyan

I think spending time reading some of the classics, as well as passionately pursuing new interests, is energy well invested.
我认为,投入到经典著作的阅读和对新兴趣的热情追求的时间是一项很好的投资。 yeeyan

I think when pursuing any dreams, our job is to get connected to the feeling of what we want and then let go.
我认为在追逐梦想时,我们的任务就是去连通我们想要什么的感觉然后让自己前行。 yeeyan

If we want to be able to dump bin Ladenism at sea, rather than just his corpse, we need to stop pursuing the strategy of expensive aggression he longed for.
如果我们想把本•拉登主义扔在大海里,而不只是丢弃他的尸体,我们需要停止奉行他所渴望的昂贵的侵略策略。 yeeyan

If you are not enjoying the journey, you may not be pursuing the best goal.
如果你对着趟旅途不感兴趣,也许你也不愿追求那个最高的目标。 yeeyan

Love requires courage, tolerance and understanding, but you cannot control or plan it. I have never stopped pursuing love.
爱需要勇气、忍耐和理解,但你不能控制它不能伤害它,我从没有放弃过追求真爱。 yeeyan

Meeting Mr Netanyahu before both of them were due to go to Washington, he was careful to insist that pursuing peace with Palestinians, not confronting Iran, should be the priority.
在同去华盛顿之前与内塔尼亚胡会面时,他小心地坚持了与巴勒斯坦人民一起追求和平,并且避免与以色列正面冲突作为首选策略。 topsage

This is the opposite of the strategy America is pursuing in Afghanistan. It is winning a widespread hearing.
这与美国在阿富汗一直奉行的策略背道而驰,而它已经赢得广泛的视听。 ecocn

We are always happiest while pursuing something of value to us.
当我们在追求有自我价值的东西时我们总是快乐着的。 yeeyan

Pursuing personal growth is a powerful thing. But it should be used to uncover and cultivate a more authentic self.
追求个体发展是一件很强大的事,但是我们应该用其来揭示和培养更真实的自我。 yeeyan




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