

单词 smoothy
释义 smooth·y 英ˈsmuːðiː美ˈsmuðiAHDsm›“Yē 高COCA⁴⁵⁴⁰¹BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb¹⁰⁸⁰⁶

someone with an assured and ingratiating mannersmooth-y的⇒n.油嘴滑舌的人²⁵;举止优雅的人⁵⁰=smoothie.近义词 巫师…charmer魔术师smoothie 善于讨好女人的…
At present, the overall preparation project for construction developed; the project advances smoothy; and the situation is very well.
目前,前期施工准备工程已全面展开,工程进展顺利,形势非常好。 cnki

Blueberry Ice-cream smoothy.
蓝莓冰激凌冰沙。 kekenet

For the long-term development of enterprise, it is necessary to investigate that making of marketing tactics are scientific, carrying out is smoothy and effect is anticipatory or not.
为了使企业有长足的发展,有必要考察其营销策略的制定是否科学和实施是否顺畅,实施后的效果是否达到预期等。 fabiao

In order to smoothy away these abnormal phenomenon in the bin, such as arching or plugging, the design about the air fluidized bar aided flowing device was brought forward.
为了消除料仓内结拱、堵塞等不正常现象,提出了空气流化棒助流装置的设计方案。 cnki

The results show larger pore volume and particle size have better dulling efficiency, For the better smoothy of coating material, the surface finished dulling agent was used.
结果表明孔体积越大颗粒越大,消光效率越好,若考虑到表面的光滑度,可选用经表面处理的消光剂。 cnki

Things are going so smoothy that there isn't much to do.
事情发展得非常顺利,因而没有多少事情要做。 blog.sina.com.cn

This is your destiny whatever life holds for you, tortuous or deal, smoothy or joyful.
这中间的曲折磨难,顺畅快乐便是你的命运。 blog.sina.com.cn




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