

单词 public hearing
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If the parties agree to a public hearing, the arbitration may proceed in public, except those concerning state secrets.
当事人协议公开的,可以公开进行,但涉及国家秘密的除外。 ebigear

They held a public hearing on the bill.
议案根本没有通过公开讨论就通过了。 nciku

Among these approaches, public hearing which takes an important role in the acceleration of citizen participation is the core mechanism of the democratization of decision-making.
其中听证是民主决策的一个核心机制,听证制度的引入对促进公民参与起到了重要作用。 cnki

At that time, I went to receive written verdict. Then a public hearing suddenly came and made me flat- footed.
当时我去领裁定书,去后突然又是听证会,搞得我措手不及。 blog.sina.com.cn

At public hearing, because this matter involves to big shots and so on national defense vice- minister, but matter witness is destroyed, sentences very difficultly to them.

For example, we have made government affairs and budgets more transparent and introduced such practices as e- government, public hearing and expert consulting.
例如,实行政务公开,政府预算公开,推行电子政务、听证制度和专家咨询制度等。 hjenglish

If more than half of homeowners reject the expropriation proposals, the parties involved must hold a public hearing in order to reach an agreement.
若有过半人反对拆迁补偿方案,双方就要举行听证会以达成协议。 putclub

The findings come two weeks ahead of a U. S. Food and Drug Administration public hearing to discuss whether to take further action against the drug, which is already withdrawn in Europe.
这些结果出现在美国食品与药品管理局听证会讨论是否进一步措施抵制该药的两周前,该药已经在欧洲市场上退出。 dxy

Third, The selection has the typical significance Old Summer Palace to renovate the project public hearing to take the document analysis.
再次,选取具有典型意义的圆明园整治工程听证会作为个案分析。 cnki




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