

单词 usher
释义 ush·er 英ˈʌʃə美ˈʌʃɚAHDŭshʹər ★☆☆☆☆高T研四八COCA⁹²³⁸BNC²³⁶⁰⁷iWeb⁹³⁵⁵Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

C 引座员,招待员,迎宾员

person who shows people to their seats in theatres,etc.

vt. 引,领,陪同

act as an usher

Irish prelate who deduced from the Bible that Creation occurred in the year 4004 BC 1581-1656an official stationed at the entrance of a courtroom or legislative chambersomeone employed to conduct others
take someone to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums;

The usher showed us to our seats

来自PIE*os, 嘴,词源同oral, osculate.用来指迎宾。usher in引进gentleman usher of the black rodblack rodusher out领出usher into引进领进
GRE难词记忆usher→ use v.使用+her pron.她→起用她作为引座员GRE难词记忆usher→rushedvbl. 匆忙→匆匆忙忙的引座员usev.使用+herpron.她⇒起用她作为引座员近义词 page页lead引导help帮助seat座位show证明guide向导steer操纵bring带来leader领袖helper助手attend出席squire护卫conduct行为pilot飞行员escort护送者Ussher厄谢尔accompany陪伴shepherd牧羊者chaperon监护人conductor售票员attendant伴随的marshal陆空军元帅doorkeeper看门的人James Ussher乌社尔
用作名词n.The usher seated them in the front row.引座员让他们在前排就座。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.引座小姐带领我沿着通道到我的座位上去。Pusheretten.女引座员Pushershipn.招待员的职务

用作名词Theusherconducted us to our seats.领位员带我们到座位上。
Anusherstood at the door of the theater giving out programs.有位招待员在剧场的大门口散发节目单。用作及物动词The key is to create a critical mass of leaders tousherin change.这一切的关键在于,要培养出数量足够庞大的领导人来引导变革。
I will ask Mary tousheryou out.我会让玛丽把你领出去的。
Some say the computer haveusherin a new era.有人说电脑引入了一个新时代。
Most of the country willusherin a fine weekend.全国大部分地区会迎来一个比较晴朗的双休日。用作不及物动词Theushercame down the aisle towards them.引座员沿著通道向他们走去。
Theusherwas told to look out into the audience and count noses.引座员被告知要接待好听众并清点人数。noun.person who guides others to place
同义词 attendant,conductor,doorkeeper,escort,guide,herald,lead,leader,page,pilot,precursordoorpersonverb.guide
同义词 escort,initiate,precede,steerconduct,direct,herald,inaugurate,institute,introduce,launch,lead,marshal,originate,pilot,preface,receivebring in,open the door,pave the way,set up,show around,show in,show out
accompaniesverb go or be with something
adds,appears with,appends,be connects,belongs to,characterizes,co-occurs,coexists,coincides with,comes with,completes,follows,goes together,happens with,joins with,occurs with,supplements,takes place with
accompanyverb go or be with something
associate with,attend,chaperon,come along,conduct,consort,convoy,date,dog,draft,drag,escort,follow,go along,guard,guide,hang around with,hang out,keep company,lead,look after,shadow,shlep along,show about,show around,spook,squire,stick to,string along,tag along,tailgate,take out
attendverb escort
attendantnoun person who serves others
aide,alarm clock,assistant,auxiliary,baby sitter,bird dog,chaperon,companion,custodian,domestic,escort,follower,guide,helper,lackey,nurse,orderly,secretary,servant,understudy,usher,waitperson
bringverb transport or accompany
attend,back,bear,buck,carry,chaperon,companion,conduct,consort,convey,deliver,escort,fetch,gather,guide,gun,heel,import,lead,lug,pack,pick up,piggyback,ride,schlepp,shoulder,take,take along,tote,transfer,transport,truck,usher
bringingverb transport or accompany
beginning,compelling,contributing to,converting,convincing,creating,disposing,effecting,engendering,forcing,inducing,inflicting,leading,making,moving,occasioning,persuading,prevailing on,prevailing upon,producing,prompting,resulting in,swaying,wreaking So don’t tell me that we can’t usher in a new spirit of service in this country.
因此,不要告诉我,我们的国家不能迎来一个崭新的奉献精神。 yeeyan

The guests were bowed in by the usher.

I did this because of a rather remarkable account of the events which appears in the posthumously published“ diary” of Mr. I. H. Hoover, the White House head usher.
我之所以这么做,是因为白宫首席接待员 I· H·胡佛先生去世后,人们公布了他的“日记”,其中有一段有关该事件的很不平常的叙述。 yeeyan

Justice Anthony Kennedy's ruling in the Lawrence case was greeted enthusiastically by those who thought it would usher in a new era of privacy rights.
安东尼·肯尼迪大法官在劳伦斯案件中的投票极大的鼓舞了那些认为为人权开辟一条新道路的人。 yeeyan

Recently retired usher John S. Harrison said at age87 he made a special effort to be there.
最近已退休的接待员约翰•哈里森说87岁时,他在那付出过特别的努力。 yeeyan

Several important figures will emerge on to the world stage and usher in change for their respective countries.
一些重要人物将会活跃在世界舞台上,而且将他们将迎接各自国家的变革。 ecocn

She had been impressed by a male volunteer from Dalian who told her that he was quitting his job to become an usher at the gymnasium.
那时,一名来自大连的男志愿者给她留下了深刻的印象:为了来体育馆做引座员,他甚至辞掉了自己的工作。 i21st

SHORTLY after taking office, Barack Obama promised Latin America that he would usher in a new era of partnership.
奥巴马上任后不久,即承诺拉丁美洲:他将迎来一个新的伙伴关系时代。 ecocn

Special tugs now usher tankers in and out of Valdez to the open sea.
现在,进出瓦尔迪兹港的油轮由特别的拖船引导。 yeeyan

The other fallout is whether the Bin Laden raid will usher in the beginning of a drawdown and eventual withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan to refocus on China.
另一个是空袭本拉登将引导驻守阿富汗的美军减少或者撤离重新聚焦到中国。 yeeyan

The companies said they would warn ministers against introducing emergency measures that could usher in a new form of online censorship.
这些公司称他们将警告部长们不要采取紧急措施,这可能引导出一种新形式的在线审查。 yeeyan

There are no two ways about it: to have any chance of avoiding the disastrous consequences of exceeding our carbon budget, we must usher in a new era of low-carbon societies.
我们没有第二条路可走:如果我们想避免过量碳排放造成的灾难性后果,就必须迎接一个崭新的低碳世纪。 yeeyan

Together, starting today, let us finish the work that needs to be done, and usher in a new birth of freedom on this Earth.
让我们一起从今天开始,完成应该完成的工作,在这个星球上开辟一片新的自由天地。 cri

With trends like this, the Age of the Internet could usher in an era of unprecedented citizen enlightenment.
有了这样的发展趋势,互联网时代将有可能迎来公民空前觉醒时期的到来。 voanews




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