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词汇 proclaiming
释义 pro·claim·ing 英prə'kleɪm美prə'kleɪm COCA¹⁹⁷³⁶BNC¹⁸⁷⁶²Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
vt. 正式宣布

make known publicly or officially

vt. 显示


declare formally; declare someone to be something; of titles;

He was proclaimed King

state or announce;

`I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed

The King will proclaim an amnesty

affirm or declare as an attribute or quality of;

The speech predicated the fitness of the candidate to be President

praise, glorify, or honor;

extol the virtues of one's children

glorify one's spouse's cooking

proclaim, announce, declare, publish


1.从主语上说, proclaim的主语只能是权力机关或政府首脑; announce, declare和publish则既可以是权力机关或政府首脑,也可以是普通个人。

2.从宾语上说,即宣布的内容上说, announce指公众关心的,特别是具有新闻性的事件。例如:

The rise of prices of grain was announced in the papers.粮价上涨已在报上公布。


The government declared rubber a strategic and critical material.政府宣布橡胶为重要战略物资。


The founding of the United Nations was proclaimed in 1945.1945年联合国宣告成立。

3.从宣布的方法上说, announce, declare, proclaim既可指口头地,也可指书面地; 而publish则主要指印成文字地。

4.从宣布的目的上说, announce, proclaim, publish在于使众所周知; 而declare则在于使人明白。例如:

The arrested man declared himself innocent.被捕的人声称自己是无罪的。

5.从使用场合上说, proclaim用在正式场合; declare主要用于正式场合,也可用于非正式场合; announce则不如proclaim和declare正式庄重,可以用于一般场合,也可用于官方正式公告。






pronounce词义与announce, declare接近,但较多用于指法律判决方面的宣布。




用作动词 v.
~+名词proclaim the birth of sb宣布某人的诞生proclaim the good news宣布好消息proclaim new policy宣布新政策proclaim peace宣告和平proclaim a public holiday宣布公众假日proclaim the quality of sb称赞某人的品质proclaim a republic宣布成立共和国proclaim the state of emergency宣布进入紧急状态~+副词proclaim loudly大声称赞proclaim officially官方宣布proclaim publicly公开宣布~+介词proclaim to向某人宣布
近义词 laud赞美state情形voice声音plead辩护extol颂扬exalt赞扬decree法令assert断言herald使者signify表示promote促进testify作证trumpet喇叭exclaim大叫publish出版glorify美化announce宣布broadcast广播pronounce发音publicize宣传celebrate庆祝make known发表promulgate发布advertise登广告predicate语谓语antecede 在 … 之前declare宣布声明…
S+~+ n./pron.The government has proclaimed a new law.政府已公布了一项新法令。
The government proclaimed a state of emergency .政府宣布全国进入紧急状态。
They loudly proclaimed the quality of his wife.他们大声称赞他妻子的美德。
The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince.响亮的钟声宣布王子的诞生。
The leaves of trees gradually turned yellow; it proclaimed the arrival of autumn.树叶变黄,表明秋天的来临。
Peace was proclaimed.宣告和平了。
Their new policy was proclaimed last week.上周已宣布了他们的新政策。
A lie is as much a lie, when it is whispered when it is proclaimed at the market cross.不管是小声低语还是在市场门口大声叫喊,谎言终归是谎言。S+~+that-clauseThe Prime Minister proclaimed that a five-man committee had been founded to investigate the cause of the accident.首相宣布已成立一个五人委员会来调查事故的原因。
The salesman proclaimed that his tonic would cure all diseases.推销员宣称他的滋补品将治愈所有的病。
The constitution proclaims that public property shall be inviolable.宪法宣告公共财产不可侵犯。
His accent proclaimed that he was a southerner.他的口音表明他是南方人。
His pronunciation proclaimed that he was an American.从他的发音可知他是美国人。
There were several footprints on the ground, proclaiming that someone had been here.地上有几个脚印,这表明已有人来过。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be n.The government proclaimed both of them national heroes.政府宣布他们两人为民族英雄。
His manners proclaimed him a gentleman.他的风度显示出他是绅士。
He was proclaimed to be the best sportsman of this year.他被宣布为年度最佳运动员。
The entire state was proclaimed a disaster area.宣布全州为灾区。
After its independence India was proclaimed a republic.印度独立后宣布成立共和国。


proclaim用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,还可接以to be+ n. 充当补足语的复合宾语。proclaim可用于被动结构。

用作及物动词The presidentproclaimedthat a new currency would be issued.总统宣布将发行新货币。
She did notproclaimher intention.她没有把自己的意图明说出来。
He was impelled toproclaimhis doctrine.他不得不宣扬他的教义。
His accentproclaimedthat he was an American.他的口音表明他是一个美国人。
They willproclaimmy glory among the nations.他们必将我的荣耀传扬在列国中。
Nationsproclaimhim their Lord and their saviour.各国称颂他为他们的主及救世主。as in.oracular
同义词 Delphian,ambiguous,anticipating,apocalyptic,arcane,auguring,auspicious,authoritative,cabalistic,clairvoyant,cryptic,discovering,divining,divulging,dogmatic,fatidic,foreboding,forecasting,foretelling,imperious,interpretive,mantic,mysterious,mystical,obscure,occult,ominous,peremptory,portending,portentous,positive,predicting,presaging,prescientprognosticating prophesyingsage,secret,sibylline,significant,soothsaying,vague,vatic,venerable,wise
oracularadjective prophetic
Delphian,ambiguous,anticipating,apocalyptic,arcane,auguring,auspicious,authoritative,cabalistic,clairvoyant,cryptic,discovering,divining,divulging,dogmatic,fatidic,foreboding,forecasting,foretelling,imperious,interpretive,mantic,mysterious,mystical,obscure,occult,ominous,peremptory,portending,portentous,positive,predicting,presaging,prescientprognosticating prophesyingsage,secret,sibylline,significant,soothsaying,vague,vatic,venerable,wise INSIDE his hovel of branches and rags, a grizzled pauper called Badshah Kale keeps a precious object. It is a note, scrawled by a policeman and framed by Mr Kale, proclaiming that he“ is not a thief”.

The elimination of political plurality deprives society of a means to structure itself, because it prevents a variety of interests and opinions and traditions from proclaiming their presence.
去除政治多元化剥夺了社会的一种自我构成的方式,因为这阻止了不同的利益、观点和传统去宣示它们的存在。 yeeyan

After an early period of austerity when he made much of his caution, Mr Brown turned into a big spender, proclaiming in2000 that he had been“ prudent for a purpose”.
在非常谨慎的度过早期的朴素后,布朗开始变得花钱大方了,他宣布在2000年他一直是有目的谨慎。 ecocn

Critics claim that firms, while proclaiming their concern for health, use insidious methods to infiltrate and water down the efforts of the World Health Organisation to combat the scourge of tobacco.
批评人士指出,烟草商尽管声称他们关注健康,却在使用隐秘的手法渗入世卫组织以减弱其与在对抗烟草危害方面的努力。 ecocn

How could economists then justify proclaiming an ethically neutral stance and taking the discount rate from the market?
经济学家们如何能够处于一个中立的立场并从市场中取得折现率呢? yeeyan

I think we need to step forward in boldness in proclaiming the gospel and“speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves.”
我认为我们应该大胆宣扬真理,并为那些无非为自己说话的人呐喊。 gounahaozi

If you take a quick look at your local supermarket shelves, you'll probably notice a proliferation of food products proclaiming all new flavors.
如果快速扫视一下当地超市的货架,可能你会发现大量标榜自己是全新口味的食品。 zige365

Journalism defines itself as a profession, in part, by proclaiming the moral seriousness of its most cherished story forms.

Let us hope the west does not cling to the past, stubbornly proclaiming its superiority while floundering in the crisis it has unleashed.
让我们期待,西方国家不会固守过去,在自己所酿成的危机中挣扎的同时却在顽固地宣扬自己的无上优越性。 yeeyan

Management gurus are always glibly proclaiming revolutions.
管理大师们总是口若悬河地颂扬彻底的变革。 ecocn

Quite a few official Chinese media outlets ran big headlines proclaiming that the Japanese had capitulated.
不少中国媒体发行刊物头版头条报道日本已经妥协。 yeeyan

Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her“ Edward”.
今天,我女朋友把我甩了,她宣称她想找个更像“ Edward”的。 xingfu8

While American media squinted to find meaning in the visit, the Chinese print media ran headlines proclaiming the obvious.
当美国媒体努力寻找此次访问的意义时,中国的纸质媒体一律是赞扬的头版标题。 yeeyan

Proclaiming that someone had to be“ held accountable” for the bungling at the top, James Robinson, the firm's chairman, chucked out both the chief executive and the general counsel this week.
公司主席 James Robinson宣称有些人要为高层办事不力“引咎负责”,于是在这周将总裁和总法律顾问扫地出门。 ecocn

Proclaiming“ business as usual” and predicting not just repayment but even a possible profit for the taxpayer at the end of the day, he wants to rebuild the Rock.
布朗称这次国有化只是“平常交易”,并且他预计此举不仅能偿还纳税人而且最终可能会给纳税人带来利润。他这么说只是想要重建北岩。 ecocn




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