

单词 procedurally
释义 pro·ce·dur·al·ly 英prə'siːdʒərəlɪ美prə'siːdʒərəlɪ 高COCA⁶⁶⁵⁹⁹BNC⁵⁷¹³²iWeb³⁰²⁰⁷
Is “ abnormal process” rule defined procedurally?
异常处理规则是否决定? iciba

Methods of exploring the real number roots of a real coefficient polynomial function are procedurally given.
较程序化地给出了实系数多项式函数实数根的求法。 airiti.com

The legal norm of the constitutionality has two categories substantiveness and procedurally.
宪法性的法律规范分为实体性和程序性两大类。 cnki

The Terrain uses a detail layer density map. Each pixel in the map the amount of details objects that will be procedurally placed in the pixel area.
地形使用一个细节层密度图,在贴图中每像素细节物体数,将被程序放置在像素区域。 ceeger

The TRIPS of WTO has stipulated substantively and procedurally about the Intellectual Property Law.
世界贸易组织中的 TRIPS协议从实体和程序两方面对知识产权执法问题作了明确规定。 cnki

A separate rig allowed the artists to generate train tracks procedurally and constrain the train to the tracks.
一个单独的钻机允许艺术家产生细节和压制火车铁轨火车铁轨。 cgyzt

And even creating particle flows procedurally based on the results of a Reactor simulation.
甚至创造出基于反应堆模拟的粒子流动程序结果。 www.wangchao.net.cn

Classic or procedural TPMs manage transactions defined procedurally as sequences of operations on transactional resources such as databases.
经典的或者说程序化 TPM管理被程序化定义为针对事务性资源比如数据库的操作序列的事务。 ibm

For example you might want to create a game object procedurally from a script and for example assign a texture to a procedurally generated mesh.
例如你或许想从脚本创建一个游戏物体,为程序生成的网格赋值一个纹理。 ceeger

In a traditional topology, one central program or thread of control procedurally loads all its required components and dependencies.
在传统的拓扑中,会有一个中心的程序或控制线程按照程序载入全部需要的组件和依赖项。 ibm

The first hours consisted of Dellutri discussing how things would work procedurally and laying out“housekeeping” matters for people who had never traded.

The functions can procedurally manipulate such input data and provide outputs that can be further consumed by SQL queries or be written into tables within the database.
该函数可以操纵输入数据并提供输出,而这些输出又可以被 SQL查询使用或者写到数据库表中。 infoq

The tool forces you to do things in a procedurally abstract sense, and that is absolutely vital.
这个工具强制你以一种顺序抽象的方式做事情,这个是绝对必要的。 ibm

There was talk of adding a constraint feature to SVG1.2 but it wasn't adopted, so you need to code constraints procedurally.
存在向 SVG1.2添加约束特性的观点,但是没有被采纳,所以您需要以程序的方式编写约束。 ibm

With EJB components, Java is the only language available for implementation, so all composition of services into a larger assembly is done procedurally through Java.
对于 EJB组件, Java是可用于实现的唯一语言,因此服务到更大组装的所有组合都是通过 Java以过程化的方式完成的。 ibm

You should use it if you generate a mesh from scratch procedurally and you want to trade better runtime performance against higher load time.
如果你从头创建一个网格并想在运行的时候取得更好的运行时性能面而不是较高的加载时间,你应该使用它。 ceeger




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