

单词 printmaking
释义 print·mak·ing 英ˈprɪntˌmeɪkɪŋ美ˈprɪntˌmekɪŋAHDprĭntʹmā'kĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA³⁷⁸⁷⁷BNC⁴⁸⁶⁵²iWeb²¹⁶⁸⁰

artistic design and manufacture of prints as woodcuts or silkscreens Its management concept is to make art famous art words of Hangu Printmaking, Hangu Lettering and Silk picture of Fuhua Art Gallery.

Debbie Powell is a London- based illustrator with a love of printmaking and drawing by hand.
Debbie Powell是一位伦敦插画家,喜欢制作印花和手绘。 yeeyan

Each course in the School of Fine Art; Painting, Photography, Printmaking and Sculpture, represents an autonomous subject area, that has its own vision and identity.
美术学院的每一门课程,绘画、摄影、板画和雕塑,都是一个独立的领域,有着各自的形式和特点。 http://dj.iciba.com

Ever since printmaking in black and white has been my favorite.
自从那时黑白版画一直是我最喜欢的。 woaidong

For a time, the emergence of Huizhou architecture, sculpture, printmaking, drama, sculpture, craft and other kinds of arts happened in Huizhou.
一时间,徽州地区出现建筑、雕刻、版画、戏曲、篆刻、工艺等各类艺术“百花齐放”的局面。 fabiao

Gradually, in the new environment, the Contemporary Chinese traditional printmaking market will consummate along with the new artistic market development.
同时,在新的环境当中,中国当代传统版画市场随着中国艺术市场的发展也逐步得到完善。 cnki

Graduates go on to operate their own design studios, serve as museum curators, or instruct others in printmaking crafts.
毕业生可以经营他们自己的设计工作室,当博物馆馆长,或者指导其它的版画制作工艺者。 strong-study

However, a student also learns digital printmaking and computer- assisted manipulations of traditional methods.
不过,学生也会学习数字版画制作和基于传统方法之上的电脑辅助操作。 strong-study

However, what is the most striking in China is the ease with which artists live within the millennia old tradition of printmaking.
但是,在中国最引人注目的是艺术家们如此轻而易举地生活在有着几千年的版画传统的国度。 woaidong

Imprint is the fundamental art language to make up a picture in printmaking and also the smallest unit.
印痕是版画中最基本的构成画面的艺术语言,是画面语言的最小单位。 fabiao

It is most often used to refer specifically to the visual arts, including media such as painting, sculpture, and printmaking.
这是最常用特别提到视觉艺术,包括媒体,如绘画,雕塑,版画和。 blog.sina.com.cn

Its technical, material and design of the characteristics of printmaking is pure art in the field of the most open art form.
因其技术性、材料性和设计性的特征,版画是纯艺术领域中最具开放性的艺术形式。 fabiao

One of the oldest graphic design crafts, printmaking has recorded the cultural history of Asia and Europe for centuries.
版画制作作为最古老的平面造型设计之一,记录着欧亚诸世纪的文化历史。 strong-study

Relief printing is the oldest form of printmaking.
凸版印刷是最古老的版画制作形式。 nciku

The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut.
最古老的版画制作形式是木刻版画。 remword

The work in the exhibitions includes sculpture, printmaking, painting, video art and drawing.
本次展览包涵雕塑、版画、油画、视频及素描等艺术门类。 artk8

The graphic design are various such as decoration arts of popular T-shirts logo Creation, printmaking art forms originated from our daily lives.
而且从平面设计、装饰到现在年轻人流行的文化衫图案刻制等,版画的艺术形式也日益应运到我们的日常生活。 rednet

There are many methods of printmaking.
制作版画的方法有很多种。 remword

Today, we answer that question as we explore the world of printmaking.
今天我们就要带着这个问题一起来探索版画制作界。 remword

Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing, normally on paper.
版画是制作过程艺术品印刷,通常是纸上谈兵。 douban.com




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