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词汇 Saml
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Samiel 沙漠干热风
It is possible to get SAML to handle anonymous or guest access, but this requires that the participating enterprises agree to their own convention for anonymous or guest authorized access.
让 SAML处理匿名或访客访问是可能的,但是这要求参与的企业就其自己的匿名访问或访客授权访问的约定达成一致。 ibm

The initial client request to be secured as configured in the client's SAML policy set and bindings.
初始客户端请求将根据客户端的 SAML策略集和绑定中的配置实施安全保护。 ibm

The secured response contains the requested SAML security token.
安全的响应包含所请求的 SAML安全令牌。 ibm

The SAML assertion statements are passed through the lifecycle of the transaction, allowing them to also be used by extensions.
在事务生命周期的各个阶段,都会传递 SAML断言语句,因此各种扩展也可以使用它们。 ibm

The SAML specification defines a set of rules called profiles that describe how the implementations should insert, extract, and integrate assertions in the underlying protocol’s messages.
SAML规范定义了一组称为配置文件的规则,描述了实现应该如何在底层协议消息中插入、提取和集成断言。 ibm

What neither SAML nor XACML provide is an infrastructure to deliver and manage security services; it is up to the enterprise security vendor to provide this.
SAML和 XACML都没有提供用于交付和管理安全服务的基础设施;需由企业安全供应商提供此基础设施。 ibm

Whether the application or implementation acts as producer, consumer, or both producer and consumer of the SAML messages.
应用程序或实现是作为 SAML消息的生产者、消费者还是兼具两种作用。 ibm

Additionally, SAML provides a digital signature mechanism that enables the assertion to have a validity time range to prevent assertions from being replayed later.
此外, SAML提供了数字签名机制,该机制使断言具有有效时间范围,以防止断言以后被重播。 ibm

Any SAML- compliant software can assert its authentication of a user or data.
任何符合 SAML的软件然后都可以断言对用户或数据的认证。 ibm

Conformance specifications: Different SAML implementations may only implement part of these specifications.
一致性规范:不同的 SAML实现可能只实现这些规范的一部分。 ibm

Consumers of this service must use a service request message flow which has been encrypted, and a SAML token added to the flow to access the service provider.
服务的消费者必须使用一个已被加密的服务请求消息流以及一个已被添加到流中的 SAML令牌访问服务提供商。 ibm

Finally, sign the SAML assertion with the keys we created earlier in this article.
最后,使用我们在本文前面创建的密钥对 SAML断言签名。 ibm

From the sample request XML, user identity is passed in as SAML assertion.
在这个请求示例中,以 SAML断言的形式传递用户身份信息。 ibm

Given SAML1.1 is only sent in once, and it must be preserved for future application transaction.
如果 SAML1.1只被发送一次,它必须为未来的应用程序事务保留下来。 ibm

However, for simplicity we will configure STS not to sign SAML assertion.
但为简便起见,我们将 STS配置为不签署 SAML断言。 ibm

If you are serious about providing security portability, you cannot afford to not evaluate security portability products in terms of their plans for adopting SAML as the standard.
如果您迫切需要提供安全可移植性,您就不能不考虑基于这一计划的安全可移植性产品并采用 SAML作为标准。 ibm

In our post- processing step here, we can reference some of that information in order to populate the outbound SAML token.
在此处的后处理步骤中,我们可以引用其中某些信息,以便填充出站 SAML令牌。 ibm

In my next article, I will focus on explaining how to make this trust portable using SAML.
在我的下一篇文章中,我将重点解释如何通过 SAML使这种信任可移植。 ibm

Nowadays, it's taking place the adoption of SAML as the vehicle used to propagate identity information across a Service Oriented Architecture.
如今, SAML的采用是作为一种传播媒介,以用于跨面向服务的体系结构传播身份信息。 ibm

Profiles describe in detail how SAML assertions, protocols, and bindings combine to support a defined use case.
配置文件详细描述了 SAML断言、协议和绑定如何结合起来以支持所定义的用例。 ibm

The following class diagram shows the relationship between the SAML assertion, security data parser, and control object.
下面的类图说明 SAML断言、安全数据解析器和控制对象之间的关系。 ibm

To which underlying communication and transport protocols can the SAML request response protocol be bound?
SAML请求响应协议可以绑定到哪些底层的通信传输协议? ibm

SAML is different from other security approaches mostly because of its expression of security in the form of assertions about subjects.
SAML与其它安全性方法的最大区别在于它以有关多个主体的断言的形式来表述安全性。 ibm

SAML shows software developers how to represent users, identifies what data needs to be transferred, and defines the process for sending and receiving authorization data.
SAML向软件开发人员展示了如何表示用户、标识所需传送的数据,并且定义了发送和接收权限数据的过程。 ibm

SAML allows you to transfer credential and other related information about a subject, human or otherwise, between various cooperating entities without losing ownership of the information.
SAML可以用于在不同的协作实体之间传送凭证以及其他一些与主题、人等相关的信息,而不会损失信息的所属关系。 ibm

SAML assertions provide a means for a subject's related security information to be shared between service providers in a platform- agnostic way.
SAML断言为以与平台无关的方式在服务提供者之间共享主题相关安全信息提供了一种方法。 ibm

SAML defines a standard format to deliver authentication, authorization, and attribute data in a distributed environment.
SAML定义了一种在分布式环境中传递验证、授权和属性数据标准格式。 ibm

SAML does not define attribute meanings for any industry.
SAML并未为任何行业定义属性含义。 ibm

SAML is a protocol specification to use when two servers need to share authentication information.
SAML是两台服务器需要共享认证信息时使用的协议规范。 ibm

SAML is an authentication protocol that is used between servers.
SAML是一个在服务器之间使用的认证协议。 ibm




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