

单词 printable
释义 print·a·ble 英ˈprɪntəbəl美ˈprɪntəbəlAHDprĭnʹtə-bəl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁰³³⁶BNC³⁷⁵⁴³iWeb⁷³²²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
fit for publication because free of material that is morally or legally objectionable;

printable language

printable character打印字符basic printable area基本可印面积…optional printable area任选可印面积…printable item可印项printable group可印组,可印栏…
蒋争熟词记忆print印刷-able可…的⇒可印刷的;可刊印的;适于出版的print印刷-able可…的⇒可印刷的;可刊印的;适于出版的反义词 unprintable指词语或文章等因有攻击…

用作形容词All pages have aprintablelayout!所有页有一个可印刷的布局!
The article is too badly written to beprintable.这篇文章写得很糟糕,不宜发表。
His commentwhen he heard the news is notprintable.他在得知这消息时所发的议论不宜见诸报端。 The polymer in Bao's process does not need to be removed. The final product is a semiconducting nanotube and polymer ink that can be used to make printable electronics.
鲍哲南团队发现的这种聚合物不需要被移除,最终的产品是一种半导体纳米管和聚合物油墨,能够用于制造可印刷电子产品。 com

“ Scandalous”, “ shameful” and “ ignoble” were some of the more printable adjectives lobbed this week by the opposition Socialist Partywhich, when in power, was just as cosy with the Ben Ali regime.
像不光彩,羞耻,卑劣这些还算是这周法国在野党社会党的游说中大套形容词中能说出口的几个(这个政党自己当政的时候也和本阿里的政府安然相处。 ecocn

After that, we'll use TCPDF to create a printable PDF version of the invoice using similar formatting.
此后,我们将使用 TCPDF来创建一个使用类似格式的可打印的 PDF版发票。 ibm

Designer Matt Nicholson has devised a free alternative, the printable Paper Lie-ca M3 Pinhole Camera.
设计师马特·尼克尔森发明出一种免费的替代品——纸质山寨徕卡 M3针孔照相机。 yeeyan

Ebooks can be printable, so that if you wish to read an ebook in the traditional way, you can very inexpensively print it with your home printer or at any printing shop.
电子书同样可以打印出来,如果你想按传统的方法阅读一本电子书,你可以用家里的打印机或者随便去一家打印铺用不多的钱就可以打印出来。 yeeyan

For full reading citations, please see the readings section. And for a printable version of this calendar, please click here PDF.
要得到阅读资料的完整出处,请看阅读资料部分。点击此处可以得到本教学时程打印版本。 myoops

Here is a quick start guide that will give you some pointers and a printable template you can use to get off to a great start with mind mapping.
这里是一个快速的入门指南,提供一些你可以在开始入门使用思维导图时使用的概念和可打印的模板。 yeeyan

In the latter case, you assemble the documents into nested structures as required, such as when delivering printed or printable information that has a part and chapter hierarchy.
在后一种情形中,根据需要将文档组装成嵌套结构,比如说当交付有部分和章节层次的印刷或可打印的信息。 ibm

In the first article, my goal was to obtain printable reports.
在第一篇文章中,我的目的是得到可打印报表。 ibm

It can also be used to make printable versions of other electronic devices, such as light emitting diodes, lasers or transistors.
它也可以用来制造其它可以以印刷形式生产的电器备,象是发光二极管、激光或是晶体管。 yeeyan

Let's use it to create a printable version of an invoice.
让我们使用它来创建一个可打印版的发票。 ibm

Many websites offer free printable coupons you can take with you to the grocery store.
很多网站都提供免费的可打印出来的优惠券,你可以带着这些优惠券去杂货店。 hjenglish

Non- printable characters are shown in hexadecimal format, which is a backslash followed by two hexadecimal characters.
非输出字符用十六进制格式显示,其是后跟两个十六进制字符的反斜线。 ibm

The character class name for printable characters.
表示可打印字符的字符分类名称。 alibaba

The data is entirely binary and unprintable, so it has been printed out with the non- printable characters in hexadecimal format.
因为该数据完全是二进制且不可输出,所以已经以十六进制格式的非输出字符输出了。 ibm

The site includes a printable chart of the dozen foods lowest in pesticide residue and those that are best purchased from the organic aisle.
这个网址里有数十种农药残留量最低的食物,还有最好购买有机食物的种类,这些内容都可以打印出来。 yeeyan

The tutorial shows how to extract data from a database and store it without changes in XML format, while my article shows how to convert the data into something printable and human readable.
该教程演示如何从数据库抽取数据并不加更改地以 XML格式存储,而我的文章则演示了如何将数据转换成可打印以及可读的格式。 ibm

They may offer printable coupons for your desired product.
他们或许提供你所想购买商品的纸质优惠券。 yeeyan

This alternative design could lead to cheap, printable cells that would massively boost the worldwide use of solar power.
这一替代设计会产生廉价的、可印刷的电池单元,这将极大推动太阳能世界范围的应用。 blog.sina.com.cn

To create printable versions of Web pages, the best approach is to use XSLT and XSL- FO to generate a PDF file.
要创建 Web页面的可打印版本,最好的方法是使用 XSLT和 XSL- FO来生成 PDF文件。 ibm

You can even find basic printable starter pages like the one below to help get you started.
你甚至可以找到一些可以打印的模板来帮助你快速开始。 yeeyan




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