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词汇 preen
释义 preen 英priːn美prinAHDprēn ☆☆☆☆☆高四GST宝COCA³¹⁸⁸²BNC⁷⁰⁰⁰²iWeb²⁹⁷²⁶

clean with one's bill;

The birds preened

pride or congratulate oneself for an achievementdress or groom with elaborate care;

She likes to dress when going to the opera

来自prune拼写变体,来自prune,使圆润,剪枝,修剪,用于指鸟整理羽毛,引申词义打扮,修饰。preen oneself on以 … 自豪
GRE红宝书源于: ee象两只看小镜子的眼睛-打扮
queen 象个女王一样打扮;plume 羽毛,整理羽毛, l=r 元音转换
在绿色的green草地上,鸟儿用喙整理着身上的羽毛preen近义词 trim修剪deck甲板groom新郎vapor蒸汽plume羽毛dress服装tidy整齐的smarten打扮clean干净的smooth光滑的primp刻意打扮congratulate祝贺

用作动词Juvenile king penguinspreenon the shore.年轻的企鹅首领在岸边用嘴整理羽毛。
The girl ispreeningoneself in front of the mirror.那女孩正对着镜子梳妆打扮.
Shepreenedherself upon her beauty.她为自已的美貌感到自满。
He's alwayspreeninghimself on his success.他总是对自己的成功沾沾自喜。verb.admire and clean oneself
同义词 beautify,clean,groom,prettify,primp,prink,tidydoll up,pretty,spruce up
反义词 dirty
boastverb brag
advertise,aggrandize,attract attention,blow,blow one's own horn,blow smoke,bluster,bully,cock-a-doodle-doo,con,congratulate oneself,crow,exaggerate,exult,fake,flatter oneself,flaunt,flourish,gasconade,give a good account of oneself,gloat,glory,grandstand,hug oneself,jive,lay on thick,prate,psych,puff,shoot,shovel,show off,showboat,shuck,sling,sound off,strut,swagger,talk big,triumph,vapor
boastedverb brag
advertised,aggrandized,attracted attention,blew,blew one's own horn,blew smoke,blustered,bullied,cock-a-doodle-dooed,congratulated oneself,conned,crowed,exaggerated,exulted,faked,flatter oneself,flaunted,flourished,gasconaded,gave a good account of oneself,gloated,gloried,grandstanded,hugged oneself,jived,lay on thick,prated,preened,psyched,puffed,shot,shoveled,showboated,showed off,shucked,slung,sounded off,strutted,swaggered,talked big,triumphed,vapored
boastsverb brag
advertises,aggrandizes,attracts attention,blows,blows one's own horn,blows smoke,blusters,bullies,cock-a-doodle-doos,congratulates oneself,cons,crows,exaggerates,exults,fakes,flatter oneself,flaunts,flourishes,gasconades,gives a good account of oneself,gloats,glories,grandstands,hugs oneself,jives,lies on thick,prates,preens,psyches,puffs,shoots,shovels,showboats,shows off,shucks,slings,sounds off,struts,swaggers,talks big,triumphs,vapors
doll upverb beautify oneself;dress up
deck out,fix up,gussy up,preen,primp,put on best clothes,smarten up,spiff,spruce up
dolling upverb beautify oneself;dress up
decking out,fixing up,gussy up,preening,primping,putting on best clothes,smartening up,spiffing,sprucing up
dress upverb put on one's best clothes
array,attire,beautify,clothe,deck out,embellish,fit out,fix up,gussy up,improve,overdress,preen,prettify,primp,prink,slick,smarten,spiff up,spruce up,titivate So when some lawmakers preen their anti- abortion feathers but take steps that would result in more abortions and more women dying in childbirth, that’s not governance, that’s hypocrisy.
那些国会议员一面为自己的反堕胎立场沾沾自喜,另一面其措施的结果却是堕胎增加,且更多妇女死于分娩。这不叫治理有方,这是伪善。 yeeyan

Together, the men preen, strut, shimmy, and shake their feathered costumes, mimicking the local birds of paradise.
人们梳妆打扮,昂首阔步,抖动着羽毛装束,模仿那里的天堂鸟的动作。 cnnas

“ Why not preen, ” Mr. Johnson added, “when there are so many fabulous fashions to embark upon?”

Amid the caviar and oyster bars, cigar smoke and thousand- dollar hats, attendees come to see and be seen, to posture and preen.
雪茄的烟雾和价值上千美元的帽子,穿梭在摆满鱼子酱和牡蛎的吧台,这些前来的与会者既是为了参观,又是为了让别人注意到自己,他们精心修饰,卖弄姿态。 forbeschina

Green textiles have become more and more popular, while using environment-friendly dyes is one of the important preconditions to guarantee them “ preen”.
绿色纺织品越来越引起人们的重视,而环保染料是保证绿色纺织品的重要条件之一。 cnki

Let others BE as butterflies that preen their wings yet depend on the charity of a flower for life.
让别人像蝴蝶一样,舞动翅膀,靠花朵的施舍生活。 ebigear

Mike was still able to balance on a perch and walk clumsily; he even attempted to preen and crow, although he could do neither.
麦克仍能在栖木上保持平衡,也能笨拙的走动,甚至还试着用喙清理羽毛及报晓,虽然它两者都没能做到。 blufans

Not a night for Capello to preen; he will be aggrieved his team were so slow to take control.
这不是一个可以令卡佩罗得意洋洋的夜晚,他会为自己的球队如此之慢才控制局势而苦恼。 yeeyan

Then, they stand about to preen their white plumage carefully.
然后他们停下来用嘴仔细地整理他们洁白的羽毛。 kekenet

They found that a progressive virus“ sticking” on feathers occurs because AIV- contaminated waters interact with the preen oil gland secretion.
他们发现病毒不断粘在羽毛上因为禽流感污染的水源与尾脂腺的分泌物相互作用。 dxy

They noted that each bird rubbed its cheek against its preen gland and then onto its neck, back and breast feathers.

To dress or groom oneself with elaborate care; preen.
精心打扮极其用心地打扮或修饰自己; tdict

Tonight, you can watch the women figure skaters pout and preen their way to the medals.
今晚,你们将看到女子花样滑冰选手把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的,去争取金牌。 iciba

You preen your chest.
你梳你胸。 dwfarmlife

You preen your left wing.
你梳你左翼。 dwfarmlife

You preen your neck.
你梳你颈。 dwfarmlife

You preen your right wing.
你梳你右翼。 dwfarmlife




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