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词汇 dams
释义 dams
n.水坝名词dam的复数形式.abbr.防御性反导弹系统=Defense Against Missiles Systems
The real fear, however, is that once that project goes ahead, the taboo on the downstream construction of dams would be broken.
但是真正的担忧是一旦该计划得以顺利进行,那么下游国家建筑大坝的禁忌就会被打破。 yeeyan

Writing in the journal Nature, they say that in western countries, conserving water for people through reservoirs and dams works for people, but not nature.
他们在《自然》杂志上撰文说,西方各国通过水库和水坝为人类保存水源只适用于人类,不适用于自然。 yeeyan

“ I think the real danger will be from hundreds, maybe thousands, of smaller dams, some of them possibly very ancient, which have never experienced this sort of shock before, ” he said.
“我认为真正的危险在那些数以百计甚至千计的小水坝,其中一些水坝年代非常古老,之前从未经历过此类地震”,他说。 yeeyan

Although hydroelectric power seems like a good solution, the quantity, locations, and scale of such dams may not be ideal.
尽管水电似乎是一个不错的解决方案,但是大坝的容量、位置和尺寸却可能不是十分理想。 yeeyan

But big dams tend not to work as intended.
但一些大坝不会像预期的那样发挥功效。 hjenglish

But greens vehemently oppose the building of more dams and transmission lines in the country’s beautiful, rain- drenched south.
但是绿党极力反对在该国家美丽、多雨且潮湿的南部地区建设更多的水坝和传输线。 ecocn

China already counts more dams within its borders than any other country. It has paid a huge price for this development.
中国在其边境之内已经建设了数量比任何国家都多的大坝,并为这种开发付出巨大的代价。 yeeyan

Concrete dams have performed very well when subjected to high intensity earthquakes as noted in this paper.
正如本文提到的,混凝土大坝遭受高强度地震时,表现是很好的。 yeeyan

One is that two of the11 planned downstream dams are in Cambodia itself.
一是计划中的11座下游大坝中有两座是柬埔寨自己的。 ecocn

Since then, some 430 outdated dams have been removed from U.S. rivers, opening up habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms and letting rivers flow like rivers again.
从那时起,约430座过时的水坝在美国河流上消失,此举打通了鱼群和其他水生物的返回栖息地的通道,并重新让河流川流不息起来。 yeeyan

So money is invested in everything from dams and drains to membranes and bioreactors.
因此,从水坝、排水管,到过滤膜、生物反应器,随处可见他们的投资。 ecocn

We also need to deal with dams that prevent the free exchange of life from the sea to inland waterways.
我们还应该处理大坝的问题,以防止大坝阻挡鳗鱼从大海洄游到淡水的生长过程。 yeeyan

Yet it is what is planned in between— no fewer than19 dams on the mainstream, in addition to dozens on its tributaries—that is terrifying ecologists.
然而,让生态学者惊骇万分的却是在其间的一大堆建造计划——除了各支流一大打之外,主流将有不少于19座大坝。 yeeyan

You are usually sent as part of a team to help build schools, community centres, houses, bridges, dams or latrines.
你们往往可以作为队伍的一部分去参加学校、交流中心、房屋、桥梁、大坝或厕所的建设。 yeeyan

Dams need better maintenance and desilting.
大坝需要更多保养和清淤。 yeeyan




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