

单词 polarities
释义 po·lar·i·ty 英pə'lærəti美pə'lærəti COCA⁵³⁷³⁵BNC⁴⁷²¹⁹
a relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies;

he viewed it as a balanced polarity between good and evil

having an indicated pole as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges;

he got the polarity of the battery reversed

charges of opposite sign

polarity therapy极性疗法polarity mark极性标记deflection polarity偏转极性polarity inversion极性反转electric polarity电极性magnetic polarity磁极性alternate polarity交替极性polarity test极性试验polarity relay极性继电器subtractive polarity负极性reverse polarity反接polarity reversal极性颠倒polarity finder极性测定器polarity effect极性影响,极性效应…normal polarity正接,正常极性,正极…diamagnetic polarity抗磁极性opposite polarity相反极性polarity splitter极性分离器,分极器…polarity epoch极性期,极性时纪…reversed polarity反极性
近义词 sign手势split分裂schism分歧division划分divergence分歧separation分离opposition反对polarization极化mutual opposition共同反对

用作名词Polarity is inherent in a magnet.极性是磁铁的固有性质。
Note thepolarityof the voltage drop across R.注意R上电压降的极性。
The hydrophobicity is related to molecular volume andpolarity.分子的疏水性跟分子的体积和极性有关。
The field is strongest at the poles, diminishes at the equator, and differs inpolarityfrom the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere.南北两极的磁场最强,赤道上磁场较为微弱,而各地的磁性也会因纬度而改变。
He got thepolarityof the battery reversed.他把电池两极弄反了。
Yet, in order to get there, you must go through thepolarity.然而,为了要达到那里,你一定要经历两极。 Kevin Costner's Dances with Wolves actually resurrects all the original codes and conventions but“reverses the polarities” the Native Americans are good, the U.S. Cavalry is bad.
凯文·科斯特纳的《与狼共舞》实际上复活了所有经典的行为准则和传统规范,只是“正邪易位”了土著美洲人是好的,美国骑兵是坏的。 yeeyan

The concepts of male and female therefore are not set apart, forever divided by a gender gap, but are viewed as two polarities that meet and merge in every human being.
从而,这种男性和女性的观念并不是分离,永远有一个性缺口,而是看作每一个人里面的两种极性相遇和融合。 chinaufo.com

The Great Central Sun Dream is not split between extreme polarities and this is why this is so.
大中枢太阳梦想并不分裂成极端的极性,因此这也就是为什么会这样的缘故。 lingyuan

All polarities must be expressed.
所有的极性必须被表达。 mcs.szu.edu.cn

For those desiring to relocate someplace else, choosing to complete with all polarities mirrored unto you in the region you live will help foster the new dream to catch in another region.
对那些渴望迁居到其它地方者,选择完成你所住的这个地方所镜射给你的全部极性,将帮助培育捕获在另一个地方居住的新梦想。 www.hahaha365.com

In fact, it’s of great benefit to explore both polarities and understand how they work.
事实上,探索两极并理解它们的运作方式,是很有益的行为。 blog.sina.com.cn

In Tantra, when the male and female polarities merge, a new dimension becomes available-the sense of the sacred.
在坦陀罗,当男性和女性的极性融合,一种新的尺度变得有用——神圣的感觉。 chinaufo.com

Now bring your ancestors forward that experienced parallel traumas and polarities as you have at school this lifetime.
现在将那些经历了类似于你在此生学校经历中的创伤与极性的祖先找出来。 lingyuan

Sometimes the healing of major polarities may cause relocation to an entirely new region as the region that one has left no longer mirrors enough of your thought- form to retain you in the dream.
有时候,疗愈主要的大极性会造成你搬迁到一个全新的地方,因为,你所离开的地方不再足够镜射给你将你保持在梦想中的思想形态。 www.hahaha365.com

Sometimes healing of polarity may even cause you to choose to leave your job and create a new one that reflects the current polarities that you are now holding within.
有时候,疗愈极性甚至会让你选择离开工作,创造一份反映你当前内在极性的新工作。 www.hahaha365.com

Such is the nature of integrating the polarities, one can then manifest their hearts desire in the physical.
这是整合极性的本质,你随之能在物质层显化你心之期望。 mcs.szu.edu.cn

The group split into light medium and dark polarities; and the darkest of initiates became ill and died.
这一群人分裂了光明、中间与黑暗的极性,而最黑暗的提升者则病倒并死亡。 lingyuan.net

The relative polarities of the two voltages will determine whether the offset voltage adds to or subtracts from the source voltage.
这两个电压的相对极性决定了偏置电压是加到源电压上去还是从源电压中减去。 eefocus

Then intend your ancestors to join you in releasing the polarities within that bind you to the region that you currently live and a new dream will unfold ahead and as you are complete.
然后意愿你的祖先加入到你的行列,来释放将你束缚在当前居住地的内在极性,那么当你完成时一个新梦想就将在前方展现。 www.hahaha365.com

This means that the signal is“ clipped” at the forward voltage of the diode; because there are two opposing diodes, this happens for both signal polarities.
这意味着,这个信号就是“夹”在前沿电压的二极管;因为有两种对立的二极管,这种情况有两种信号极性。 judymail.cn




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