

单词 pinging
释义 ping·ing 英'pɪŋɪŋ美'pɪŋɪŋ COCA⁷⁶⁸⁶⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb⁵¹⁶³⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

动词 ping:
hit with a pinging noisesound like a car engine that is firing too earlymake a short high-pitched soundcontact, usually in order to remind of somethingsend a message from one computer to another to check whether it is reachable and active The paper also discusses the method of determining the parameters, and gives the experimental formulas of predicting the parameters of strike profile in pinging-shan Mining District.
讨论了参数的求取方法,给出了平顶山矿区走向剖面各参数的经验公式; cnki

What this can represent is a serious intrusion attempt, or some software bot simply pinging the router to see if the network is exposed.
上面的文字显示了一次入侵企图,或者一些软件机器人在 PING路由器以寻找那些暴露的网络。 user.ccw.com.cn

A few mosquitoes are pinging shrilly.

Don't be afraid of pinging multiple people in large organizations where some people might be in a better position to help than others.
不要害怕在大型活动中与大量的人接触,因为他们可能处于较高的位置可以提供更多的帮助。 yeeyan

Extraordinarily, even when they are relaxing players tend to hang around the training ground pinging balls at each other.
但值得一提的是,即便如此,他们也没有丝毫松懈,甚至他们在训练场上进行放松时也不忘彼此之间倒倒球。 qieerxi

Further, exporting RSS feeds and implementing automated search engine pinging have a beneficial effect.
此外,出口 RSS提要,实施自动化的搜索引擎执行ping产生有利的影响。 blogbus

It’s then a case of timing, dodging the minions and timing my burrowing to crack that fragile shell without pinging off the shielding, or even his wrought-iron legs.
这下问题就简单多了,躲避它的爪牙们,同时计算好挖洞的时间,保护好自己的同时攻击它脆弱的外壳,甚至它的铁腿。 yeeyan

It causes a knocking or pinging sound, robs the engine of power and, left unchecked, causes serious engine damage. Knock may be eliminated with the appropriate octane number.
这导致侦测敲击或声音,剥夺了权力的发动机,同时,不加制止,造成严重的发动机损坏。爆震可能与相应的辛烷值淘汰。 yirentuan

On mobile devices, it might also include scanning cell towers and pinging GPS satellites.
在移动设备上,可能还会涉及到扫描无线发射塔和 ping GPS卫星。 ibm

Our social space is positively filled with general messages to be active, constantly“ pinging” our consciousness and pushing us to do something, and do it now.
我们的社会空间里充斥着要积极行动的信息,不断的让我们有意识地去做点什么,立马就做。 yeeyan

Sometimes we would also try to hit the hubcaps of passing cars and, when we succeeded, it made a loud pinging noise.
有时我们还砸过往车辆的毂盖,每当击中了就会响亮地发出砰的一声。 blog.sina.com.cn

Technology enables them to be nearby one another even when they are remote in physical space. Their pinging establishes new ways of being nearby, of being present.
科技让他们在彼此相隔甚远时犹如毗邻,“戳一下”是他们相互陪伴的新方法,也是在彼此身边存在的新途径。 yeeyan

The June bug pinging incessantly off your front porch light is a type of scarab.
总是不停地把前门灯撞的乒乓响的六月腮金龟就是金龟科的一种。 yeeyan

Pinging is currently not allowed.
侦测目前是不允许的。 christianlovedating

Pinging with a cell phone is a method for scanning one’s environment.
用手机“戳”别人一下是我们审视周围环境的一种方法。 yeeyan




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