

单词 physician
释义 phy·si·cian 英fɪˈzɪʃən美fɪˈzɪʃənAHDfĭ-zĭshʹən ★★☆☆☆高四六研IMT4COCA²⁴⁶²BNC⁹⁹⁶³iWeb²¹⁶⁰Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺


doctor, especially one specializing in areas of treatment other than surgery

a licensed medical practitioner;

I felt so bad I went to see my doctor

physician, doctor, surgeon

这组词都可指“医生”。doctor为普通用语,泛指以看病为职业的各科医生; physician主要指内科医生,也可指一般医生,词义庄重,在美式英语中较常用; surgeon指外科医生。







用作名词 n.
动词+~assist a physician帮助医生consult〔see〕 a physician找内科医生看病形容词+~noted physician有名的医生quack physician庸医visiting physician出诊医生attending physician主治医生名词+~family physician家庭医生house physician住院内科医生army physician军医介词+~under the care of a physician在内科医生的照料下~+介词physician in charge主治医生physician to the king御医physician with a large practice照料许多病人的医生
physi自然+cian专家→照看大自然赋予的身体之人⇒内科医生词根记忆physic医学+ian人→内科医生词根记忆physic医学+ian表人→医师比较surgeon外科医生近义词 doctor博士medico医师surgeon外科医生GP普通开业医生…dentist牙科医生md医学博士=Doctor…medic医科学生或医生…Dr.博土,医生(=Docto…doctor of medicine医学博士general practitioner全科医师DOC数据控制工作室工作人员(…反义词 surgeon外科医生
用作名词(n.He is a prominentphysician.他是位著名的内科医生。
In case of diabetes, physicians advise against the use of sugar.对于糖尿病患者,医生告诫他们不要吃糖。Pmetaphysiciann.形而上学者Phouse-physician内科住院医师

用作名词He was attended by his personalphysician.他的私人医生护理他。
He prefers to be a surgeon rather than aphysician.他喜欢当外科医生而不愿作内科医生。
Thephysicianput him on a special diet.内科医生给他吃特定的食物。
He consulted hisphysicianabout his health.他请医生诊断他的健康。noun.person trained in medical science
同义词 doctor,specialist,surgeonMD,bones,doc,healer,intern,medic,quack,sawbonesgeneral practitioner,medical practitioner
反义词 patient
doctornoun medical practitioner
MD,bones,doc,expert,general practitioner,healer,intern,medic,medical person,medico,professor,quack,scientist,specialist,surgeon
healernoun faith healer
curer,doctor,medicine man,mender,physician,shaman,therapist
healersnoun faith healer
curers,doctors,medicine mans,menders,physicians,shamans,therapists
medicnoun health practitioner
therapistnoun counselor
adviser,analyst,clinician,doctor,physician,psychiatrist,psychoanalyst,psychologist,psychotherapist,shrink And should you become ill in the interim, you might even travel back to our prior, established physician.
万一在这段时间内您生病了,您可能还会回去找我们以前的、已经确定的医生。 ibm

There was no physician within miles, no neighbour; nor was she in a condition to be left, to summon help.
方圆几英里之内没有医生,没有邻居,她妻子的情况也不允许他离开去寻求帮助。 yeeyan

“ I judged no less, ” said the physician.
“我正是这么看的,”那医生说。 hjenglish

After a while he got curious as to what his physician might have said to the prospective doctor.
不一会儿,他就感到好奇,到底自己的医生会对那个即将被找到的大夫说些什么呢。 yeeyan

Although this operation is considered safe, complications may occur as they might occur with any operation, and you should consult your physician about your specific case.
虽然腹腔镜腹疝修补术一般是安全的,但是像在其他手术一样,也可能出现并发症。你应该就你的情况谘询你的医生。 yeeyan

But, if it be the soul's disease, then do I commit myself to the one Physician of the soul!
我不会对你说的!不过,果真我得的是灵魂上的疾病,那我就把自己交给灵魂的唯一的医生! hjenglish

His physician advises him to immediately follow a strict diet and exercise plan to avoid the risk of heart- related diseases.
他的医生建议他立即执行一个严格的节食健身计划,以避免患上与心脏相关的疾病。 ibm

I think to need no more of your drugs, my kind physician, good though they be, and administered by a friendly hand.
我想我已经不再需要你的药了,我的好心的医生,虽说那些药很好,又是一只友好的手给的。 hjenglish

In the latest study, the researchers enrolled105 children between the ages of2 and18 at a university- affiliated physician practice site.
在最近的调查中,研究人员在一所大学附属的医生实习点聚集了年龄在2到18岁的105名儿童。 ebigear

It provides the physician with information that enables him to provide you with very“ personalized” treatment.
它向内科医师提供这些信息,以使他能够向您提供非常“个性化的”治疗。 ibm

My father is a physician.
我的父亲是位医生。 ibm

Nature is the best physician.
大自然是最好的医生。 edu.sina.com.cn

Of course, discuss with your physician before beginning any new health regime.
当然了,开始任何健康规划前要跟你的医生商量一下。 yeeyan

Once we establish our own role in the management of our health, the importance of a close and trusting relationship with our physician becomes apparent.
一旦我们在管理自己的健康上确定了自己的角色,和医生之间亲密而信任的关系的重要性就变得显而易见了。 yeeyan

Or your physician might suggest going off the drug for a few weeks to see if your memory improves.
或者您的医生可能建议停用药物几个星期,看看您的记忆力是否有所改善。 kekenet

Perhaps it is a complex weighted sum of these other values that decide for you whether you accept this new physician, or continue your search.
可能是这些其它值的复杂的加权总和决定您究竟是接受这位新医生还是继续搜索。 ibm

Please consult with your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program.
开始练习之前请向医师咨询您的身体是否适合运动。 ebigear

Salinger in1946 was back in New York, rid not only of soldiering but of a brief, unsuccessful marriage to a European woman physician.
在1946年,塞林格回到纽约,他不仅甩掉了兵役,也摆脱了与一位欧洲女医生的草率而失败的婚姻。 yeeyan

So the minister, and the physician with him, withdrew again within the limits of what their church defined as orthodox.
于是,牧师和陪伴他的医生只好再龟缩到他们的教会划为正宗的禁区之内。 hjenglish

The old physician was unfrocked by the Medical Association.

The new president is a trained physician with a soft spot for baseball.
这位新校长是一位训练有素的医生,特别喜欢棒球。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Well, as a physician, that is not, and cannot be, my primary concern.
好吧,作为一名医生,这不是,并且不能,是我的主要关注。 yeeyan

Yet did the physician, in his dark way, creep frightfully near the secret.
不过,医生以他那不为人知的手段,已经可怕地爬近了秘密。 hjenglish

Yet Mukherjee allows himself to hope, and recognizes that some form of hope is, and has to be, negotiated between the physician and the patient.
但是慕克吉让自己抱有希望,并认识到在医生和病人之间要甚至是必须建立起某种希望。 yeeyan




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