

单词 parodying
释义 par·o·dy·ing 英'pærədi美'pærədi COCA⁷⁰³⁹⁴BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous wayhumorous or satirical mimicry
make a spoof of or make fun ofmake a parody of;

The students spoofed the teachers

parody mass模拟弥撒曲
近义词 ape猿mock嘲弄twist缠绕comedy喜剧monkey猴子cartoon卡通distort歪曲pervert误用imitate仿效mockery嘲弄takeoff起飞satire讽刺文satirize讽刺put-on做作的imitation模仿spoof滑稽模仿distortion扭曲perversion误用lampoon讽刺文章make fun of取笑travesty滑稽模仿caricature讽刺画misrepresent误称burlesque滑稽模仿pasquinade讽刺文章misrepresentation误称sendup讽刺性模仿作品…take the mickey打趣(嘲弄charade看手势猜字谜游戏…

用作名词Time is the wealth of change, but the clock in itsparodymakes it.时间是变化的财富。时钟模仿它,却只有变化而无财富。
She has become a grotesqueparodyof her former elegant self.她成为了以前那个举止优雅的自己的怪诞模仿品。
The trial was aparodyof justice.这次审判是对公正的一次拙劣的模拟。用作动词His style has often beenparodied.他的风格经常被拙劣地模仿。 And he's parodying both kinds of response in this novel, so in that sense, the novel is very much of its time.
在小说中他模仿了两种方式的应答,从这个意义上说这本小说很有它的时代价值。 v.163.com

Warning! Suggested for mature readers only. This book contains gender based humour parodying both men and women which may offend some people.
仅推荐成人阅读。其中包含基于性别的幽默,同时调侃男人和女人。可能有部分人会觉得被冒犯。 lkong

A monkey is parodying clown Yura.
这个小猴正在模仿小丑 Yura呢。 yeeyan

Last week an Australian variety show host was forced to apologise for a skit in which singers parodying the Jackson Five painted their faces black.
上周,一位澳大利亚综艺节目主持人被迫为一个环节道歉,该环节演唱者模仿 Jackson Five乐队时将脸涂成黑色。 yeeyan




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