释义 |
Pariaman 基本例句 n.帕里亚曼在印度尼西亚;东经 100º09' 南纬 0º36' A motorcyclist and his passengers drive past destroyed houses at Patamuan village in PadangPariaman, Indonesia, October 3, 2009.一名电单车司机和他驾驶的乘客在巴东帕里亚曼,印度尼西亚,2009年10月3日Patamuan过去村被毁的房屋。 A man carrying ducks evacuates his house, damaged by an earthquake, in PadangPariaman, a coastal town in the Indonesian province of West Sumatra, October 4, 2009.一名男子手持鸭撤走他的房子,由地震损坏,在巴东帕里亚曼,在西苏门答腊,2009年10月4日印度尼西亚亚齐省沿海城市。 Guests attending Roni Gustiawan and Evi Susanti's traditional wedding ceremony sit near a wall damaged during the earthquake, inPariaman, Indonesia on October 4, 2009.出席午餐会的罗尼Gustiawan王莲香和经济脆弱的传统婚礼仪式,坐在附近的破坏,在地震墙,在帕里亚曼,印尼10月4日,2009。 |