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词汇 parenthood
释义 par·ent·hood 英'peərənthʊd美'pɛrənthʊd ★☆☆☆☆高S四八COCA¹⁵⁴⁴²BNC¹⁶²¹⁶iWeb¹¹¹⁹⁵Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

the state of being a parent;

to everyone's surprise, parenthood reformed the man

来自parent,父母,-hood,状态后缀。parenthood education父母职责教育…planned parenthood计划生育ratio of planned parenthood计划生育率
parent-hood⇒n.父母的身份n.双亲立场;父母身分;亲子关系近义词 parentage出身paternity父权maternity母性guardianship监护motherhood母亲身份fatherhood父亲的身份parenting父母对孩子的养育…

用作名词I guess thitss the fun part of theparenthood.我想这就是为人父母的最大乐趣吧。
The book takes a humorous look atparenthood.这本书以幽默的笔触论述了父母的身份。as in.fatherhood
同义词 parentagefathership,progenitorshipas in.maternity
同义词 gestation,motherhoodmaternologyas in.motherhood
同义词 motherlinessmothership
fatherhoodnoun paternity
maternitynoun period of being pregnant with child
motherhoodnoun maternity
motherliness,mothership,parenthood In Missouri, for example, Planned Parenthood is fighting a new law that would re- designate their three clinics as surgical centres, requiring two to shut while they are renovated.
比如,“计划生育”密苏里分部正力抗一新出台法律,该法律将把它的三家诊所重新定性为外科手术中心,并要求关闭其中两家,而此时这两家的设施刚刚更新。 ecocn

Pedro Elías of Planned Parenthood says machismo persists among young Latinos in Fresno, making them less inclined to use condoms.
“计划生育”组织的佩德罗•艾里艾斯说,弗雷斯诺的年轻人自恃“大男子气概”,因此较少使用避孕套。 ecocn

Such “ demonising language, at times, has consequences, ” says Peter Brownlie, the head of the Kansas and mid- Missouri arm of Planned Parenthood, a pro-choice group.
皮特是堪萨斯州和中密苏里州的一个名为“计划生育”支持妇女堕胎权利的组织领导者。他说,“有时,妖魔化的激烈言辞会酿成严重后果。” ecocn

“ We have seen an increase in women's deaths and teenage suicides in Nicaragua, ” said Dr Kelly Culwell, of the International Planned Parenthood Federation at the report's launch.
“我们看到,在尼加拉瓜,妇女死亡率和少女自杀率在上升,”凯利科维尔博士在联合国计划生育联合会上发布此报告时如是说。 yeeyan

A teen health clinic, such as Planned Parenthood, or a teen pregnancy hotline can guide you and steer you toward resources to support you.
一个青少年健康工作坊,如计划生育部门,或青少年怀孕热线,可以引导和指引你支持你的资源。 yeeyan

Abhorrence for Planned Parenthood almost led to the elimination of all family planning services.
由于对计划生育诊所深恶痛绝,德克萨斯州几乎取缔了所有计划生育服务。 ecocn

An amendment offered by Representative Mike Pence, Republican of Indiana, would bar any financing of Planned Parenthood.
印第安纳州共和党代笔麦克·彭斯提出的修正案将禁止所有对计划生育的资助。 yeeyan

Another trend pushing intimacy out the door: older parenthood and the fatigue that comes with raising a child in your late 30s,40s, or50s.
另一个把亲密拒之门外的因素是:老年亲子关系及在你30几岁、40几岁或者50几岁的时候抚养孩子所带来的疲劳。 yeeyan

But it did call for Senate votes on rescinding funding for Planned Parenthood and for the health care reform legislation President Obama signed in 2010.

But Planned Parenthood made sure to choose a site that allows medical facilities and would not require a special permit.
但“计划生育”确保了选择一处允许医疗设施的地盘,无须特批。 ecocn

Democrats contended that Republicans’ insistence on cutting funding for Planned Parenthood and the Environmental Protection Agency was holding up an agreement.
民主党则认为,共和党坚持减少为计划生育协会和环保署拨款阻碍了预算协议的达成。 putclub

Eventually, through Disability Pregnancy and Parenthood International I got practical advice.
后来通过残疾人怀孕和生育国际机构,我得到了些实用的建议。 yeeyan

Experts at Planned Parenthood note that acts of physical, verbal or emotional abuse can be a clear sign that a relationship is unhealthy and may need to be terminated.
“生育计划”的专家指出,肢体暴力,言语谩骂或情感侮辱这些行为可以清楚地表明,这个婚姻关系已经非常有害了,而且很可能需要停止。 yeeyan

For whatever reasons, be they biological, evolutional, or societal, the onus of human parenthood has traditionally fallen on the mother.
无论由于什么原因,生物学的、进化的,还是社会的原因,人类亲子关系的责任在传统上已经落在了母亲身上。 yeeyan

I'd sponsor scientific endeavors and give money to Planned Parenthood and start a local Kiva fund and give merit-based scholarships to innovative children.
我会资助科学实验,给计划生育组织捐钱,建立一个当地假面骑士资金会,给品学兼优的有创造力的孩子奖学金。 yeeyan

It's available at drugstores, as well as health clinics and Planned Parenthood.
该药物可以在药房、诊所和计划生育单位购得。 yeeyan

Last week in Washington, DC, the House of Representatives voted to remove federal funding from Planned Parenthood.
上周在华盛顿,众议院投票提议终止对计划生育组织给予资金支持。 ecocn

Many of them, like funding for health care reform, environmental regulation and Planned Parenthood, are on the Republicans’ ideological hit list.
它们中有许多,像资助医疗改革、环境监管和计划生育,都被列为共和党施政理念上反对的目标。 yeeyan

Planned Parenthood, a pro-choice group that provides health care to women, points out that ultrasounds are already part of standard care before a termination.
为妇女提供医疗关护且赞成堕胎的计划生育组织指出,超声检查已经是终止妊娠前标准治疗的一部分了。 ecocn

Planned Parenthood gives abortion counseling, among other services.

Planned Parenthood's outfit in Austin, Texas, held a public groundbreaking in2003 and chaos ensued.
2003年,“计划生育”得州奥斯汀分部公开奠基,结果纷扰接踵而来。 ecocn

Such“demonising language, at times, has consequences,” says Peter Brownlie, the head of the Kansas and mid- Missouri arm of Planned Parenthood, a pro-choice group.
这种“在道德上抹黑的言辞有些时候有着重大影响,”支持堕胎的堪萨斯和中密苏里计划生育组织负责人彼得-布朗利说。 yeeyan

The hardest three months of parenthood are the first, often more so for dads, who are more reluctant to give up the way things were.
父母生涯的头三个月是最难熬的,对爸爸们而言更是如此,因为爸爸们更加不想改变过去的生活。 yeeyan

We were able to stop Republican efforts to defund the Affordable Care Act as well as Planned Parenthood and international family planning programs.
我们可以阻止共和党人对可支付医疗法案,计划生育和国际性计划生育计划进行撤资。 yeeyan

What's more, youngsters who delay parenthood may actually be worse off.
更甚的是,推迟生育的年轻人实际上可能会更糟。 yeeyan

When Planned Parenthood applied for permits in Aurora last year, it used the name of Gemini Office Development, a subsidiary, hoping to keep the project quiet for as long as possible.
去年,还是“计划生育”在奥罗拉申请许可时,它用了下属机构“双子发展办”的名称,希望计划能悄悄地进行,能瞒多久就瞒多久。 ecocn




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