指至少两条线平行的of two or more lines having the same distance between each other at every point
类似的,相对应的exactly corresponding; similar
C平行线〔面〕a parallel line or surface
CU极相似的人〔事物〕a person or thing that is closely similar or comparable to another person or thing
C类似点,相似之处a point of similarity
C比较a comparison that shows similarity
C纬线,纬度圈any of a number of lines on a map drawn parallel to the equator
vt. 与…平行,与…相当be equal to sth; match sth
something having the property of being analogous to something elsean imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equatormathematics one of a set of parallel geometric figures parallel lines or planes;parallels never meet
being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting;parallel lines never converge
concentric circles are parallel
dancers in two parallel rows
of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations;parallel processing
be parallel to;Their roles are paralleled by ours
make or place parallel to something;They paralleled the ditch to the highway
duplicate or match;The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词parallel case〔experience〕类似的事情〔经验〕~+介词parallel to〔with〕与…平行的用作名词 n.动词+~afford a parallel提供了相似性bear a parallel to与…相似draw a parallel between在…之间作出比较draw a parallel with与…相比find parallels among在…三者以上之中找出类似的事例have no parallel in modern times现今无与伦比形容词+~close parallel极其相似historic parallel历史的类比striking parallel鲜明的对比介词+~in parallel with与…同时地,与…平行on a parallel with与…同等地without a parallel in history史无前例
用作动词v.parallel with与…作比较compare sth with sth
parallel sth with sthYou'd better parallel this book with that one carefully.你最好仔细地把这本书与那本书作一番比较。近义词 equallikenessidenticalcomparableadj. alikebe similar tomatchv. be alikesimilarn. comparison反义词 differcontrastingadj. contradictorydifferentn. oppositeunlikenessv. be unlike
~+ n.There are two parallel lines.这有两条平行线。
This is the parallel points in the characters of different men.这就是不同人物间个性上的类似之处。
S+be+~These two roads are parallel.这两条路是平行的。
Concentric spheres are parallel.同心球面是平行的。
The growth of the two towns was almost parallel.这两个城镇的发展几乎相同。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThe railway runs parallel with the railway.这条铁路与那条铁路平行。
My findings in this matter are parallel to yours.我在这个问题上的发现与你相似。
He was parallel with the beggars.他跟乞丐差不多。用作名词n.This line is a parallel with that one.这条线和那条线平行。
He is a parallel to Mr.Brown in promoting the product.在推销这类产品方面他可以和布朗先生匹配。
He is following a brilliant career without a parallel in modern times.他正从事着举世无双的辉煌事业。
There are some interesting parallels between the educational systems of these two countries.这两国的教育制度之间有些有趣的相似之处。
This city is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.这个城市靠近北纬40度。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The street parallels the railroad.这条街与铁路平行。
Your experience parallels my own.你的经历与我的相似。
No one has paralleled his success business.没有人赶得上他在事业上的成就。My experience in this matter is parallel to yours.在这件事情上,我的经验和你的类似。
Japan's macroeconomic puzzle has a microeconomic parallel.日本的宏观经济难题是与其微观经济并联的。
Elements may be connected in parallel, series, or any combination thereof.这些硅碳棒可以是并联的,串连的,或者是串并混联的。用作名词用作及物动词⎤