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词汇 nude
释义 nude 英nuːd, njuːd美nud, njudAHDn›d, ny›d ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝八TCOCA¹¹⁰⁶⁸BNC¹⁵⁹⁶¹iWeb⁸⁹⁸¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺


in a painting,picture,or sculpture a person without clothes


without any clothes;naked

a painting of a naked human figurewithout clothing especially in the phrase `in the nude';

they swam in the nude

a naked persona statue of a naked human figure
completely unclothed;

bare bodies

naked from the waist up

a nude model

nude, bare, naked, uncovered


1.bare修饰人时指身体的某一部分裸露; naked修饰人时,指全身裸体的,连眼镜等都不戴的; nude修饰人时,意思是“全裸的”,尤指广告女郎、模特儿,是naked的委婉语; uncovered指人时,意为“不戴帽子的”。

2.bare修饰物时指“没有遮蔽的”“没有装饰的”; naked修饰物时,指不必掩盖、遮盖的; uncovered多指无覆盖物的。

来自拉丁语nudus,裸体的,未穿衣服的,来自PIE*nogw,裸体的,词源同naked, the nude裸体nude contact裸接触体nude rat裸大鼠nude gauge裸视nude ion gage裸露电离计nude mice裸鼠nude contract法 无约因契约,…nude mouse无毛鼠nude cargo裸装货
nud裸+e→裸的,裸体的⇒转作名词裸体画,裸体人像。GRE红宝书naked近义词 bare赤裸的bald秃头的naked裸体的stripped剥夺的starkers赤裸的in the nude裸体undressed未穿衣服的in the buff赤身裸体nude painting裸体画buck naked一丝不挂的stark-naked一丝不挂的with nothing on赤裸裸unclothed动词unclothe的过…au naturel裸体的; 自然状态的…
用作名词n.The children were running around the garden in the nude.孩子们光着身子在花园里奔跑。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.A picture of a nude woman was hung on the wall.一幅裸体女人像挂在墙上。
They draw the nude figure with careful anatomy .他们以仔细解剖的方法画了这幅裸体画。Pdenudevt.使裸露剥下剥夺

用作形容词Are there anynudescenes in the movie?电影里有裸体镜头吗?
Early Greek art represented Aphrodite as an oriental,nudegoddess type.早期的希腊艺术中,阿佛洛狄特被表现为裸体的东方美神。用作名词I've got two or three things in hand just now. There's a rather splendidnude, actually.目前我手头上有那么两三幅。其实,还有一幅顶呱呱的〈裸体画〉呢。adj.without clothes, covering
同义词 nakeddishabille,in the buff,raw,skinau naturel,bald,bare,bare-skinned,buck naked,disrobed,exposed,garmentless,in one's birthday suit,in one's skin,in the altogether,peeled,stark,stark naked,stripped,unattired,unclad,unclothed,uncovered,undraped,undressed,wearing only a smile,without a stitch
反义词 clothed,covered
au natureladjective without clothing
bare,disrobed,exposed,in one's birthday suit,in the buff,in the raw,naked,naked as a jaybird,natural,stark naked,stripped,unclad,unclothed,undressed,without a stitch
bareadjective without clothing
bald,bareskinned,denuded,disrobed,divested,exposed,in one's birthday suit,naked,nude,peeled,shorn,stripped,unclad,unclothed,uncovered,undressed,unrobed
barestadjective without clothing
bald,bareskinned,denuded,disrobed,divested,exposed,in one's birthday suit,naked,nude,peeled,shorn,stripped,unclad,unclothed,uncovered,undressed,unrobed
birthday suitnoun bare skin
au naturel,bare skin,in the buff,in the raw,nakedness,native buff,nude,raw,state of nature
modelnoun person, thing that poses
modelsnoun person, thing that poses
configurations,designs,forms,kinds,marks,modes,styles,varieties Bare all on a nude beach.
在裸体海滩上一丝不挂。 net

The public airing of a nude self- portrait, an act of almost unheard- of daring in a conservative Arab country, stirred instant controversy, as well as more than a million page views.
公开传播裸体自拍照,一种在保守的阿拉伯国家几乎闻所未闻的大胆行为,立刻引起了轩然大波,以及带来了超过一百万的页面访问量。 ecocn

The purpose of Nude Yoga is to produce guilt-free and stress- free state of mind in which you find a new sense of purpose and pursue your goals with a new- found sense of vigor.
裸体瑜伽的目的是产生无罪和无压的精神状态,在那里面你将找到意欲的新感觉,并且用这新找到的活力感受追求你的目的。 yeeyan

Along with currywurst and nude saunas, bookstores have long been such a banal fact of life here, as they are across Germany, that only an outsider might bother to think their number was remarkable.
和咖喱香肠以及裸体的桑拿浴一样,书店早已成为这里生活中很平常的事情,当人们穿越德国的时候,只有外地人会迷惑,这里为什么会由这么多的书店。 yeeyan

At first the scientists believed the geometrical figure carved onto the antler could have been either the mentioned woman, or a nude man raising his arms.
一开始,科学家们认为刻画在鹿角上的几何图案有可能是之前说到的女性,也可能是一个举着双臂的裸体男性。 yeeyan

He has painted nude models.

Herr Weber should have used his instinct— there must be more elegant ways to advertise— a stunning nude with a cocky hat might well boost his sales!
韦伯先生应该用他的本能来促进他的销售,一定还有更好的广告方式,比如一个令人目瞪口呆的戴着翻边帽的裸体。 yeeyan

I don't think though I would want people wandering around shopping centres etc nude.
我不认为人们在购物等情况下应该裸体,尽管我可能这样期望。 yeeyan

In 1995 he vowed to perform nude on top of the National Palace if he became president— a promise he will not have to keep, since the building collapsed in the earthquake of January2010.
1995年,他起过誓如果他成为总统就在国家宫顶上赤裸全身,但是这个承诺他将不会遵守,因为该建筑在2010年1月的地震中已经倒塌了。 ecocn

In their portfolio you could find photos of animals, landscapes, and even art nude.
在他们的摄影集中你会发现有动物,美景,也有裸体艺术。 rentiyishu4

One of the group was nude, her body covered with silver-white paint and glitter, and the others, wearing black leotards, lifted her into the night sky.
他们中有一组是裸体的,身体绘着银白色的油漆和亮点,而其他人则身穿黑色紧身衣将娜塔莉举向夜空。 yeeyan

The artist has been documenting the nude figure in public through photography and video since1992.
自从1992年,这位艺术家就开始在公共场合用图片和录像来展出裸体形象。 yeeyan

The poster hung on the wall: A painting of a nude woman, reclining on a divan, a gorilla mask covering her head.
挂在墙上的海报:绘画里有一位裸体的女人,斜倚在一个沙发上,可是在她的头上却覆盖了一个大猩猩的面具。 yeeyan

The woman may be nude, but the geometrical style of representation does not allow us to answer this question.
这个女性可能是裸体的,但由于形象的几何风格,我们无法确切解答这个问题。 yeeyan

There is the recent reverse trend of using ‘ nude make-up’, which is to put on make-up lightly for an innocent and ‘ barely-there’ look.
现在出现了一种近代的倒退趋势,就是出现了一种“裸体化妆”,就是在脸上化一层薄薄的妆,几乎是看不出来的。 yeeyan

They argued that nude dancing is a type of expression and that its free exercise should therefore not be inhibited.
他们争论说裸体跳舞只是一种表达,因此这种自由体操不应被限制。 ecocn

When women view the seductive pose of the female nude, they do not believe she is ‘ coming on to’ them.
当女人们看到女性裸体充满魅力的姿态时,她们绝不相信自己会对女人感兴趣。 yeeyan

NUDE mountaineering will never catch on in the Himalayas. But it is the sort of thing that happens when climbing Everest ceases to be the exclusive preserve of an elite.
裸体登山永远不会在喜马拉雅山流行,但是当攀登珠峰不再只是登山精英的天下之时,这种登山形式的出现意义非同寻常。 ecocn

NUDE Yoga is a process by which one achieves liberation of the self, actualization of one's goals, and union with the supreme self through intense meditation, concentration, and commitment.
裸体瑜伽是一种实现自我解放的进程,实现你个人的目的,通过深度的冥想、凝神和笃信实现你与终极自我的合一。 yeeyan




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