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Oxide glasses 基本例句 氧化物玻璃 Fluoride glasses have a lower phonon energy compared to oxide glasses, therefore the probability of non - radiative trasition is low and qantum efficiency of upconversion is high.和传统的氧化物玻璃相比,氟化物玻璃具有声子能量低的特点,因此无辐射跃迁几率小,上转换量子效率高,使得掺稀土离子的氟化物玻璃具有高的发光效率。 Chalcogenide glasses have larger nonlinear optical coefficient than ordinary oxide glasses, therefore, there investigations are one of the attractive subjects at present.硫系玻璃具有比一般氧化物玻璃更高的非线性光学系数,因而硫系非线性光学玻璃是国际前沿研究课题。 |