

单词 in the wings
释义 in the wings短语³⁹²⁰⁵
已准备就绪的; 就在眼前的; 离开视线的
Is there a person who's keeping this guy back in the wings, who's not letting this divine self- promoter set himself up in Jerusalem?

Republicans lurk in the wings, but a majority still respects the king.
共和派人士伺机而动,但大多数群众依然尊敬国王。 ecocn

There are political forces in the wings questioning the desirability of Indian society's move toward urban and industrial modernity.
周边还有一些政治力量质疑印度社会城市化进程和工业现代化。 yeeyan

Yet some economists and investors insist high inflation, even hyperinflation, is lurking in the wings.
但是一些经济学家和投资人坚持高通胀正在逼近——甚至是恶性通货膨胀。 ecocn




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