

单词 overburden
释义 o·ver·bur·den 英ˌəʊvəˈbɜːdn美ˌovɚˈbɝdņAHDō'vər-bûrʹdn 高TCOCA³⁵⁹⁸⁹BNC³⁸²²⁵iWeb²⁷¹⁶²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
the surface soil that must be moved away to get at coal seams and mineral depositsan excessive burden
burden with too much work or responsibilityload with excessive weightover-,超过,过度,burden,负担,担子。overburden excavator表土挖土机,剥土电铲…overburden pressure积土压力,覆盖地层压…overburden layer覆盖层overburden ratio采剥比,剥离比…overburden stripping覆盖层剥除,覆盖层剥…residual overburden残积覆盖层
over+burden负担⇒使负担过重近义词 tax税load负荷labor工人prey牺牲者burden负担overload使超载overtax课税过重overstretch过度伸长overstrain使过度紧张

用作动词The education system rather than the teachers is to answer foroverburdenon the students .使学生负担过重的是教育体系而不是老师。
Because of theoverburdenof our commitments, we are unable to ship your order within the agreed period.由于我方订货负担过重,无法在协议期限内交货。
Language teachers should be aware of the priority in vocabulary instruction and had better notoverburdenstudents' memory.首先词汇教学的内容要重点突出,循序渐进,不能使短时记忆超负荷。verb.overload
同义词 encumber,oppress,overwhelmexhaust
反义词 aid,help
abuseverb use wrongly
congestverb clog
block,choke,clog up,crowd,dam,filled,overburden,overcrowd,pack,plug
driveverb move or urge on
act upon,actuate,animate,arouse,bulldoze,chase,coerce,compel,constrain,dog,egg on,encourage,force,goad,goose,harass,hasten,herd,hound,hurl,hurry,hustle,impel,induce,inspire,instigate,kick,lean on,make,motivate,nag,oblige,overburden,overwork,pound,press,pressure,prod,prompt,propel,provoke,push,put up to,railroad,ride herd on,rouse,rush,send,shepherd,shove,spirit up,spur,steamroll,stimulate,work on,worry
drivesverb move or urge on
acts upon,actuates,animates,arouses,bulldozes,chases,coerces,compels,constrains,dogs,egg on,encourages,forces,goads,gooses,harasses,hastens,herds,hounds,hurls,hurries,hustles,impels,induces,inspires,instigates,kicks,lean on,makes,motivates,nags,obliges,overburdens,overworks,pounds,presses,pressures,prods,prompts,propels,provokes,pushes,puts up to,railroads,rides herd on,rouses,rushes,sends,shepherds,shoves,spirits up,spurs,steamrolls,stimulates,works on,worries
encumberverb bother, burden
block,charge,clog,cramp,discommode,embarrass,hamper,handicap,hang up,hinder,hog-tie,hold up,impede,incommode,inconvenience,lade,load,make difficult,obstruct,oppress,overburden,overload,retard,saddle,saddle with,slow down,tax,trammel,weigh down,weight
ill-treatverb abuse
dissipate,exhaust,ill-use,maltreat,misemploy,mishandle,mistreat,misuse,overburden,overtax,overwork,prostitute,spoil,squander,taint,waste“ We want a country where people don't overburden themselves with debts they cannot repay, ” says a senior FSA official.
“我们想要的国家不会迫使人们去借他们不能偿还的债”一位财政署的官员说道。 ecocn

A spokeswoman for the Institute of Education Sciences, the research arm of the Department of Education, said an additional test would overburden schools.
教育部研究中心,教育科学院的发言人称,这项测试会给学校带来压力。 yeeyan

According to the shallow seismic acquisition results, the deep tectonics such as overburden thickness and bedrock top surface depth are studied.
结合浅层地震探测结果,研究了工程场区覆盖层厚度和基岩顶面埋深及深部构造特征。 cnki

After the rain stops, mines needed to be drained, overburden stripped and coal washed and railed to port and then blended before it could be shipped.
雨停之后,矿井中的积水需要排干,煤炭需要剥离、清洗,然后送到港口混合,最后才能装船。 yeeyan

An influx of displaced people may overburden water resources used by the local population.
由于灾民的大量涌入,当地人现成的水源可能会不堪重负。 yeeyan

At present, overburden thickness of a subaqueous tunnel is in general determined by experience, which leads to diversified results as obtained by different empirical formulae.
水下隧道覆盖层厚度目前基本上是凭经验确定的,采用不同的经验公式得到的计算结果差异很大。 cnki

Because of the overburden of our commitments, we are unable to ship your order within the agreed period.
由于我方订货负担过重,无法在协议期限内交货。 iciba

But on the other hand, it turns out to overburden the food supply of the world.
但另一方面,它给世界带来了沉重的粮食负担。 jp345

Deep ones as a rule of thumb, those below20km, or12 miles generate small or non- existent tsunamis because their uplifting effects are absorbed by the overburden.
一是深震一般在20km或12英里以下,隆升通常被表层所吸收,因此不引发海啸或只引发小型海啸。 ecocn

Ecologists point out that a cluster of high-rise buildings in a city often overburden public transportation and parking-lot capacitInternet Explorers.
生态学家指出,都市里的高层建筑群使社交访问量和停车容量负担过重。 daocong

In India’s cities a traffic accident on one street will quickly overburden alternative routes.
在印度的城市,一个街道发生的交通事故将会迅速影响到可替代的路线。 ecocn

It provides the experiential and technical assistance for shaft sinking by freezing method in thick overburden of Juye coalfield and other mining areas.
本文总结了龙固副井的冻结施工工艺,为巨野煤田以及深厚表土的冻结施工提供了经验和技术保证。 cnki

Just as you may despise Charles for his overburden of apparatus, you perhaps despise him for his lack of specialization.
正如你可能嘲笑查尔斯笨重的装备一样,你也可能嘲笑他研究面太宽,不够专业化。 jukuu

Literature of the era tried to steer the public away from the overburden of the French and Dutch design that earlier had been accepted in England.
时代文学试图引导公众远离覆盖法国和荷兰的设计,先前已在英国接受。 cfli

Therefore, to research the overburden's destructive rules, especially the water suture zone's height is of great importance.
因此,研究覆岩破坏规律,特别是导水裂缝带的高度就显得极为重要。 cnki

This present paper discusses the concrete ways to improve tax efficiency in the views of reducing tax cost, tax payment cost and tax overburden.
本文着重从降低征税成本、纳税成本和超税负担三个方面探讨提高税收效率的具体途径。 cnki

We do a lot of work to ensure that we don't overburden the CPU so that our charts can be as responsive as possible.
我们付出了巨大的努力来确保不会加重 CPU的负担,这样图表就能以最快的速度响应。 infoq

When we entered the design stage, however, the necessity of modeling the communication mechanisms between the two systems would likely overburden the single diagram.
然而,当我们进入设计阶段时,两个系统中的通讯机制建模的必要性使得单一的图表过于复杂。 ibm




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