

单词 Bergson
释义 Berg·son 英ˈbergsən, bergˈsɔːŋ美ˈbɛrgsən, bɛrgˈsɔŋAHDbĕrgʹsən, bĕrg-sô’“ 高COCA⁶⁷¹⁸¹BNC⁴⁹⁷¹³

French philosopher who proposed elan vital as the cause of evolution and development 1859-1941近义词 Henri Bergson柏格森
Bergson offers a twofold response.柏格森提供了双重回应。
But, there is another kind of morality and religion, according to Bergson.但是,还有另一种道德和宗教,对柏格森来说。 Henri Bergson's theory of Psychological Time is employed to analyze the significance of such a time structure.
本文主要运用柏格森的“心理时间”学说对这种特殊的时间结构进行分析。 cnki

The philosopher Henri Bergson considered intuition to be the highest state of human knowing and mysticism the perfection of intuition.
哲学家亨利柏格森的直觉认为是最高境界的人的直觉认识和神秘主义的完美。 http://sex.ordinaryslut.com

The philosophy of life, represented by Bergson, attach great importance to human's intuition, and give a profound illustration of the essence of life.
以他为代表的生命哲学,对人的直觉给与了相当重视,对生命的本质进行了深刻的阐述。 cnki

For Bergson, he notes, intuition“unites with the thing in itself and grasps it from the inside, in its uniqueness.”
他注意到对于柏格森来说,直觉“能够本能地、直接地把握精神并进入精神意识的深处,抓住其独特性。” chinafolklore

His theory had two theoretical sources, one was Western life philosophy represented by Bergson;
认为其美学思想有两个理论源头,一是以柏格森为代表的西方生命哲学; fabiao

In eleven long years John Bergson had made but little impression upon the wild land he had come to tame.
在十一年的漫长岁月中,约翰·帕克森,在他辛勤耕耘的荒芜土地上,几乎没有留下多少痕迹。 bab

Just in order to solve the problems produced by modernity, Bergson put forward his philosophic system.
而柏格森哲学的出现,正是为了解决西方走向现代过程中所出现的问题。 dictall

Secondly, china set off“tide of Bergson” in early time of the twenty century.
其次,二十世纪初期,在中国掀起了一股“柏格森热”。 fabiao

The idea means firstly that Bergson is a rigorous philosopher of science;
这种理念首先表现在柏格森是一个严谨的科学哲学家; dictall

Then Bergson's philosophical thinking on living and Freud's psychoanalysis will be told.
其次是柏格森的生命哲学理论和弗洛伊德的精神分析心理学理论。 cnki

Time, space and conscious state are three core concepts in Bergson's time philosophy.
时间、空间与意识状态是柏格森时间哲学中的三个核心概念。 cnki

Whenever we“ grasp” a melody, we are performing Bergson's intuitional operation.
每当我们“领会”一首乐曲时,我们都能体会到柏格森的直觉作用。 blog.sina.com.cn

Bergson proclaimed that there are three modes of apprehending the world: perception, rationality, and intuition.
柏格森声称,认识世界的方式有三种:感知、理性和直觉。 mtime

Bergson's view on time belongs to intuitionism, which is more based on people's personal experiences which come from animated persons and animated person's lives.
柏格森的时间观是“直觉主义”的,更多基于我们的个人经验,基于活生生的人和活生生的人的生活。 cnki

Bergson's comic includes awkward things.
柏格森的“滑稽”包括笨拙的事情。 tianya




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