

单词 orientated
释义 or·i·en·tate·d 英'ɔːriənteɪt美'ɔːriənteɪt ●●●○○高COCA¹⁰⁶⁸⁷¹BNC²⁰⁷³⁷iWeb⁴³¹³⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
determine one's position with reference to another point;

We had to orient ourselves in the forest

近义词 turn翻转face表面adapt改编angle角度place地方orient东方adjust调整position位置familiarize使熟悉accommodate供给住宿learn about了解, 知道
用作动词Try toorientateyour students towards the science subjects.把学生的兴趣尽力引导到理科方面。
The mountaineers found it difficult toorientatethemselves in the fog.登山的人在浓雾中难以确定自己的方位。
The course wasorientatedtowards foreign students.该课程是专为外国学生开的。as in.orient
同义词 adapt,adjust,align,conformacclimatize,determine,direct,locate,turnget one's bearings
反义词 disarrange,disorder,unfit,missdisorientas in.relate
同义词 affect,apply,ascribe,assign,associate,compare,concern,connect,link,pertain,referally,appertain,bracket,combine,conjoin,consociate,coordinate,couple,credit,impute,interconnect,interdepend,interrelate,join,orient,touch,unite,yokebear upon,be joined with,be relevant to,correspond to,have reference to,have to do with,identify with,tie in with
反义词 disconnect,divide,separate,disjoinconceal,dissociate,hide
orientverb familiarize
acclimatize,adapt,adjust,align,conform,determine,direct,get one's bearings,locate,orientate,turn
relateverb correlate, pertain
affect,ally,appertain,apply,ascribe,assign,associate,be joined with,be relevant to,bear upon,bracket,combine,compare,concern,conjoin,connect,consociate,coordinate,correspond to,couple,credit,have reference to,have to do with,identify with,impute,interconnect,interdepend,interrelate,join,link,orient,orientate,pertain,refer,tie in with,touch,unite,yoke Chen Xuebin, a finance professor at Fudan University, agreed that the country should transform its development mode from one orientated toward export demand to one led by domestic demand.
复旦大学金融教授陈学斌提出,国家应该将以出口需求为导向的发展模式转为由国内需求引导的发展模式。 ecocn

What we know is that youth culture is more visually orientated around computer games than they are in terms of reading and holding conversations.
据我们所知,年轻一代的文化明显倾向于电脑游戏,而冷落了阅读和与人聊天交往。 ebigear

For instance, they are creative but also problem orientated and believe in personal responsibility rather that letting society carry the can.
例如,做清醒梦的人富有创造性但也容易产生问题,他们认为个人应该承担责任,而不会将问题扔给社会。 edu.sina.com.cn

However, we find SCA addressing the intricacies of component orientated software development better.
但是,我们发现 SCA更好地解决了面向组件软件开发的复杂性。 infoq

In contrast, straightforward, easy-going and relationship- orientated people leaned toward the “ communal” styles of entertainment instead.
相对而言,直率、个性随和、注重人际关系的人倾向选择“社会”型休闲节目。 yeeyan

In contrast to the largely dance- orientated music of Berlin, it is networks of improvisers and noise musicians that dominate the London underground.
相较于以舞曲为中心的柏林,伦敦的地下乐团是由即兴演奏者,噪音音乐家主导的。 yeeyan

Much of the boilerplate code has gone, due to concepts like Dependency Injection, Annotations, and Aspect Orientated Programming.
现在由于普遍使用了例如像依赖注入( Dependency Injection, Annotations以及面向方面编程 Aspect Orientated Programming 这样的新概念,当初曾经流行的许多样板代码都已经消失了。 ibm

Nearly all of their budget is spent on commercially orientated projects.
这些研究员几乎全部的预算都面向商业项目。 ecocn

Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.
朝向不同的山坡接收到的直接太阳辐射量是不同的。 ebigear

STOMP is a streaming text orientated messaging protocol.
STOMP则是面向流文本的消息传递协议。 infoq

Technology- orientated solutions will not be sufficient to sufficiently mitigate global warming.
科技为主的解决方案将不足以充分减缓全球变暖。 yeeyan

They can be SOA advocates, because of technological advantages of service orientated technology.
因为面向服务技术的技术优势,他们可能是 SOA的拥护者。 infoq

Thus far, China has relied on its exports to support its growth, but that could rapidly change as it works to transition its economy to be more service- orientated.
到目前为止,中国依靠出口拉动经济增长,但随着中国变成一个以服务业为导向的经济体,这一切都能快速转变。 yeeyan

We found that women are going online for family orientated reasons.
我们发现,女性上网是出于家庭方面的因素。 cri

We have been internationally orientated for centuries and value openness and accessibility.
几百年以来,我们始终以国际化为导向,注重开放和沟通往来。 edu.sina.com.cn

We're now in a world in which people are much more demanding, and I think that the NHS is not very effective at delivering in that modern, market- orientated world.
我们现在所处的社会,人们有更多的需求,但我认为在这个现代化的,以市场为导向的世界当中NHS并非非常有效。 yeeyan

You may recognize the interface and operation concepts from the object- orientated paradigm.
您可能会认出源自面向对象范例的接口和各种操作概念。 ibm

You should produce things orientated to people's needs.




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