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释义 DCCABNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
=Design Change Cost Analysis 设计变动成本分析¹⁰⁰
Direct current catheter ablation DCCA and radiofrequency catheter ablation RFCA were performed on all patients guided by endocardial activation mapping combined with pace mapping.
采取心内激动和或起搏标测的方法进行标测,行直流电消融 DCCA或射频消融 RFCA治疗。

Measurements of species diversity of plant communities along both DCCA axis 1 and an altitudinal gradient in the northern slopes of Qilian mountains was carried out.
利用 DCCA排序和海拔高程排序相结合的方法,对祁连山北坡中段植物群落物种多样性垂直分布格局进行了初步研究。

The salty meadow community of Hutubi, Xinjiang was analyzed by DCA, CCA and DCCA.
本文应用 DCA、 CCA及 DCCA排序技术对新疆呼图壁盐化草甸群落进行了分析。 cnki

It shows that PVA and neutral DCCA such as glycerol are most suitable for zirconium sol system selected in this paper.
结果表明,在本文所采用的锆溶胶体系中,以 PVA为增稠剂、丙三醇等中性物质为干燥控制剂最为合适; cnki

Moreover, the relationships between soil factors and species diversity were analyzed by applying Detrcnded Canonical Correspondence Analysis DCCA.
并采用去势典范对应分析 DCCA方法,分析了不同样方中上壤因子与群落多样性指数之间的关系。 iciba

The results showed: there were many fine qualities for DCCA on the image show, store, playback and post process.
结果表明数字电影冠状动脉造影在图像显示、存储、回故、后处理等方面有其优越性,且曝光量明显减少。 cnki

The meted of adding of DCCA into precursor as well as small heating rate process were used to prevent the emergence of crack in thin films.
为防止薄膜发生龟裂,在前体溶液中加入了干燥控制化学添加剂,并采用慢速变温的热处理过程。 cnki

The studies indicate that CCA and DCCA are applicable in florology and phytogeography.
本文研究表明将 DCCA和 CCA应用到植物区系地理学研究上是可行的。 cnki

This series of maps shows the monthly number of reported cases by district and the cumulative number by DCCA District Council constituency area between Day One1 may and the end of September.
这一辑地图显示2009年五月至九月期间,各区的猪流感每月报告数,以及各区议会分区的累积感染人数。 spatioepi

DCCA ordination showed that soil organic matter content was the decisive factor to the development of communities.
DCCA排序进一步表明了土壤有机质含量是所有因子中对植物群落发展起决定性作用的主要环境因素。 cnki




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