

单词 operating point
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A question about the measurement for DC operating point of amplifier is analysed and corrected.
分析并纠正了放大器静态工作点测量中存在的问题。 cnki

The actual operating point of pump is checked out by means of hydraulic calculation.
通过水力计算,校核了离心泵的实际工作点。 cnki

The determination, via optimization method, of the static operating point of the three-phase-self-excited induction motor, when it operates at asynchronous state, is effective.
利用最优化方法确定三相自励感应发电机不对称运行时的稳态工作点简单有效。 cnki

Analysis based on large deviation theory indicates that the expected exit time from the region of attraction for stable operating point can be used as an indictor of power system voltage stability.
利用大偏移理论,将其状态离开吸引域的期望时间作为电力系统电压稳定的裕度指标。 cnki

Analyze the feedback laser grid- driving power to our feedback channel influence, the laser best operating point and the laser grid- driving power assignment.
分析回传激光器的激励功率对回传通道的影响、激光器的最佳工作点及激光器的激励功率的分配。 dictall

In contrast to conventionally used quasi- steady model, the developed model represents the dynamic response of converter switching circuit to nominal changes in operating point.
与传统准稳态模型不同,该模型反映了换流器开关电路在工作点受到小扰动时的动态特性。 cnki

On the basis of hydraulic performance of batch transportation pipeline, the paper analyzes the determination process of operating point of pumping station- pipeline system for Huangdao Oil Terminal.
在研究顺序输送管道水力特性的基础上,对黄岛油库泵站-管道系统工作点的确定过程进行了分析。 dictall

The use of a continuously variable transmission CVT with an integrated engine controller allows great freedom of choice of the engine operating point to deliver the power demanded by the driver.
采用带有综合发动机控制装置的无级变速器对驾驶员要求的传动功率选择发动机工作点许可很大的自由度。 cnki

Through calculating friction factor and operating point of pump or fun of two examples on fluid mechanics, methods using solver and curve- fitting in EXCEL were introduced.
通过对流体力学中沿程阻力系数和泵与风机工作点等问题的求解,介绍了 EXCEL单变量求解器和曲线拟合的方法。 dictall




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