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词汇 olfactory
释义 ol·fac·to·ry 英ɒlˈfæktəriː, -triː, əʊl-美ɑlˈfæktəri, -tri, ol-AHDŏl-făkʹtə-rē, -trē, ōl- ☆☆☆☆☆高四GMST宝COCA³¹³⁴⁶BNC³¹²⁰³iWeb¹⁹⁴⁰⁰

of or relating to olfaction来自拉丁语olere,闻,嗅,散发气味,词源同odor。-fact,做,使,词源同fact, effect。即闻到气味的,有嗅觉的。字母d, l音变,比较tongue, language。oligo-寡,少,来自希腊语oligos,寡的,少的。 odor来自拉丁语odor,气味,臭味,香味。来自原始印欧语*od,闻,词源同olfactory, ozone。原先既可以指香味,也可以指臭味,后仅用于指臭味。 fact来自原始印欧语*dhe,做,放置,词源同do, face。即做出来的事。 fact来自原始印欧语*dhe,做,放置,词源同do, face。即做出来的事。 effectef-,向外,-fect,做,词源同fact, affect。即做出来的效果。 tongue来自古英语tunge,舌头。来自原始日耳曼语*tungon,舌头。来自原始印欧语*tnghwa,舌头,词源同language, lingual。字母d, l音变,比较tear, lachrymose。引申词义语言。tongue-lash严厉批评tongue,舌头,语言,lash,鞭子,鞭打。 language来自拉丁语lingua,舌头,语言,词源同tongue, linguist。olfactory hair嗅毛olfactory pathway嗅觉路径,嗅觉传导路…olfactory threshold嗅觉阈,嗅觉阈限,嗅…olfactory acuity嗅敏度olfactory bulb嗅球olfactory nerve嗅神经olfactory sac嗅囊olfactory lobe嗅叶molar olfactory摩尔臭味单位…olfactory receptor嗅觉感受器olfactory substance嗅觉物质olfactory pore嗅觉孔olfactory organ嗅觉器官olfactory region嗅部olfactory epithelium嗅觉上皮olfactory tract嗅束olfactory cilia嗅毛olfactory gland嗅腺olfactory hallucination幻嗅,嗅幻觉…olfactory nerves嗅觉神经
GRE红宝书ol = oil, factory: 油场会发出气味-嗅觉的
ol- 源自odor + factory 工厂,人体能辨别气味的工厂就是嗅觉器官;oil 油 + factory 油厂,到了油厂明显的感觉是嗅觉,嗅到汽油味
ol=smell味+fact 做+ory→做出味道来 →嗅觉的;分割记忆:ol+factor y
GRE难词记忆olfact→ol=to emit smell 发出气味+fact=tomake 使→嗅出词根记忆ol=smell味+ fact做-ory与…有关→ 做出味道来 ⇒嗅觉的词根记忆ol=smell味+ fact做+ ory → 做出味道来 ⇒嗅觉的GRE难词记忆olfactory→olfact=to smell out 嗅出+ory→嗅觉的词根记忆olfact闻,嗅+ory,参考:olfaction嗅觉近义词 olfactive嗅觉的

用作形容词It arouses theirolfactorysense.这唤起了他们的嗅觉。
He is to develop a sensor to substitute for theolfactoryabilities of dogs.克罗克将研制一种传感器用以代替狗的嗅觉功能。as in.odorous
同义词 aromatic,balmy,dank,effluvious,fetid,flavorsome,flowery,foul,fragrant,heady,honeyed,loud,malodorous,mephitic,miasmic,moldy,musty,nauseous,odoriferant,odoriferous,offensive,olfactive,perfumatory,perfumed,perfumy,pungent,putrid,redolent,reeking,rotten,savorous,savory,scent-laden,scented,scentful,skunky,smelly,spicy,stagnant,stale,stinking,strong,sweet,sweet-scented,sweet-smelling,tumaceous,unsavory,whiffy
反义词 odorlessas in.sensory
同义词 audiovisual,auditory,aural,neural,neurological,sensual,sonic,tactile,visualsensationalacoustic,afferent,audible,auricular,clear,discernible,distinct,gustative,gustatory,hearable,lingual,ocular,olfactive,ophthalmic,optic,perceptible,phonic,plain,receptive,sensatory,sensible
odorousadjective having fragrance
sensoryadjective affecting animate nerve organs
acoustic,afferent,audible,audiovisual,auditory,aural,auricular,clear,discernible,distinct,gustative,gustatory,hearable,lingual,neural,neurological,ocular,olfactive,olfactory,ophthalmic,optic,perceptible,phonic,plain,receptive,sensational,sensatory,sensible,sensual,sonic,tactile,visual His team has shown that even for particles that begin moving up the olfactory highway, some stop partway.
多尔曼研究组表明,就算粒子取道嗅觉通路,也会有部分中途停止。 yeeyan

IMAGE2: Graph of olfactory bulb size and body size of individual bird black symbols and dinosaur green symbols species.
图2:鸟类黑点和恐龙绿点个体的嗅球尺寸和身体大小的散点统计图。 yeeyan

It is important that you do smell the wine deeply so that it reaches your olfactory lobes where the smell gets registered.
最重要的是,如果你闻到葡萄酒味足够深,葡萄酒的气味会达到您的嗅觉系统并且被记住。 yeeyan

Perhaps, in a world of olfactory fakery, this is one tip for the wise.
在嗅觉骗局的世界里,有一个智慧窍门。 ecocn

The human lost much of its olfactory and aural capabilities, according to Grandin, because these were dogs' greatest strengths. Humans came to rely on the canine nose and ears.
人类的嗅觉和听觉功能大部分退化,因为这两个功能是狗的强项,人类逐步依赖犬类灵敏的鼻子和耳朵。 yeeyan

While working out the worm’s sense of smell, Dr. Bargmann fell in love with another olfactory researcher, Richard Axel.
了解蛔虫的嗅觉后,巴格曼博士与同样研究嗅觉的理查德·阿克塞尔坠入了爱河。 yeeyan

All three theories could be true. In particular, the role of perfume as an olfactory disguise is obvious.
所有这三个推测都可能是正确的,特别是用香水来进行嗅觉伪装的推断。 ecocn

Based on these findings, Keller suspects that each person has an olfactory blind spot.
根据这些发现,凯勒推断,每个人都有一个嗅觉盲区。 yeeyan

But even so, birds are limited in their olfactory sense and can't differentiate human from bird.
但是即便如此,人们还是认为鸟儿只有嗅觉且不能区分人和鸟。 yeeyan

For all three papers, which looked at the olfactory system in mice, the first author was Zhihua Zou, a postdoctoral researcher who conducted the experiments.
这三篇研究老鼠嗅觉系统的论文其第一作者都是邹志华,他是负责具体实验工作的博士后研究员。 yeeyan

Neurogenesis also takes place in the olfactory bulb, which is involved in processing smells.
神经发生也发生在负责处理气味的嗅球。 yeeyan

Neurogenesis does not occur everywhere in the brain but is evident in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb and perhaps in the cerebral cortex.
神经再生并不是发生在大脑中任何区域,但是在海马区、嗅球以及可能在大脑皮层神经再生现象非常明显。 yeeyan

One new set of brain cells formed in the olfactory bulb, and were specifically tuned to the smells of his pups.
在嗅球中形成了一套新的脑细胞,特别适应于幼鼠的气味。 yeeyan

One way the brain changes could have changed the dogs' olfactory sense is by affecting a pathway in the brain called the rostral migratory stream, or RMS, the team speculates.
一种大脑改变可能会影响嗅觉的途径是通过对吻侧迁移流 RMS的影响,研究小组推测道。 yeeyan

Or can they adapt, with acidity- resistant fish breeding fast enough to replace those lost to olfactory disorientation?
或者耐酸性的鱼比被嗅觉扰乱方向的同伴们繁殖得更快而适应并生存下来? yeeyan

Peering deep into a Zebrafish brain, Oliver Braubach takes this image of its olfactory bulbs.
凝视着斑马鱼脑子的深部,奥利弗布劳巴赫摄取了其嗅球的照片。 yeeyan

Quite apart from the nasal discomfort, the olfactory factor can depress property prices.
且不说鼻腔不适,由于嗅觉的因素,房地产价格得以下降。 ecocn

The fragrances were selected to test their ability to block underarm odour through a method known as olfactory cross- adaptation.
研究人员利用嗅觉交叉适应的方法来测试他们辨别腋下气味的能力。 ebigear

These cells pick up odor molecules high in the nose and transmit scent messages to the brain’s olfactory bulb, he explained.
他结实说,这些细胞可以使鼻内气味分子变高、传递香味信息给大脑嗅球。 yeeyan

We think this indicates that the missing sections had some olfactory cue— or cues—that the females had used for recognizing their nests.
我们认为,这表示失去的部分具有某种或某些嗅觉暗示作用,雌蜂利用该暗示识别自己的家。 yeeyan

Whether an olfactory component such as an individual fragrance could be added to the haptic elements is debatable.
能否把个性化的香味等嗅觉成分加进触觉元素里还很成问题。 yeeyan

Olfactory cues are already known to help other mammals, such as rabbits, to find the breast.
其他哺乳动物,如兔子,已经知道利用嗅觉信息找到乳房。 yeeyan




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