

单词 French
释义 French 英frentʃ美frɛntʃ;英frentʃ美frentʃ ★★★☆☆常小高I4Economist³⁷⁰
the Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by Francethe people of FranceUnited States sculptor who created the seated marble figure of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. 1850-1931
of or pertaining to France or the people of France;

French cooking

a Gallic shrug

cut e.g, beans lengthwise in preparation for cooking;

French the potatoes

来自古英语形容词frencisc法兰克人的,派生自名词franca=Frank,法兰克人。French chalk滑石粉French bean菜豆French Polynesia法属玻利尼西亚南太…French Guiana法属圭亚那French Indo-China法属印度支那(越南…French Revolution法国大革命take French leave不辞而别French Canadian法裔加拿大人…French bread法式棍子面包…the French法国人Canadian French加拿大法语Anglo-French英法的baguette法式长棍面包…frighten the French拼命吓人French letter避孕套Pardon my French对不起French fried potato油炸马铃薯条…assist in the French sense到场而不参加实际行动…Excuse my French原谅我说话粗鲁…peddler's French盗贼或流氓的黑话…
非常记忆Fren(夫人+ch车⇒夫人开车学法语近义词 gallicGallic.
Frenchmann.法国人; Frenchwomann.法国女人; Frenchlessa.不懂法语的; Norman-Frenchn.诺曼法语; Anglo-Frencha.英法的n.英国弗里斯语; Frenchifyvt.使成法国式法国化法语化; Frenchya.法国式的法国风味的n.法国人

用作名词TheFrenchdefeated the English troops.法国人打败了英国军队。
TheFrenchare renowned for their cooking.法国人擅长烹饪。
He speaks not only English but alsoFrench.他不但会说英语,而且还会说法语。
Some of us can speak English. Others/Some can speakFrench.我们有些人会说英语,有些人会说法语。
I've only recently started learningFrench.我是最近才开始学法语的。
This student is good atFrench.这个学生法语好。用作形容词TheFrenchdefeated the English troops.法国人打败了英国军队。
They assumed I wasFrenchfrom my surname.他们从我的姓推测我是法国人。
Do you likeFrenchfilms?你喜欢法国影片吗?
It 's one of the bestFrenchrestaurants in Boston.这是波士顿最好的法国餐馆之一。
TheFrenchpaper was set by our form teacher.法语试卷是我们的班主任出的。
He knows a fewFrenchwords.他知道一点法语词。as in.Romance language
同义词 Catalan,Continental,Indo-European language,Italian,Italic language,Latin,Portuguese,Provencal,Spanish,insularas in.kiss
同义词 brush,glance,graze,greet,salutebutterfly,lip,neck,osculate,peck,smoochmake out,pucker upas in.smooch
同义词 butterfly,greet,neck,park,peck,smackmake out,pucker up
Romance languagenoun languages derived from latin
Catalan,Continental,Indo-European language,Italian,Italic language,Latin,Portuguese,Provencal,Spanish,insular
kissverb touch one's lips to another's
French,brush,butterfly,glance,graze,greet,lip,make out,neck,osculate,peck,pucker up,salute,smooch
smoochverb kiss
French,butterfly,greet,make out,neck,park,peck,pucker up,smack Is it a French car or a Japanese car?
它是一辆法国的车还是一辆日本的车? ebigear

The problem is Switzerland is a smaller country and you can not compare it with other leagues like Germany, French or Great Britain.
问题在于瑞士是一个较小的国家,你不能把它与像德国、法国或英国这样的大国的国家队相比。 kekenet

The French have long considered their language to be more than a tool of communication: it is an embodiment of culture, identity and independence.
长久以来,法国人认为他们的语言不止是一种交流的工具,它更是特有文化、身份与独立性的体现。 ecocn

The French may not much like their president. But they have yet to find anyone they like better.
法国人也许是不怎么喜欢他们的总统,但他们还没找到一个更喜欢的总统。 yeeyan

What do you think of your French?
你觉得你的法语水平怎么样? ebigear

You’re not French and we’re not in France.
你不是法国人并且我们也不在法国。 yeeyan

“ No French person would do that,” he said.
“没有法国人会干那事,”他说。 yeeyan

As you know the French do this, the Russians do this and the Japanese are now doing this.

He allowed the French to take his oil and wood; they subsidised and protected him.
他允许法国拿走他的石油和木材;他们给他提供资助和保护。 ecocn

He speaks French, and Spanish as well.

I studied French at school, but for me it was just another subject.
我在学校学的法语,但是对我来说法语就是一个科目。 edu.sina.com.cn

I want to know how to put this in French.
我想知道如何用法语来表达这件事。 ebigear




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