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词汇 olduvai
释义 olduvai
n.奥杜瓦伊在坦桑尼亚;东经 35º19' 南纬 2º44'
And the tools at Gona bear strong similarities to those found at Olduvai Gorge.戈纳发现的石器与奥杜瓦伊峡谷发现的石器有强烈的相似之处。
The Gona tools raise yet more questions, says Harris.Their age and similarity to the tools found at Olduvai Gorge imply that early technology remained frozen for almost a million years.但哈里斯说,戈纳石器还引出其它问题:其年代及其与奥杜瓦伊峡谷石器的相似,说明远古技术发展冻结了近一百万年。
Harris knew that fame was in the offing in November 1995, when the tools were confirmed as far older than the 1.7 million and 1.8million-year-old tools discovered by anthropologist Mary Leakey in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, in the late 1960s.1995年11月,当这些石器被证实要比人类学家玛丽·利基于20世纪60年代未在坦桑尼亚奥杜瓦伊峡谷中发现的一百七、八十万年前的石器要久远得多时,哈里斯就知道自己快要出名了。




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