

单词 Ocean surface
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The finding could one day help save lives along the coasts through improved detection and forecasting of tsunami intensity and direction at the ocean surface.
今后只要提高探测的准确度,就能对尚在开阔洋面传播期间的海啸的强度及其传播方向作出准确预报,从而可及时拯救海边人们的性命。 yeeyan

Fish that live more than 800 meters below the ocean surface don't have eyes.
生活在800多米深的海水中的鱼是没有眼睛的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Hippo males fling their faeces; flatworms have penis- jousting contests; and humpback whales sing and leap above the ocean surface.
雄性河马会甩它们的粪便,扁虫用阴茎比武,座头鲸则唱歌并跃出水面。 ecocn

Once waves have been generated, gravity is the force that drives them in a continual attempt to restore the ocean surface to a flat plain.
一旦波浪形成,地球引力是持续不断企图使海面复原为平面的力量。 joyen

Phytoplankton require nutrients to reproduce, and phytoplankton blooms are often tied to events that bring nutrients to the ocean surface, such as dust plumes.
浮游植物需要养分进行繁殖,而藻华的出现往往与给洋面带来营养物质的事件相联系,譬如灰尘羽流。 yeeyan

Polynyas are routinely present in these three locations when sea ice is present. The polynyas most likely form where warm ocean currents rise toward the ocean surface.
每当海冰出现时,冰穴惯常在这三个地方发生,这是因为冰穴最可能出现在暖流上升向海面的地方。 yeeyan

Researchers have been studying the Titanic’s remains since they were discovered resting more than two miles beneath the ocean surface.
自从沉没在海平面以下两英里多的泰坦尼克号残骸被发现后,研究人员一直在进行研究。 yeeyan

Submerged moving bodies may present some wake features on ocean surface.
水下物体运动引起扰动,会在海面产生尾迹。 cnki

Sunlight bouncing off the ocean surface gives the oil slick a mirror-like reflection easily detected by satellite sensors.
阳光闪耀着海面,使卫星传感器很容易监测到浮油的倒影。 yeeyan

Twelve thousand feet below the ocean surface, biologists have discovered an entirely new family of sea creatures.
在海面下1.2万英尺的深处,生物学家们发现了一个全新的海洋生物科。 yeeyan




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