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词汇 message board
释义 message board ˈmesɪdʒbɔːd 高短语²⁹⁶⁶⁷
The sample application does two simple things. It lists all of the messages posted to the message board, and it allows a user to post a new message to the message board.
示例应用程序主要完成两个简单的目标:一是列出张贴到留言板上的所有消息,二是允许用户向留言板张贴消息。 ibm

“ If you, the shoe thrower, get kicked out of school for this, my company will hire you in a minute, ” said one anonymous posting on a Wuhan University student message board.
“如果你,扔鞋者,因此被开除,我们公司会立即录用你”,武大论坛上一匿名者发帖说。 yeeyan

A small subculture of male courtesans has sprouted up online, complete with its own message board where clients can share reviews of their experiences and ask questions about potential dates.
男妓作为一种亚文化群,像雨后春笋在网络中迅速发展,在那配备有留言板,顾客可以在那分享他们的经历并且寻找潜在的约会对象。 yeeyan

And same time, the auditing route layout, substitute system, message board and user purview management are made based on user's demanding.
并在实现过程中根据用户需求,加入了审批路线选择、代签系统、留言板部分以及用户权限管理等。 cnki

For example, if the message board is the most active part of your group, you can position it at the top of the overview page to help members see the latest posts.
例如,如果留言板是群组中最活跃的部分,那么可以其放到概览页面的顶部,使成员能够看到最新发布的帖子。 ibm

For instance, one INFJ experienced a great deal of stress on a message board when some political bashing started.
例如,一个 INFJ在留言板上看到政治抨击,他会感觉到很大的压力。 douban

I was on a message board yesterday admiring a comment made by a reader about a rant posted by another.
我昨天在留言板欣赏一位读者对于另一位读者的胡说八道发表的评论。 yeeyan

I found her rolling her eyes and giggling at a flyer someone had posted on a message board, advertising for a“ vegan naturist” house mate.
当时,我发现她正对着一张有人贴在留言板上的传单翻白眼,咯咯地笑出声来——那是一份寻找“素食主义博物学家”室友的传单。 fortunechina

If you think the Internet is for message board jockeys, blogs for late nights in pajamas, and social media for dating; you are missing point.
如果你认为互联网仅仅是网上留言板,穿着睡衣写写的网络日志,和网恋的社交媒介,那你可能忽略了某些东西。 yeeyan

On one message board on the gay blog Queerty, the conflict is unfolding in real-time. Here are a few excerpts.
在一个同志博客的留言板上,这类口水战正在实时进行,下面是一些摘录选译。 yeeyan

One solution is to have the Communications Center to centralize communication, maintain contacts lists, and categorize your e- mails on the same common message board.
一种解决的方法是利用 Communications Center在同一个公共消息留言板进行集中交流、保存联系人列表和进行电子邮件分类。 ibm

Spring contributors, authors, and users alike pack the message board with outstanding content.
Spring贡献者、创始人和用户都以杰出的内容填满了留言板。 ibm

The only thing to really note here is that you need to supply a title, body, and author for each message on the message board.
这里需要特别注意的一点是:需要为留言板上的每个消息提供标题、主体和作者。 ibm

The sample application used here is a simple message board.
这里使用的示例应用程序是一个简单的留言板。 ibm

You start by creating a database table for the message board.
先为留言板创建一个数据库表。 ibm




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