

单词 askance
释义 a·skance 英əˈskæns美əˈskænsAHDə-skănsʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁴²⁶⁸⁴BNC³⁹⁵⁴⁰iWeb⁴³¹⁸⁵Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

used especially of glances directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy;

her eyes with their misted askance look

sidelong glances

with suspicion or disapproval;

he looked askance at the offer

with a side or oblique glance;

did not quite turn all the way back but looked askance at me with her dark eyes

可能同辅音根s-k, 表示歪,斜,见askance, 斜的。askew, 斜的。skew,斜的。view askance at斜眼看瞟eye askance at斜眼看瞟eye askance侧目而视look askance at斜眼看瞟view askanceeye askancelook askance at someone参照 askance
GRE红宝书as象, kan看. 象看. 又不是看, 这叫斜视, 俗称—瞟!
ask + 音:看问问题时看的眼光
联想记忆ask + ance看作ounce盎司,黄金的计量单位→ 问黄金价格 ⇒斜着眼问近义词 with用squint眯眼看askant斜视地suspicion猜疑asquint斜视的sideways向旁边sidelong倾斜地dubiously可疑地doubtfully怀疑地skeptically怀疑地disapproval不赞成squint-eyed斜视的suspiciously猜疑地distrustfully怀疑地sceptically怀疑性地with suspicion怀疑地squintysquint的形容词形式…

用作副词The young man lookedaskanceat the price.那个年青人对那个价目侧目而视。
The older women in the town lookedaskanceat what the young people were doing.镇上上了年纪的女人用怀疑的目光看着年轻人所做的一切。
She looked at me ratheraskance.她不悦地瞟了我一眼。adv.sideways
同义词 skeptically,suspiciouslyaskew,disapprovingly,disdainfully,dubiously,obliquely,sidelong,sideways
askewadjective crooked
askant,aslant,awry,bent,buckled,catawampus,cockeyed,crookedly,curved,knotted,lopsided,oblique,obliquely,off-center,slanted,slanting,to one side,topsy-turvey,turned,twisted,yaw ways,zigzag
cockeyedadjective crooked, askew
doubtfullyadverb skeptically
questioninglyadverb skeptically
askance,doubtfully,doubtingly,dubiously,suspiciously,with a grain of salt India’s government also looks askance on Mr Obama’s wider Asian strategy.
印度政府还质疑奥巴马总统更广泛的亚洲战略。 ecocn

She looked askance at black WASP candidates—there was at least one— because, she argued, they would attract far too much prejudice for them to succeed.
岢岚对前来应征黄蜂队员的黑人女性——至少有一个——并不看好,因为她认为,人们对她们的偏见太过严重,这一点就足以让她们以失败告终。 yeeyan

The autocrats of the Gulf, especially in Saudi Arabia, are looking askance at the democratic upheavals all around them.
海湾国家的独裁者们——尤其沙特国王——对周边国家的民主剧变不以为然。 ecocn

The photograph of Christian that accompanied many of the news stories showed a boy with mussed-up hair and pierced ears with black plugs looking impishly askance at the camera.
很多新闻报道配发了一张克里斯丁本人的照片,在那幅照片中是一个头发乱糟糟的男孩,耳朵插着一个黑色的耳塞,顽皮地斜视着相机的镜头。 yeeyan

However, such a lover of beauty and reason might look askance at much of the content on the Internet.
然而,他这样一位理性与美的热爱者可能会对互联网上的大部分信息投以怀疑的眼光。 yeeyan

I'd guess that most westerners under50 now look askance at fathers who don't do childcare.
我认为,多数50岁以下的西方人现在都会蔑视那些不照顾孩子的父亲。 blog.sina.com.cn

In3 photos showing Huang wearing a5-stroke armband on his left arm and a red scarf on his collar, the boy sitting behind looks askance at Huang, shooting out his lips see photo.
在3张黄艺博戴着五道杠和红领巾的图片中,坐在他身后的男同学斜视黄艺博,并连续做出撇嘴的不屑表情见图。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

It was also the age at which people would start to look askance at the office.
而且,人到了这个年龄,在职场上也开始不受待见了。 fortunechina

Many Singaporeans are wedded to their jobs and look askance at idleness of any kind. The government is leery of generous handouts, fearing they might undercut the work ethic while burdening taxpayers.
新加坡人大多数忠于工作并且对任何形式的失业都相当有看法,政府对慷慨的施舍保持着防备,怕这种施舍动摇职业道德、加重纳税人的负担。 yeeyan

My family looked askance when I ordered snails as a first course in the restaurant.
当我在饭店里要的第一道菜是蜗牛时,全家都讨厌地看着我。 iciba

She was looked at askance.

The eldest, baptized Santino but called Sonny by everyone except his father, was looked at askance by the older Italian men; with admiration by the younger.
老大,洗礼时取名为桑蒂诺,但除他父亲外被每个人叫作桑尼,被年长的意大利男人斜着眼睛看,被年轻人带着钦佩注视。 blog.sina.com.cn

The king looked askance at the fall of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and nervously at the turbulence in Syria across his border.
Abdullah国王疑惑地看着埃及的穆巴拉克下台,叙利亚的暴动传导到约旦时他开始紧张起来。 ecocn

The soft thing looked askance through the window: he possessed the power to depart, as much as a cat possesses the power to leave a mouse half killed, or a bird half eaten.
这软骨头斜着眼向窗里望:他简直没有力量走开,正像一只猫无力离开一只半死的耗子或是一只吃了一半的鸟一样。 ebigear

They look askance at “ excessive” job mobility, which breeds insecurity.
过度的工作流动衍生社会不安全,他们对此表示怀疑。 ecocn.org

Why has Hong Kong's genuinely global society started to look askance at how many passports people have?
为什么连香港这样高度全球化的社会都要质问人们持有护照的数量? yeeyan




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