释义 |
nuber 基本例句 n.纽伯 Thenuberone product of health in the future,are reclaiming the marketplace all of the world,and inviting the agency.未来全球保健品第一品牌,正大力拓展全球市场,诚邀各界有识之士的加盟与代理; Waveguide for portnuber1 is too short. The waveguide must be homogeneous for at least three mesh planes along propagation direction.我是按他们教程上加的端口大小;系统说短.;然后我加大端口;可问题还在;哪个高人给指点指点? Moreover, in the solid vehicle test, inspected it, in the road, the test facility even also have on the racecourse like Nuber Grimm's performance.另外,在实车测试中,考察了它在公路、试验场甚至还有赛道如纽伯格林上的表现。 The Secretariat consists of departments and offices with a total staff of some 7500 under the regular budget, and a nearly equalnuberunder special funding.秘书处设有几个部门和办事处,正常预算编制内的工作人员有7,500人看看,特别经费编制的人员人数不相上下。 What is your cellphonenuber?你的电话号码几号? |