

单词 Noriko
释义 NorikoCOCA⁵⁷³³⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
A video featuring disgraced Japanese pop star Noriko Sakai having sex with3 men was exposed, local media reported.
据当地媒体报道,酒井法子和3男滥交的性爱视频日前被曝光,在日本引起轰动。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The singing of Eric and Noriko Sakai is tuneful. Noriko Sakai's singing in Mandarin is also amazing.
孙耀威歌声同酒井法子都几夹, 但酒井用普通话演绎歌曲就令人更有惊喜。 suenyiuwai

“ The central government has a big debt, no money, so we can't rely on it, ” said Noriko Kikuchi,71, one of those seeking refuge in Ofunato's gym.
大船渡体育馆的避难者之一,71岁的纪子菊池说:“中央政府欠一大堆债,没有钱,所以我们根本不能仰赖中央政府。” blog.sina.com.cn

Noriko freaked out when I showed her the front row tickets to Cheap Trick here at the Budokan.

A young widow, Noriko, lives with her senile father-in-law, Shukichi, on a farm.
酒井法子,一个年轻的寡妇,和她的老年养父Shukichi生活在农场。 rpytmnnsxrrxsnnmtypr.adsys.sinovision.net

Japanese pop star Noriko Sakai, who disappeared on Monday after her husband was detained on drugs charges, has surrendered herself to Tokyo police.
日本歌星酒井法子在星期一她丈夫因毒品指控被拘留之后就一直消失,后来她向东京警方自首。 enread

Today i went to kyoto again to see geisha dance, with Noriko and Rie.
今天和两个日本闺蜜一起去京都看艺妓表演的舞蹈。 blog.sina.com.cn

Noriko nods and takes out a small camera and snaps a few shots, the only thing they'll take away today, adding that they don't want to rebuild or even try to salvage much.
Noriko点头然后掏出小照相机拍了几张照片,是他们几天唯一带走的东西。他们不愿意重建也不愿意从那里带走很多东西。 yeeyan




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