

单词 necessitating
释义 necessitating 英nɪ'sesɪteɪtɪŋ美nɪ'sesɪteɪtɪŋ COCA⁴¹⁹⁶⁹BNC³⁰⁹⁹¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
动词 necessitate:
require as useful, just, or propercause to be a concomitantas in.requiring
同义词 compelling,demanding,exacting,forcing,involving,pressingcalling for,dire,immediate,urgent
反义词 trivial
requiringadjective needing
calling for,compelling,demanding,dire,exacting,forcing,immediate,involving,pressing,urgent The body tends to build up a tolerance to the medication, necessitating a more potent dosage in order to fall asleep; habitual use can lead to addiction.
人体会对药物产生耐药性,迫使自己长时间的服用可催眠的药物使自己入睡会对药物产生依赖性。 blog.sina.com.cn

The fuel oil price in the domestic market is often inconsistent with the price in Singapore, necessitating the Shanghai fuel oil futures as an important tool for price risk management.
国内市场燃料油价格与新加坡价格经常“倒挂”,上海燃料油期货成为重要的价格风险管理手段。 cnki

The lesson of Japan in the1990s is that the after-effects of a bubble suppress demand for longer than most expect, necessitating extended government stimulus.
20世纪90年代的日本给我们的教训是,超过预期的长时间泡沫压抑下的需求会迫使政府将刺激计划延期。 ecocn

The two- piece design of the Red Valve Hawse pipe valve allows the valve to be clamped into place without necessitating movement of the lengthy anchor line.
美国红阀公司锚链管道阀门的两件式结构使得阀门能够钳制到位,锚链不需要长时间的被迫运动。 h6688

An internal DSL allows the use of an IDE for the host language; such editors don’t exist for an external DSL, necessitating potentially the need to create one.
对内部领域特定语言来说只要使用宿主语言相同的集成开发环境就可以了,而对外部领域特定语言来说则没有现成的编辑器可用,很可能需要自己写一个。 infoq

Crush syndrome was the most prominent medical syndrome necessitating critical care after the Kobe earthquake.
神户地震后挤压综合征是最多见需要紧急救治的临床综合征。 essaystar

Currently, business rules are closely coupled with the main code, necessitating the need for care while making changes and also increasing testing requirements.
目前,业务规则与主代码紧密耦合,使得在做出更改时必须小心谨慎,同时还增加了测试需求。 ibm

Data centers are growing and administrative staffs are shrinking, necessitating efficient monitoring tools for compute resources.
数据中心正在不断增长,而管理职员却在缩减,因此公司迫切需要监视计算资源的工具。 ibm

General wastage of the steel can be just as critical, weakening the hull and necessitating expensive re-plating.
钢铁的普遍损耗可能是危险的,会削弱船体并导致昂贵的重镀。 gatefanyi.com

He said the economy will dip down into negative GDP growth soon, necessitating a second stimulus program.
他认为,经济将迅速跌入负增长,这就需要第二个刺激计划。 yeeyan

In many cases, these two desires—for an end to suffering and for justice to be done— come into conflict, necessitating a hard choice.
在很多案例中,人民的两个愿望:结束苦难的愿望与诉诸公义的愿望总是产生冲突,迫使检察官需要做一个艰难的抉择。 topsage

Irritation can be a constant problem here, necessitating games and neurotic behavior to cope with unresolved annoyances.
双方易被此激怒是一个长期存在的问题,从而迫使以竞争和神经过敏的行为来处理未解决的烦恼。 yeeyan

It described a simple session EJB method that updates both JDBC and JMS data, necessitating an XA transaction.
它描述了通过一个可以更新 JDBC和 JMS数据的简单会话 EJB来实现 XA事务。 ibm

Pitting can lead to the complete penetration of the hull below the waterline necessitating expensive re-plating.
点状腐蚀会造成吃水线下船体外壳的彻底穿透,导致昂贵的重镀。 gatefanyi.com

The diversion from the Han is necessitating more complex projects to raise water levels.
从汉江出发的引水工程需要更多的复杂工程来提升水位。 yeeyan

Ultimately, this lesion has a nonspecific appearance but does hae features that can mimic malignancy, thus necessitating tissue diagnosis ia biopsy.
最后,这种病变没有很特异性的表现,而且有着与恶性肿瘤相似的特征,因此,必要时需要组织活检诊断。 iciba

Unfortunately it was done so in an unsafe fashion, necessitating the need for runtime checks whenever storing values in an array.
不幸的是,这样做是一种不安全的方式,在数组中存储值的时候都需要进行运行时检查。 infoq




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