释义 |
naivasha 基本例句 n.奈瓦沙在肯尼亚;东经 36º26' 南纬 0º44' Naivasha to Nairobi, Kenya's road is one of the busiest highways.奈瓦沙到内罗毕的公路是肯尼亚最繁忙的公路之一。 In Naivasha town in the Rift Valley, dozens of people were wounded in revenge attacks Tuesday night.处于大裂谷境内的奈瓦沙镇,有几十人在星期二晚上发生的复仇袭击中受伤。 Kibaki's ethnic Kikuyu tribe against ethnic Luos and other tribes living in the Rift Valley towns of Nakuru and Naivasha in central Kenya.这项报导说,肯尼亚警方不去制止暴力冲突,这些冲突导致齐贝吉总统所属的基库尤族人与居住在肯尼亚中部裂谷省的纳库鲁镇和奈瓦沙镇的卢奥族以及其他族人对抗。 |