

单词 beaty
释义 beaty 英'bi:ti美'bi:ti COCA⁶¹⁷⁶¹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Ms. Hayes- Beaty said when told what that snippet of code reveals about her. “ The profile is eerily correct.”
当知道这一小段代码所泄漏的关于她的信息时,比蒂小姐感叹道,“这份个人资料真是出奇的准确。” yeeyan

And even though prosecutors tried to play down the genetic evidence, Beaty felt it was a major factor.
而且即使检察官试图淡化遗传学证据,贝蒂认为这是一个主要因素。 yeeyan

Another juror, Debbie Beaty, says the science helped persuade her that Waldroup was not entirely in control of his actions.
另一位陪审员,黛比-贝蒂说,科学说服了她相信,沃尔德鲁普不能对他的行为完全控制。 yeeyan

But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beaty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered.
但是这种记忆中却饱含了苦涩,我们痛惜没有在美丽绽放的时候注意到它,没有在爱情到来的时候给出回应。 blog.sina.com.cn

Cameras placed in their nests by Mr. Beaty’s team had shown that the birds were indifferent to live-fire exercises.
由蒂姆·贝蒂团队安置在啄木鸟巢穴附近的相机拍到的照片显示,这些禽鸟对于实弹演习已经变得漠不关心。 yeeyan

Hidden inside Ashley Hayes- Beaty's computer, a tiny file helps gather personal details about her, all to be put up for sale for a1/10 of a penny.
某个小文件潜伏在阿什莉·海斯-贝蒂的计算机里,它可以帮助收集关于贝蒂的详细信息,这些个人隐私将以1/10美分售出。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

I like you not because of your beaty, but because of who I am when I am with you.
我喜欢你,不是因为你的美丽,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Our gelatin is much more than a food additive, it also helps you beaty, promote to your healthy, add your vitality and improve your quality of life.
食用明胶产品远远不仅仅是一种食品添加剂,它同时还有助于您养颜,助您促进健康,使您增添活力,改善您生活的质量。 okayadd

Owing to his beaty, he is called Cinderella.
因为他长得美丽,又被叫做“灰姑娘”。 www.yulexiuxian5.com

Beaty, wit, high birth, vigour of bone , desert in service, love, friendship, charity, are subjects all to envious and calumniating time.
美貌、智慧、门第、臂力、事业、爱情、友谊和仁慈,都必须听命于妒忌而无情的时间。 hjenglish

Beaty is a mute deception.
美是无言的欺骗。 iask.sina.com.cn




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