

单词 around the country
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With the end of the programme, NASA estimates that several thousand jobs will be lost around the country between agency employees and contractors.
美国国家航空航天局估计在项目结束后,全国将有数千名派遣员工和承包商丢掉饭碗。 ecocn

A score or more of museums and other institutions around the country competed for the honour of having a shuttle in their permanent collection.
全国分数为A或更多的博物馆和其它机构为他们永久收藏中拥有一艘太空梭的荣誉而竞争。 ecocn

Despite these efforts, most states will see at least some cuts, adding up to billions of dollars around the country.
尽管人们做出了这些努力,但大多数州将会至少减少一些经费,从全国看总计为几十亿美元。 ecocn

Let's take at a look at some of the customs of this festival and how people around the country spent this time of family reunion.
让我们来看看这个节日的一些习俗以及全国上下的人们如何度过合家团聚的时光。 hxen




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