

单词 stallions
释义 stallions ˈstæljənz COCA⁵²¹⁴⁸BNC²⁹⁸⁷⁶
n.种马stallion的名词复数原型stallion的复数 Colts and fillies are now gaining in confidence and in the wild would be trying to establish themselves as potential dominant stallions or mares to replace others in the herd.
小公马和小雌马正在增加自信以及在野外它们试图确立自己为潜在的统治公马或母马来代替马群中的其它成员。 bbs.horse.org.cn

Those who ride donkeys long for stallions.
骑着驴骡思骏马。 blog.sina.com.cn

Two stallions stomp and fight in a status display.
二匹种马为地位而互相践踏和打斗。 ngpod

Because you rejoice and are glad, you who pillage my inheritance, because you frolic like a heifer threshing grain and neigh like stallions.
抢夺我产业的啊,你们因欢喜快乐,且象踹谷撒欢的母牛犊,又象发嘶声的壮马。 kuenglish

Having worked with countless national champions and top-notch breeding stallions, David knows Olympic legend material when he sees it.
大卫曾与无数的全国冠军和一流的繁殖种马,知道奥运会的传说材料,当他看到它。 www.hc263.net

I deeply value the fact that Fernando and Joaquin de Santibanes, Lucky and Raegan Lurken, and all of the other owners entrust their great stallions to me.
我深深的价值,费尔南多和华 DE Santibanes,幸运和 Raegan Lurken,和所有其他业主委托他们的伟大种马我的事实。 www.hc263.net

It’s like providing a horse breeder with genetic sequence data for five stallions and asking him or her to pick the best horse.
这难度就好比拿5匹种马的基因组数据给马倌,并让他从中挑选一匹千里马。 yeeyan

It contained information about287 stallions and468 mares of Akhal- Teke origin.
它载有大约287种马原产地的信息和特克468匹母马的阿克哈-。 scdjlm

Masturbation is common in both mares and stallions, before and after puberty.
母兽和雄兽的自慰同样常见。发情期前和后都如此。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, we fill our days by reading romance novels and peering from behind closed curtains, on the watch for knights on big white stallions.
同时,我们在阅读言情小说,从幕布后凝视有骑士骑着白色骏马的剧集中度日。 yeeyan

Now the data on all stallions and brood mares is recorded in properly kept stud books.
现在 broodmares种马和所有数据都被记录在妥善保存螺柱书籍。 scdjlm

Revisions in the By- Laws were approved to permit registration of mares with dark skin while retaining the ruling that stallions must have pink skin.
修订附例,经批准允许保留裁决,种马必须有粉红色的皮肤,而皮肤黝黑的母马进行登记。 www.hc263.net

That is why they used to take their mares to extraordinary stallions, no matter how long the distance was.
这就是为什么他们用自己的母马要以非凡的马,不管有多长的距离。 scdjlm

The Budyonny have retained the chestnut and sorrel color and live in three groups governed by stallions, three other stallions live alone.
该布琼尼保留了板栗,栗色的颜色和生活在种马管三组,其他3种马独居。 scdjlm

These are two wild stallions from the herds in McCullough Peak, which is located just outside of Cody, Wyoming.
这些是两只野马从畜群到麦卡洛山顶,位于恰好超出范围的科迪怀俄明州。 forum.home.news.cn

These stallions so consistently sire beauty and excellence that we continually hear wonderful things.
这些种马一贯父系的美丽和卓越,我们不断听到美妙的事情。 www.hc263.net

Unlike most stallions, Magnum is a progenitor of consistent excellence in both his sons and his daughters.
不像大多数的公马, Magnum是一个卓越的一贯祖在他的儿子和他的女儿。 www.hc263.net

Stallions are protective of their herds and fights often occur when mares are at stake.
种马在马群里是受到保护的,并且常常为了母马而打斗。 ngpod

Stallions by Magnum are, like him, exceptional show horses and remarkable sires.
由万能骏的,像他这样的,特殊的显示马和显着的种牛。 www.hc263.net




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